I Contracted Myself

【522】Scholars Foundation

"Okay, give it a try!"

Gaoshang Palace reintegrated the oracle stone and handed it over to Wuming.

After Wuming took over the oracle stone, Gao Shangong said with a smile: "Currently, the divine light curtain has not started to apply for permission to use it. You can open it first and take a look. If there are any problems, we will modify it."


Wuming nodded and opened the oracle stone.

On the desktop of the Oracle Stone, there are several more program shortcut icons.

He opened each icon, tested various functions, and after confirming that there was no problem, closed the light curtain and said, "It should be fine."

"Try more in the past two days. If you have any questions, you can tell me in time. If you have any functions you want to add, you can tell me. I will help you add them then." Gao Shangong nodded and continued.

Then he stood up and said: "Okay, I'm going to prepare some more supplies for you. I will come back tomorrow. If you need anything, you can tell me and I will add it to the support supplies."

"Mr. Gao, I want to buy a set of equipment that can break the formation, preferably one that is not easily contaminated." Wuming reacted and said immediately.

Gao Shanggong nodded, then smiled and said: "No problem, I will prepare it for you. I have applied for the Scholar Foundation's support funds and SSS-level permissions for you. All the materials you can think of and you can't think of will be available tomorrow." Get ready, so don’t worry about money. Okay, I have an appointment with someone, so I’ll leave first.”

"Walk slowly!"

Everyone sent Gao Shang Palace out.

After closing the door, Wuming returned to sit on the sofa and asked, "Do you think I missed anything?"

"Probably not." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Lucifer sat opposite Wuming and said, "Don't worry, since the Scholars Foundation has provided funding and special permissions, you don't need to worry too much about the logistics of this operation."

"What does the Scholars Foundation do?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Maria answered quickly: "I know this. It is an organization established by a group of bad old men to prevent the inheritance of knowledge from being completely cut off. They provide all the textbooks for our school."

"What a bad old man, go do your homework." Lucifer scolded.

Maria stuck out her tongue, and then went to do her homework with a painful look on her face.

Lucifer explained: "The Scholars Foundation is a loose organization composed of countless gods of knowledge, gods of reading, gods of scholars, and free scholars like my dad. In addition to collecting all kinds of knowledge In addition to sharing documents for a fee, they will also help some backward countries and provide some necessary knowledge.

For example, if there is a sudden technological explosion in some worlds, the Scholar Foundation may be behind it.

At the same time, they will also protect some patented knowledge, so the scholar foundation is very rich, and the industry involves all aspects.

There are also some disasters that may involve the heavens and the world, and they will provide necessary help. The most famous one is during the White Og disaster caused by the Og tapir god. The Scholar Foundation provided massive funds and resources to mobilize Li Practitioners from countless worlds directly forced the Og Tapir God from the White Og World to the real world, and finally succeeded in killing the Og Tapir God. "

"How come I haven't heard of such an awesome organization?" Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise.

After all, he has been in the Shenzang space for so long, and he is definitely a little white dragon who surfs the Internet. If there is such an organization, there is no way he has not heard of it.

Lucifer said calmly: "That's because the Scholar Foundation caused a disaster 30,000 years ago, and they rarely took action after that. Those who are interested can check it out for themselves."

"Since you rarely take action, why are you willing to support Wuming this time?" Cheng Xuejie asked strangely.

Lin Renmei said: "It should be because once this incident gets out of control, the consequences will be very serious, so serious that the Scholars Foundation cannot sit idly by."

"Yes, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower can no longer be replicated. Once the Eternal Silence Prison Tower collapses and the monsters born in the Eternal Silence Space enter the world, it will be a disaster that will destroy all lives. Even for many lives, this will It’s the end of the world.” Lucy Phil nodded.

Wuming used the Oracle Stone to surf the Internet and said, "So I won't let the Eternal Silence Prison Tower collapse."

"Master Wuming, I believe you can do it!" Maria raised her head and said, then lowered her head and continued to struggle with her homework.

Wuming frowned at this time and said: "Why are there so many people on the Internet saying that I am dead? I live broadcasted it last time, can I doubt it?" "Because this week, there are many reporters outside the house who want to interview you. "Look outside the window, is there a bird on the tree?" Lin Renmei replied.

The last time Wuming came back, he performed a live broadcast to prove that he was not dead, but returned to the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence the next day.

Then many reporters wanted to interview him, but he never showed up, so some reporters started to engage in conspiracy theories. For example, they speculated that Wuming actually died together with Bipson. The live broadcaster was not Wuming, but had a Wuming account. Some people even speculated that Wuming had a twin brother, so the live broadcast was not Wuming at all, but the twin brother.

No matter how outrageous the news is, there will still be mindless netizens who believe it.

Wuming looked out the window, and sure enough, there was a silly bird with eyes full of 'wisdom' standing on the treetop not far away.

He frowned and said, "Then don't we have any privacy?"

"Don't worry, they can't see what's going on inside the house. I've set up formations around the walls, and Lucyphile has also used the secret technique of rules to prevent them from peeping, so they can't see what's going on inside us." Cheng Xuejie said.

Wuming stood up and walked to the window, looked out the window for a while, and asked, "Then why are they still here?"

"Record our travels? After all, this can prove the news that you are dead." Zhang Shouzhong guessed.

Wuming immediately walked towards the door and said, "Then I'll go out and walk around to prevent them from continuing to spread rumors."

"No need, when you return to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and start the live broadcast, their rumors will naturally fall apart." Zhang Shouzhong said lazily.

Wuming thought for a moment and retorted: "What if someone believes it, and a world that could have been saved today was not saved because of a momentary thought?"

He opened the door and walked out. Maria, who was doing her homework painfully, brightened her eyes and immediately threw away the pen in her hand and said, "Master Wuming, I will accompany you!"

"Don't go, do your homework well!" Lucyphile strangled Maria's thoughts.

Maria stood in place, trying to catch up with Wuming, but her legs could not move. In the end, the pen she threw out flew back and hit her head. She watched the door slowly close, and her eyes suddenly dimmed.

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