I Contracted Myself



In Qianbao Pavilion, Wuming was looking at a broken magatama, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside, followed by the sound of countless people screaming.

Many customers ran out of the store to see what happened, and Wuming followed the crowd and walked out of the store.

A few hundred meters away from Qianbao Pavilion, a huge golden crocodile rushed around, knocking many passers-by into the sky, and then they were bitten to pieces by hideous faces, and blood mist flew all over the sky.

Wuming frowned and was about to attack the next moment, but the people outside were faster than him, and the dense attacks fell on the golden crocodile, but there was no trace left.

At this time, someone shouted: "That is the unlucky guy controlled by the demon spirit. Ordinary attacks are useless. Celestial magic or astrology will be effective!"

"Demon spirit?"

Wuming frowned. He didn't know celestial magic, nor did he know astrology.

He knew about the demon spirits, and also knew that the demon spirits were very special. Ordinary physical attacks and energy attacks could not have any effect on the demon spirits. Only specific celestial magic and astrology could cause damage to the demon spirits.

However, because the demon spirits were very rare, Wuming did not specifically learn these two abilities.

He thought about it, and simply condensed a light ball in his palm, compressed it for a while, and then shot it out.

Sure enough, the light ball hit the golden crocodile, causing no damage to the golden crocodile at all. It felt like the two sides existed on two parallel but unrelated lines, and no one affected anyone.

"Help, help!"

At this time, the golden crocodile turned its head sharply and bit a minotaur accurately. The minotaur's lower body was bitten, and he could only wave his hands frantically and shout for help.

Celestial magic and astrology are both relatively unpopular subjects. Celestial magic requires borrowing power from the stars, while astrology is complicated and difficult to understand. Practitioners generally do not deliberately learn them. After all, the existence of demon spirits may not be encountered once in hundreds of years in the heavens and the worlds. Although celestial magic and astrology have certain combat power, they are difficult to play a role in battles above the starburst level.

In short, these are two abilities that are tasteless to eat but a pity to abandon. Only those who are energetic and have nothing to do will learn them.

There are so many people in the gambling street, but there is no one who knows celestial magic or astrology.

Wuming saw that the minotaur was about to be bitten off by the golden crocodile, and immediately activated his ability to flash to the side of the golden crocodile and grabbed the minotaur's hand. The minotaur instantly turned into a paper man under his superpowers. He pulled the paper man and quickly moved away from the golden crocodile.

At this moment, the golden crocodile's eyes were full of hostility, and the two enemies gathered together!


It roared and quickly chased Wuming.

Wuming looked back and was surprised. Aren't people controlled by evil spirits irrational? Why are they chasing him?

At this time, the nine twisted faces behind the golden crocodile opened their mouths at the same time, and nine thick beams of light immediately shot out at Wuming. Wuming quickly flew up to avoid the attack, and the nine beams of light chased him and rushed straight into the sky.

"Master Wuming, be careful!"

Many people watched Wuming flying in the sky from a distance. When they saw the crocodile open its mouth, they immediately reminded Wuming loudly.

Wuming heard the voices of these people, and the next moment he shook his hand hard. The minotaur returned to its original state from the paper man state, and was thrown out directly by him. He quickly closed his eyes, and a thick beam of light instantly submerged him.

This is the beam of light ejected by the golden crocodile.

But the next second, the golden crocodile's attack stopped, and its head turned to lock the minotaur that was thrown out.

It immediately turned around and rushed in the direction where the minotaur fell. Countless people avoided it. A large number of shops on the gambling street were smashed on the spot, and the goods fell all over the ground.

"There is a problem!"

Wuming opened his eyes and looked at the golden crocodile and the minotaur below. He immediately realized that the target of the golden crocodile was probably the minotaur.

Could it be that they had a grudge?

Wuming guessed in his heart, but he still had to save people.

He immediately swooped down, approached the golden crocodile, grabbed the golden crocodile's tail with both hands and pulled it back hard.

However, the golden crocodile's tail had no fulcrum at all. He felt like grabbing a loach. After exerting force for a while, he slipped away first, rolled on the ground for several circles, and then sat on the ground.

"Sure enough, ordinary methods can't eliminate the demon spirit."

Wuming looked at the golden crocodile quickly away from him, and got up from the ground and thought helplessly.

Other energy had no effect on it at all, even Gu Xing's eye-cutting freezing light technique could not kill it.

It's not that Gu Xing Qi Mu Frozen Light is weak, but the two are not on the same parallel plane. Wuming tried to use Gu Xing Qi Mu Frozen Light on the golden crocodile when he just dived down, but it felt that Gu Xing Qi Mu Frozen Light fell on the position of the golden crocodile, freezing the air instead of the golden crocodile.

No matter how strong the attack is, it is meaningless if it can't hit.

Gu Xing Qi Mu Frozen Light can't hit the golden crocodile, this is the problem.

"Master Wuming, are you okay?" At this time, a little kid in a red school uniform rushed over and asked excitedly.

Wuming didn't know the other party, he replied: "I'm fine, you go to take shelter quickly, if possible, ask the law enforcement bureau to send someone to support quickly, and they must know celestial magic or astrology!"

"Yes, Master Wuming, I'm your fan, my name is Chen Dadeng!" The little kid in red clothes immediately responded excitedly.

After saying that, he turned and ran away. Wuming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He looked at the golden crocodile and his face gradually became serious. Although the golden crocodile had not killed anyone yet, it had caused great damage and many people were injured.

This golden crocodile must be stopped as soon as possible.

Wuming took a deep breath and secretly made up his mind. When he came back from the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, he must learn all kinds of special abilities, including celestial magic and astrology, so as not to be helpless in such a situation again.

In fact, many practitioners are trying to stop the golden crocodile, but most of them only dare to attack the golden crocodile from a distance. Even if they can't hurt the golden crocodile, they have to hinder its actions. However, these attacks are actually very ineffective. Only a few attacks on the golden crocodile's eyes can make it close its eyes slightly.

Wuming flew to the side of the golden crocodile, observed for a while, and then launched his ability to the ground. The ground turned into a swamp, and the golden crocodile walked over the swamp without sinking into it at all.

It really didn't work.

Wuming was not surprised by this, and then tried other abilities.

Unfortunately, the space of the Shenzang Space is too solid, otherwise Wuming would like to directly teleport the golden crocodile to another place. If it is sent to the wild, it can do whatever it wants.


Suddenly, the golden crocodile roared angrily, and its tail swept back violently, and countless houses exploded. Some practitioners who were too close were beaten back by the fragments of the houses, and they were very embarrassed.

Wuming reacted quickly and avoided the golden crocodile's tail before it swept over. At this time, he saw a fragment of an antique artifact stuck in the golden crocodile's tail.

Obviously, that was the reason why the golden crocodile suddenly roared and went crazy!

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