I Contracted Myself

【523】Gambling Street

"One reporter, two reporters, three reporters..."

After Wuming went out, he immediately felt several eyes falling on him. After thinking about it, he walked directly in the direction of the teleportation array.

Although Gao Shang Palace has applied for support from the Scholars Foundation, Wuming does not intend to rely entirely on them.

There are some supplies, and he will prepare a copy himself in case of emergency.

You can never rely on others. The only one you can truly rely on is yourself. No matter whether the support from the Scholars Foundation is reliable or not, he only needs to be able to rely on himself.

Gao Shang Palace wanted him to repair the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence. Part of the reason was that the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence was indispensable, but another reason was that the warden of the Prison Tower, Jun Wuyingbai, was a friend of Gao Shang Palace. .

Whether it's for friends or for the safety of the world, Gao Shangong will do his best.

But Wuming was willing to take action, not because of Gao Shang Palace's request, but because after understanding the specific situation, he himself was willing to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Therefore, regardless of whether there is any benefit, Wuming will take action.

Even if there is no benefit, or even if it costs him money, he doesn't care.

"Just in time, let's go to Gambling Street for a walk."

Wuming came to the teleportation array, opened the teleportation station in White Jade City, and clicked on one of the teleportation stations after thinking about it.

Gambling Street, as the name suggests, the shops in this street all operate a business called "Gambling". They collect various treasures from all over the world and then sell these treasures through various mini-games.

For example, bet on big or small, bet on speed, bet on authenticity, bet on eyesight...

Wuming teleported to Gambling Street and immediately heard the roars of many people.

"Nine-star bead, the last nine-star bead, will definitely give you good skills. 1 million resource coins, no more bargaining, no more bargaining!" A tauren shouted loudly with a loudspeaker.

Next to him, a goblin also shouted: "The ancient goblin blind box only costs 100,000 per copy. It is absolutely genuine. If you get a fake one, you will pay ten percent!!!"

Further away, some large shops are betting on two spiritual beasts, and some are even watching the direction of the world to see who can survive to the end.

Wuming frowned, and then stepped out of the teleportation array.

"Brother, the Nine Star Pearl only costs one million. It's absolutely worth it. Why don't you come and take a look?" The tauren greeted Wuming immediately when he saw him.

Star beads are props that can seal the skills of constellations. They are generally used on living creatures such as star spirits.

For example, most of the star spirits formed by the Big Dipper will include seven skills: Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Fluctuating Light.

If you want to extract the skills of the Big Dipper Star Spirits, you must use the Seven Star Beads.

The Nine Star Beads often seal the skills of the stars formed by the nine planets, and are very valuable.

Of course, high value does not mean powerful. There are also some protoss who have nine skills, but all nine skills may be rubbish.

This tauren sells Nine Star Beads here, obviously letting customers bet on whether the skills in the Nine Star Beads are good or not.

It is worth mentioning that the authentic star bead manufacturing technology has long been lost, so the star beads sold on the market now come from two sources, one is the star beads left over from ancient times, and the other is the star beads made with new technology. .

The new technology currently has flaws, such as the failure of sealing skills and 'minor issues' that can cause the absorber to go crazy during the learning process.

There are often unscrupulous vendors selling new star beads as ancient star beads in Gambling Street, so do not buy star beads casually without the help of knowledgeable people.

Wuming stepped forward, took a look at the only nine-star bead on the stall, and asked, "One million is too expensive, but I can consider one hundred thousand."

"Brother, how can you bargain like this?" the tauren said with a grimace.

Wuming said indifferently: "I'm just out for a stroll, forget it if I don't want to sell."

After saying that, he turned around and left. The tauren was hesitant to stop talking. He actually made a profit by selling the product for a cost of 10,000 to 100,000. The problem was that Wuming lowered the price so hard, and there were still customers in front of him on the street...

Forget it.

The tauren hesitated for a moment and gave up.

"You don't want to sell it?"

Wuming was a little surprised, but he didn't care and continued walking to the big store.

There were nine skills sealed by the nine-star bead, eight of which were related to water control. He thought it was pretty good. As long as he threw himself into the unknown sea, he would definitely learn these skills, so he was willing to pay 100,000 for them.

But if the tauren doesn't sell it, he won't force it.

It's like seeing a fruit on the roadside. If it's easy to pick, just pick it. If it's not, forget it.

Shortly after he left, a human with a pig nose walked to the tauren's stall and asked, "How to sell the Nine Star Beads?"

"One million, no bargaining!" the tauren replied.

The pig-nosed man frowned and said, "It's too expensive, three hundred thousand!"

"Brother, I am running a small business, and the nine-star beads I sell are all good ones. The last one... let's do this. I'll give you a discount. After I sell it, I can go home, 990,000." The tauren cried bitterly.

The pig-nosed man couldn't help but sneered: "Is there any difference between ninety-nine thousand and one million? Forty thousand, just forget it if you don't sell it."

"I'll give you five hundred thousand." At this time, a crocodile man came over.

The pig-nosed man suddenly frowned and said, "Brother, do you understand if you come first, first served?"

"I'll pay half a million!" The crocodile man glanced at the pig-nosed man, then looked at the tauren and said.

At this moment, the pig-nosed people knew that the crocodile people were probably also traveling with them. They followed Wuming quietly, just to make big news.

After seeing Wuming's interest in the nine-star bead, they all felt that the nine-star bead should be worth a lot, so they decided to buy it.

The pig-nosed man thought he could pick up a small leak, but who knew that the crocodile man also joined the competition.

"Haha, why don't I sell it to the one with the highest price?" The tauren said with a smile.

The pig-nosed man snorted and turned around to leave. Four hundred thousand was already his bottom line. After all, Wuming's good fortune didn't necessarily mean it would be good. It just seemed to him that the probability of something good would be higher, so he wanted to try his luck.

"Five million!" The crocodile man looked at the tauren and said coldly.

The tauren sighed and agreed to the deal.

On the other side, Wuming didn't know the little story caused by his casual asking of the price. He entered a shop called "Qianbao Pavilion" and was looking at the fragments of antique artifacts.

Lucy Phil has mentioned before that Gao Shang Palace likes to collect this kind of things, and even several rules and secrets were unearthed from the fragments of these antique artifacts.

Wuming was somewhat looking forward to it, could he understand any rules and secrets from the fragments of antique artifacts?

Of course, the vast majority of people buy fragments of such antique artifacts not to understand the rules and secrets, but to study ancient technologies.

In the era when the vest trend was prevalent, the relationship between master and apprentice was very antagonistic. The master was unwilling to teach his apprentice his true skills, and the apprentice was unwilling to trust the master, for fear that he would become the master's vest, leading to secret intrigues.

There are even many strong men who will not accept disciples at all. The entire sect is their own vest.

After that mysterious transcendent person attacked the vest flow, countless powerful people fell instantly, leaving no data behind, so many technologies were eradicated because of this.

All walks of life can only study ancient technologies from ancient classics, artifact fragments and other items, and find ways to repair these technologies.

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