I Contracted Myself

【524】Unlucky Crocodile

However, there are many fake antique artifact fragments, and it is even harder to say what can appear in the gambling treasure street.

In the Qianbao Pavilion, all the customers were quietly wandering around the display cabinets. Some people held super magnifying glasses in their hands and carefully studied the patterns of the fragments. Some people used their innate abilities to sense the energy of the fragments and tried to confirm the authenticity of the fragments.

After Wuming entered the store, many customers looked at him frequently.

As a famous person in the Shenzang Space, many of these customers recognized his identity, and they were thinking and observing his every move.

Wuming could feel the gazes of these people on him. He had felt many similar gazes along the way.

As long as it does not affect him from doing what he wants to do, let others watch it if they like, after all, this is the price of being famous.

He was observing a bronze fragment at this time. It is not accurate to say that it is bronze, because although this fragment is bronze, it has many fine green hairs on the surface, and some dark gray dirt is stuck on the surface, which is difficult to clean.

Of course, Qianbao Pavilion would like these dirt to stick together a little more, so that this fragment looks more like an antique left over from ancient times.

Wuming looked at it again and again, but he couldn't see any clues, and the fragment couldn't be touched in the display cabinet, and it was difficult to see anything through the anti-theft window.

"The runes on this fragment are a bit like the ghost-drawn runes in the oracle stone, but..."

"It should be a fake!"

Wuming thought about it and finally made an uncertain judgment.

The main reason is that the runes on the oracle stone are actually ghost-drawn runes, but they have magical effects only because the transcendent has given them special powers.

But apart from the interference of the transcendent, the runes are actually no different from the scribbles of children.

In ancient times, there was no book "Baby Learns Runes", so there were naturally no ghost-drawn runes.


Even if they existed, they should not have any extraordinary power.

Wuming continued to walk forward, and immediately a customer took the place where he had just stood, and studied the ghost painting fragment, and even began to doubt whether Wuming had taken a fancy to this fragment.


Wuming glanced at the customer next to him, and immediately walked forward calmly.

The other party wanted to take advantage of a small bargain, which was the cause, and being deceived was the result.

He saw the other party's thoughts, but did not mean to remind the other party, anyway, this cause and effect could not be attributed to him.

"Master Wuming, may I bother you?" At this time, a rabbit-faced girl mustered up the courage, carefully approached, and asked in a low voice.

Wuming glanced at the rabbit-faced girl, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

"I am Yutu from the Medicine Rabbit Clan, good at refining medicine, please accept these pills, Master." Yutu took out a bottle and said weakly.

Wuming frowned and asked, "Why did you give me the pill?"

"Because... Master Wuming has a very bad aura. I am a fan of the master. This is just a small token of my appreciation. Sorry to bother you." Yutu said, stuffed the bottle into Wuming's hand, and left Qianbao Pavilion quickly with red ears.

Wuming looked at Yutu's back speechlessly, then opened the bottle in confusion. A breath full of vitality poured out of the bottle, and he immediately closed the bottle again.


This breath really washed away a little bit of the aura of the Eternal Silence Space that remained on him.

He stayed in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower for so long, so naturally he was more or less stained with some of the aura of the Eternal Silence Space, but these auras were mixed with the aura of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and were very, very weak. It was impossible for ordinary people to detect this aura.

I didn't expect that when I went out shopping, a rabbit I met by chance actually detected his aura.


Wuming put the bottle away, smiled, and continued to look at the fragments in the display cabinet.

In a restaurant box, the crocodile man carefully opened the box.

His narrow pupils looked at the nine-star bead in the box, and greed appeared on his face.

This is the treasure that Wuming likes.

Although he may have bought it at a high price, since it is what Wuming likes, it must be special, and he is willing to take a chance.

He carefully held up the nine-star bead, took a deep breath and swallowed it in one gulp. The next moment, two streams of golden smoke came out of his nostrils, and the whole box was immediately covered with golden mist.

"Tianchen, Zi Ai, Fa Fu..."

The crocodile man's eyes turned black, and then dense stars flashed in his eyes, and then the stars began to link together to form a constellation.

But at this moment, dense golden lines appeared between the gaps of his scales, and these golden lines spread rapidly, and finally formed a huge cross mark between his eyes.

"No, this is a counterfeit product!" The crocodile man immediately felt that something was wrong with his body, and opened his mouth and let out a loud roar.

He just wanted to get up and rush out of the box to ask for help, but his body suddenly swelled up like an explosion. His brain was shocked by the changes in his body, and his consciousness quickly became confused.


He pressed his hands on his head and roared. The golden mist that filled the entire box immediately formed nine vortices, and then formed nine hideous faces behind him.

"Nine Demon Stars!"

At the last moment, the crocodile man recognized the origin of the nine faces behind him and screamed in fear. At the same time, he was full of hatred for the unscrupulous vendor and Wuming who misled him.

Star spirits exist in many worlds, and generally speaking, their skills are not irreversible.

As long as the planets and constellations still exist, the star spirits will be able to practice their skills again sooner or later.

Therefore, some star spirits simply use star beads to extract their own abilities and sell them. Such star beads will not have any resentment or hatred.

But not all star spirits in the world are easy to talk to.

In some indigenous worlds, star spirits have not been in contact with the heavens and the worlds, and do not understand a lot of knowledge. When practitioners want to extract their abilities, they will directly fight.

If the star spirit is beaten unconscious, it is okay. If the other party is awake, then the inferior product will appear.

There is also a worse situation, that is, killing the star spirit and then extracting the ability.

This behavior will give birth to evil spirits. Whoever uses the star beads that seal the evil spirits will be in big trouble. Not only will the evil spirits overwhelm their minds, but they will also become a runaway beast and attack everything they see crazily.

The crocodile man is now facing this situation, and it is a nine-star bead level evil spirit!

In fact, from the heart level, the sealer certainly does not want to kill the star spirit, but sometimes there will be cases of accidental killing, such as originally wanting to knock the opponent unconscious, but unexpectedly the opponent is so weak and died.

Star spirits are not real living beings, and there will be no breath of death when they die.

Before its body collapses, many practitioners actually find it difficult to tell whether it is dead or alive.

If the star spirit that is mistakenly thought to be dead is just unconscious, then it is easy to create a demon spirit.

The crocodile man's body exploded bit by bit at this time, and his self-consciousness completely collapsed.

He opened his mouth and let out a fierce roar, and the next moment his body quickly grew from the original three meters. After crashing into the restaurant, he roared at the sky again...

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