I Contracted Myself

【521】Modify the Oracle Stone

Next, Wuming handed his oracle stone to Gao Shang Palace, and Gao Shang Palace began to transform Wuming's oracle stone.

He lightly tapped on the surface of the oracle stone, and then the oracle stone split layer by layer, forming countless individual cards, each of which was densely packed with runes.

"It turns out this is what's inside the oracle stone." Maria came forward and said in surprise.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said: "These runes come from a book called "Baby Learns Runes", but in fact the whole book is ghost-drawn runes. It has no meaning in essence, but because of the bad taste of some transcendent people, , thus giving these runes special power, which can only be exerted by obtaining the original and copying it according to the original."

"Baby learning runes seems to be the reward for the fifth Divine Treasure Trial." Wuming said thoughtfully.

After he came out of the Shenzang Trial, he paid attention to the previous videos of the Shenzang Trial, and recorded the rewards that were exposed, so as to avoid encountering people he didn't recognize in the future.

Gao Shanggong nodded and said: "Yes, the winner is still my friend. I have the honor to see it."

As he spoke, he took out a golden brush and began to play with the runes on the oracle stone. While correcting the runes, he said: "My pen is called the pen of correction. It can change the formation to a certain extent." , runes, spells and a series of ability effects that require leaving written text.

I added a structural diagram of the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence to your oracle stone. You can compare it at any time. Also, mark your location. If you can determine your location, you can mark your location on the map, and then mark it. Your movement route will be slowly recorded based on your movements. "

Wuming watched Gao Shanggong change the runes bit by bit, then looked at the others and found that no one understood it.

The runes of the oracle stone are self-contained. Unless you have read the book "Baby Learns Runes", you have no idea what each rune means, and naturally there is no way to modify it.

It can be seen from the speed with which Gao Shanggong altered the runes that Gao Shanggong must be well aware of the content in "Baby Learns Runes".

"Barrage, Uncle Gao, can you add the barrage function so that when we find danger, we can use the barrage to alert Mr. Wuming?" Maria suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked.

Gao Shang Palace's rules and secrets have a limited contact time. What if something unexpected happens after the contact ends?

"Barrage? It's not difficult to add such backward technology. The problem is that once people in the entire Shenzang space are added, they can post barrages. Instead, wrong barrages may appear to mislead Wuming." Gao Shanggong frowned and said.

Lucifer smiled and said: "Dad, then use paid barrage. Just increase the price of barrage. Naturally, most misleading information can be eliminated. For example, if you send a barrage with 10 million resource coins, I believe there will be no How many people can pay and can this technology be implemented? ”

"That's no problem. Let's use paid barrage." Gao Shanggong thought for a while and agreed.

In this way, even if someone wants to send a barrage to mislead Wuming, the number of barrages will be very small, so Wuming will not be misled so easily.

Moreover, Gao Shanggong and the others can also send barrages to easily correct the other party's misinformation.

When they send barrages, the money goes from left hand to right hand. When others send barrages, the money goes into Wuming's pocket, so they don't lose money anyway.

"In this case, the secret rules and techniques used to practice the nameless rules can be used at more critical times." Gao Shanggong scrawled and corrected the runes and then said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong said at this time: "Uncle Gao, can you add a mosaic function? What if Wuming exposes his butt during the battle?"


Everyone looked at Zhang Shouzhong speechlessly.

Zhang Shouzhong quickly argued: "What are you looking at? I am doing it for Wuming's good. The monsters in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower are all kinds of weird. If there is a monster that specially destroys other people's clothes, wouldn't Wuming be exposed in front of the world if he is not careful?" Butt? Even if you can turn off the live broadcast, it may not be possible in time. Many people will record it!"

"Yes, if they record the structure of the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence, wouldn't it be leaked?" Cheng Xuejie suddenly said.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said: "Let the secrets be leaked. If the Yongji Prison Tower can be successfully repaired this time, the Yongji Prison Tower will definitely be renovated later. The current information may not be useful at that time. If Repair failed... What’s the difference between leaking secrets and not leaking secrets?”

"I think what Fatty said makes sense, can you add more?" Wuming said at this time.

Everyone fell silent again, and then Lin Renmei couldn't help but burst into laughter. Others also couldn't help laughing, and everyone wanted to laugh.

Gao Shanggong smiled bitterly and said: "Mosaic? Let me think about it, it should be possible, but in this case it will take a little more time to make a smart plug-in. There may be a delay by then. I will try my best to compress the delay of the live broadcast and strive for compression. to within 0.01 seconds.”

"I can't be distracted and keep watching the barrage while fighting. That's enough." Wuming nodded.

Next, Gao Shanggong began to concentrate on modifying the functions of the oracle stone. Because he had to add two more functions, there was a lot more work to do, especially the mosaic function, which needed to be identified first and then mosaic added, so he had to temporarily Write an intelligent recognition function and insert it.

This work is very boring, but when everyone gets together and chats, they don't feel that the time is difficult.

After half a day passed, Gao Shanggong said with a smile: "Okay, both functions have been installed. They will be automatically activated when contacting the divine light curtain. Is there anything else that needs to be changed?"

"Can we add a blacklist function? It's not good if someone keeps making trouble. Although paid barrages can make money, our fundamental purpose is to use barrages to provide valuable clues for Wuming. So if someone keeps sending misleading barrages, he should be blacklisted." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Gao Shanggong nodded and agreed: "This proposal is good, and it's right. Our real purpose is to support Wuming and do everything we can to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."

Then he began to add a blacklist function to Wuming's oracle stone, but he smiled while making changes: "This blacklist function does not prohibit others from sending barrages, but Wuming will not see the barrages he sends."

"Uncle Gao, you are so bad!" Maria laughed immediately.

Others immediately realized what Gao Shanggong meant.

If someone really wants to harm Wuming and keeps sending misleading barrages, after Wuming blacklists these people, these people can still send barrages.

But... these people don't know that Wuming can't see the comments they post at all. The result of their doing this is not only that they cannot mislead Wuming, but they will also continue to give Wuming money.

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