I Contracted Myself


Gao Shangong understood what Wuming meant.

He explained seriously: "Wu Ming, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is a miracle that is almost impossible to replicate. It is already difficult for all the worlds to create a second Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Its existence is very necessary, and it must not be allowed to be destroyed. Its importance is beyond everyone's imagination, but some secrets will never be made public and no one knows it. "

"Dahuang, take Maria out to play!" Lucifer glanced at everyone present, and then said.

Gao Shanggong smiled bitterly and said: "No, it's not really a secret now. If the Eternal Silence Prison Tower cannot be repaired, all the worlds will know this 'secret', and must do their best to solve this 'secret'."

"Uncle Gao, what's the secret?" Maria asked curiously.

Gao Shanggong looked at everyone and said: "In fact, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower not only imprisons many evil cultivators, demons, and monsters, but also seals many monsters originally born from the Eternal Silence Space on the outermost edge of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. , these monsters have no concept of death, and the only way to deal with it is to seal it. Once the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is completely destroyed, these monsters will return to the Eternal Silence Space, and then follow the path in the past and enter the heavens and worlds to serve for all. Tianwanjie brings a terrifying catastrophe.”

"You can't kill without the concept of death?" Wuming asked with a frown.

Gao Shanggong shook his head and said: "It's not that they can't be killed, but they are dead themselves. You should have seen the power of the Eternal Silence Space leaking into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, right? Imagine if there was a creature that was completely powered by that kind of power. What the composition will look like.”


The nameless general Gao Shanggong's words went through his head for a moment, and he suddenly had nothing to say.

He may be able to defeat such monsters, but he really cannot kill such monsters, because they have no concept of life and death, and they cannot be completely destroyed. After being defeated, they will condense again and continue to fight endlessly.

"How to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" He asked after realizing the importance and danger of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Gao Shangong immediately took out a white gun and a round bomb, and introduced: "The bullets in this gun are composed of the essence of raw stone. You only need to shoot at the contaminated place, and the raw stone will The essence can push the pollution back. Once you find the gap where the pollution is leaking from the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, you can use this vitality bomb to seal the gap."

"That simple?" Wuming asked in surprise.

Gao Shangong explained: "Because I have already done the complicated things."

The raw stone is extremely difficult to destroy, and the extraction method of the essence is also extremely difficult. A ton of raw stone can only extract one drop of essence, and the raw stone essence stored in the bullet in this white gun is all compressed. One bullet requires It takes hundreds of tons of raw stone to produce.

Although the name of the vitality bomb is very general, it is equivalent to a compressed version of thousands of bullets, and Gao Shangong also drew countless sealing spells into the atoms of the essence to ensure that the cracks will not be so damaged after they are blocked. Contaminate quickly.

Even so, every one thousand years in the future, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower will have to re-strengthen the seal at the gap, otherwise there is a risk of leakage.

There is something wrong with the Eternal Silence Prison Tower after all. After repairing it, it can only continue to operate, but it is impossible to return it to its original state.

Of course, Wuming only needs to be responsible for the first repair of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Future maintenance issues will definitely be left to the warden to arrange, and there is no need for Wuming to take action again.

"I'll take this mission!" Wuming put his hand on the white gun after thinking about it.

Gao Shangong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Although Feifei said that you will definitely agree, thank you anyway. Let's talk about the plan next."

He waved his hand gently in the air, and the shadow of a nine-story tower appeared in front of everyone. The tower became more and more like a maze as it went down.

And this is a maze that changes. Every time a jailer comes in and out, it will change, so now it is always in a state of change.

"The Prison Tower of Eternal Silence has a total of ten floors. Except for the bottom floor, which is a place for jailers to stay, rest, and have fun, the remaining nine floors are prisons. The first floor has the most prisoners, and the cells will be automatically divided according to the number of prisoners. I I don’t know how many cells there are now, but I found a piece of design information for the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

You see, every time a jailer enters or leaves, the structure of the prison will change, but this random change actually has an end, and it is impossible to arrange it infinitely.

Currently, according to my calculations, there should be 35,219,872,154,65 million permutations, basically all of which have been calculated by me. I will transfer these calculation results to your oracle stone, and you can view them at any time when you need to use them. "Gao Shanggong said.

Wuming frowned and said, "There are so many changes, how can I quickly confirm which change it is?"

"There's nothing you can do about it. You need to check it yourself. Also... give your oracle stone to me. I'll help you transform it and add some new functions. By the way... you can link to the divine light curtain." Gao Shang Gong replied.

Wuming was surprised: "Can the Divine Light Curtain be linked artificially?"

The Divine Light Curtain is a large screen that can be seen in the entire Shenzang space during the Shenzang Trial. Wuming always thought that the Divine Light Curtain would only be activated during the Shenzang Trial.

"I participated in the Shenzang Trial, and one of the rewards was the right to use the Divine Light Curtain, but I could only use it one month a year. Fortunately, time can be accumulated, and I should have saved a lot of time now." Gao Shang Palace smiled.

Then he explained: "Although I have a secret technique that can contact you in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the time of that secret technique is very limited, and it takes several days to cool down after each use, so I can't contact you at any time.

After your Oracle Stone is linked to the Divine Light Curtain, you can start the live broadcast state. We can keep track of your dynamics through the Divine Light Curtain at any time. If you encounter any problems, I can contact you with the secret technique at any time to answer your questions. This is the purpose of linking the Divine Light Curtain."

"Wait, after the Divine Light Curtain and the Oracle Stone are linked, you can live broadcast in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Wuming was surprised.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said: "Of course, the power of the Divine Light Curtain is one level higher than that of the Eternal Silence Space. As long as your Oracle Stone is bound, your Oracle Stone can contact the Divine Light Curtain no matter where it is. The only problem is that everyone in the entire Shenzang Space can see the picture of the Divine Light Curtain. If you have any means to hide in the bottom of the box, don't use it when you start the live broadcast. Anyway, you can turn it off or on at any time."

"That's no problem." Wuming nodded.

If it can't be turned off after it's turned on, he really has to hesitate when to turn it on.

But since it can be turned on and off, he doesn't mind using the Shenguangmu platform to advertise for the rescuer website. It can not only save the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, but also attract popularity for the rescuer website. It's a win-win situation!

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