I Contracted Myself

【519】Level 277


"You damn ghost, how can I survive if you leave me alone?"

"Oh my God, you might as well take me away. I can't live without him, wuwuwuwu..."

Amidst the weird cries of the beautiful woman's head, Wu Shengce's flesh and blood suddenly burst into pieces on the ground. A large amount of black gas emitted, and gradually the black gas formed the outline of a human figure.

The beauty's head was attracted by the black energy and landed on the shoulders of the human silhouette. The next moment, the minced meat and bones on the ground were instantly integrated into the black energy. The black energy turned from empty to solid, taking the form of Wu Shengce.

Wu Shengce was resurrected, and the Taoist robe that was originally broken was still intact.


Wuming and Tianxing Mingyue were speechless when they saw this scene.

They knew why Wu Shengce was imprisoned in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence. The problem was that Wuming didn't know how to eliminate Wu Shengce.

"Sir, what should I do?" Tian Xing Mingyue asked.

Wuming thought for a while and said, "Kill him again, and then we leave first."

Before he could take action, the killing array was activated again. Before Wu Shengce could get out of the killing array, his body was smashed into pieces. The beauty's head was still unscathed, but before he could scold Wu Shengce, her expression was stiff, half as a shrew, and half as a shrew. It was the widow's expression, which was very strange.

"Sir, let's go!" Tian Xing Mingyue said.

Wuming nodded and turned to leave. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind. He turned around and took out a gold nugget from the storage ring and threw it at the beauty's head.

The beauty's head was extremely defensive, and the gold nugget hit the facade without leaving any trace, but the huge force was transmitted to its head, so it rolled directly into the depths of the passage.

"Without her mourning, would Wu Shengce still be alive?" Wuming said to himself.

After speaking, he did not intend to wait for the answer, but left directly.

Because he already had experience, the way back was smooth. Soon he returned to cell 001, passed through a passage, and returned to the bottom through the gap.

The bottom is still the same as before, but because Lu Xiankai is dead, the artificial light source is out of control and the light is getting dimmer. It is estimated that it will not be able to light up again after it is completely dimmed.

Wuming returned to his residence, and with a flick of his hand, the pangolin was caught by telekinesis from a distance and was held directly in front of him.

"Sir, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!"

The pangolin didn't expect Wuming to come back alive. His eyes widened for a moment, and he started begging for mercy the next second.

In fact, after escaping back, it has been worrying about gains and losses. It wants to leave the shelter and find a place to hide first, and then come back when it is sure that Wuming will not appear again, but it is also afraid that the hiding place will not be able to withstand the black tide, and there is also a little in its heart. Take a chance.

In the end, it kept struggling and hesitating, but never took action. Until Wuming came back, it began to regret it again.

"I won't kill you if you leave the shelter, but you... just fend for yourself!" Wuming looked at the pangolin and said after a moment of silence.

The pangolin immediately said gratefully: "Thank you, sir, I'll get out of here right now and never show up in front of you again. I'll leave now!"

When Wuming released its restraint, it immediately turned around and ran away from Wuming, as if there was a fire burning behind it.

After the pangolin left, Wuming sighed: "Mr. Tianxing, do you think I am too soft-hearted?"

"Indeed, if it were me, I would definitely kill it." Tian Xing Mingyue replied.

At that time, the pangolin escaped from the battlefield. If Wuming wasn't very capable, it would actually be quite dangerous.

"Forget it, it may not survive after leaving the shelter anyway. Life or death depends on its own destiny. I'll take a rest first." Wuming said with a bitter smile.

In fact, he was mainly thinking about the kindness of the pangolin in bringing him to the refuge.

Otherwise, he would be suddenly transported to the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence, and if he encounters the Black Tide again in an unfamiliar place, he would be in big trouble.

Of course, the pangolin had no good intentions at that time, so he did not give the pangolin preferential treatment and dealt with it as he should.

Now spare its life and understand the cause and effect.

Next time someone is in his hands, he will definitely kill him if he should, and he will not be lenient again.

Wuming was very busy in the next few days.

Fortunately, he put a few books in the storage ring, so he could still read.

Finally, it was time for the jailer to take a vacation. He put the Shengsheng Stone, which contained the soul of Tianxing Mingyue, together with the record of innocence, and then used the jailer's bracelet to leave the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

After passing through the Gate of Innocence, he appeared in the living room of the Cursed Villa.

In the living room, Cheng Xuejie and Lucy Phil were sitting on the sofa and looking at Maria. Maria was doing her homework with a distorted face. She had already started school and had homework!

"Master Wuming, you are back!" When Dahuang saw Wuming, he immediately jumped down from the chair, wagging his tail, and said in front of Wuming.

Wuming nodded, sat on the sofa, picked up a ginseng fruit, took a bite, and asked, "Is there anything going on at home during this time?"

"No, it's just that the female tyrannosaurus went to school and was scolded by the teacher every day. She was miserable." Dahuang said happily.

The next moment, Maria couldn't bear it and threw the pen in her hand. The pen hit Dahuang's head accurately. Maria roared: "Damn Dahuang, I want you to talk too much."

"Now that Wuming is back, I'll contact my father!" Lucifer said with a slight smile.

Gao Shanggong does not live here. He has many friends in Shenzang Space, and he has been out visiting friends during this time.

Although Gao Shanggong thought that the Shenzang Space would not be of much help to his path, many of his friends were in the Shenzang Space and they did not contact each other often. Now that he was here, he had to walk around.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Lucyphile went to open the door and took Gao Shanggong into the living room.

Gao Shanggong and Lucyphile stood together, just like lovers of similar age, and Gao Shanggong seemed to be younger.

If it were in the ordinary world, no one would have thought that Gao Shanggong would be Lucyphile's father, and he was thousands of times older than Lucyphile.

When Wuming saw Gao Shanggong, he noticed Gao Shanggong's level at the first time.

Level 277!

This is definitely the strongest person Wuming has met so far, the closest to the Dark King level.

The Dark King's level is 279, and Gao Shanggong is only 2 levels behind the Dark King. Although this 2-level difference is actually the difference between heaven and earth, it must be admitted that Gao Shanggong is very strong and is already the strongest existence Wuming has ever encountered in the heavens and the worlds.

After some pleasantries, Wuming and Gao Shanggong began to discuss the problem of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

After returning to the Shenzang Space, Wuming was sure that he was not affected by the prisoners of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. He asked: "Mr. Gao, is it still necessary to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?"

He was not sure whether there were innocent people involved in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower in the past, but at least he must have been innocent when he was involved in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

If this problem is not dealt with, in Wuming's opinion, there is no need to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower!

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