I Contracted Myself

【526】One thing can defeat another

That fragment can hurt the demon spirit!

Wuming's eyes lit up, and the next moment his telekinesis extended over, grabbing the fragment and immediately pulling it towards himself.

He held the fragment, immediately opened his palm, and took a closer look at the fragment.

This fragment was an irregular triangle, and its color was a bit like an unpolished iron block after forging, which was very inconspicuous.

If it was placed in a store like Qianbao Pavilion, Wuming would probably walk away after taking a look, and would never have thought that this fragment contained such a special power.

You can't judge by appearance!

Wuming sighed in his heart, and the next moment he controlled the fragment to shoot at the golden crocodile. The fragment instantly sank into the golden crocodile's head. The golden crocodile roared in pain and shook its head frantically.

The fragment rotated under Wuming's control, quickly punching holes in the golden crocodile's brain, but the golden crocodile was no longer a normal creature after all, and it was still alive and kicking even if its brain was drilled into a paste.

It rolled on the ground, crushing a large number of houses, and the nine hideous faces behind it began to randomly fire light bullets.

Wuming saw that this move was useless, and immediately controlled the fragments to fly out of the crocodile's body. He grabbed the fragments and tried to change their shape so that they could exert greater lethality, but the ability applied to the fragments did not change their shape at all.

"It can't be transformed? It's really a treasure!"

Wuming looked at the fragments in surprise and thought to himself.

At this time, the golden crocodile stopped rolling, opened its eyes and locked onto the target, with a running minotaur reflected in its pupils.

Its hind legs suddenly burst out with unimaginable power, and its huge body rushed forward, biting a bull's tail dozens of meters away.

The minotaur's tail was bitten, and he shuddered, and his fart swallow immediately tightened.

Then he felt his scalp numb on the back of his head, and when he turned around, he saw the golden crocodile's eyes full of resentment.

"Why are you chasing me?"

He screamed, and the next moment the nine hideous faces behind the golden crocodile all flew forward.

Ferocious faces hit the minotaur, and the minotaur's body exploded, leaving only a bull head flying out under the huge impact.


The bull head rolled in the air for a few times and landed on the lawn outside the street. Blood continued to flow out from the broken end, nourishing the earth.

After killing enemy number one, the golden crocodile slightly twisted its body, and looked at Wuming with a pair of cold eyes. Wuming waved his hand, and the fragments flew back to his hand, looking at the crocodile with the same gloom.

When the golden crocodile killed the minotaur, he had controlled the fragments to attack the golden crocodile continuously, but the attack on the golden crocodile was ineffective, and it could not stop the golden crocodile from killing the minotaur.

Now, Wuming was also very annoyed.

He took a deep breath and controlled the fragments to fly towards the eyes of the golden crocodile.

Although the golden crocodile closed its eyes, its eyelids were instantly broken by the fragments, and then it roared, and one of its eyeballs was blown up.

But the next moment, it shook its head violently, and one of the hideous faces behind it twisted and rotated, turning into eyeballs and flying into the eye sockets of the golden crocodile, directly acting as the eyes of the golden crocodile.

It opened its eyes again and stared at Wuming viciously.

"Burning sun!"

At this time, a woman's voice suddenly sounded.

The sky turned red directly, and a half-real and half-virtual sun appeared out of thin air in the center of the sky.

Countless runes formed a huge magic circle that enveloped the entire gambling street. Points of sunlight fell on the magic circle, and the whole street was instantly filled with red light.

The practitioners were relieved when they saw this scene, and some people excitedly said: "Great, finally someone who knows celestial magic came to support."

The golden crocodile struggled and roared frantically under the red light, but its breath became weaker and weaker, and finally its body began to shrink and smoke.

It stared at Wuming unwillingly, but its struggling strength became weaker and weaker, and finally it lay down powerlessly, and its eyes gradually lost their light.

When the red light gradually dimmed, the golden crocodile had turned into a charred little crocodile.

"Okay, everyone is safe. Those who are injured should stay where they are. The medical team will be here soon." The woman who had just released the celestial magic said.

Wuming looked at the woman floating at the entrance of the gambling street and found that she was wearing the uniform of the Baiyu City Law Enforcement Team and her level was only 105.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head. Who would have thought that an enemy that he was helpless against could be easily solved by a 105-level person? Sure enough, the level of the heavens and the worlds is not everything. After all, some enemies can only be eliminated by mastering the corresponding abilities, otherwise they can only stare blankly at a higher level.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is because his foundation is not strong enough.

Generally speaking, strong people above level 200 are proficient in various knowledge and have a large number of special abilities. They rarely encounter enemies that they cannot control at all.

Wuming is getting stronger very quickly. Maybe his combat effectiveness is not weak among the same level, but his accumulation in other aspects is several streets behind the strong people of the same level.

After all, most of the strong men above level 200 have ages calculated in thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of millions of years. They have enough time to make up for their shortcomings and learn all kinds of strange knowledge and abilities, and Wuming lacks precisely this time.

Wuming no longer needs to worry about what happens next.

He landed on the ground and found a place to sit down, waiting for the follow-up plan of the law enforcement team.

The medical team arrived quickly, and many injured were sent to the hospital one after another. Some shop owners and waiters began to pack up.

Wuming took the fragments and asked loudly: "Whose property does this belong to?"



"Fart, that's from our store!"

"Don't believe them, Mr. Wuming, those are my products!"

For a time, many people spoke one after another, and even some passers-by also spoke out, saying that the fragment was left behind while they were escaping.

Wuming looked at these people, suddenly smiled, and said: "This is a piece of rags I picked up randomly. I didn't expect so many people like rags."

"Hahahaha, sir, that is indeed my thing, but if you like it, then I will give it to you."

"The thing does belong to me, but I actually threw it away. I didn't expect adults to care about the environment so much. I feel deeply ashamed. I will go back and think about my fault."

"Sir, that thing really belongs to me. It is part of my sword. If you don't believe it, look at it."

When Wuming saw everyone's attitude immediately changed, he looked at the knife in a ronin's hand speechlessly. The knife was very new, and the color was similar to the fragments, but at a glance, he knew that the gap had just been made.

With a flick of his finger, the fragment instantly defeated the knife, and then the fragment returned to his hand under Wuming's control. He looked at the ronin with a half-smile, and asked, "Really?"

"Sir, I'm just kidding, just kidding!" Ronin quickly changed his face and said with a flattering smile.

Wuming stared at Ronin speechlessly, and Ronin quickly turned around and ran away. Wuming didn't make any move. After Ronin left, he opened his hand and carefully observed the fragments in his hand.

This thing must have an owner. The problem is that even its original owner doesn't remember it, and he can't tell who its original owner is, so he has to hold it temporarily.

In fact, this situation is normal. Just like many hawkers, it is impossible for them to remember every item they sell. Even if one item is missing, it is difficult for them to detect it.

This fragment is too ordinary.

If it wasn't capable of harming demon spirits, no one would ever discover its special features.

Next, the law enforcers from the Baiyu City Law Enforcement Bureau began to conduct a detailed investigation into the incident.

Although only one person died this time, the golden crocodile caused great damage to Gambling Street. The cause, process and result must be investigated clearly.

Except for the injured who can record a statement after treatment, everyone else present must record a statement before leaving.

Wuming no longer had the interest to continue shopping, he just wanted to study this strange fragment, so he went home directly after recording the confession.

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