I Contracted Myself

【527】The mirage bird sings the song of welcoming death and rebirth

Cursed Villa.

Everyone gathered around the coffee table, their eyes on the fragment on the table.

Zhang Shouzhong rubbed his eyes and asked, "Does this really have any special power? I can't see it at all."

"From its shape, it should be part of a sword. This is the edge of the blade, and this is the blade." Lin Renmei pointed to the sharpest part of the fragment and said.

Da Huang asked curiously, "Why can't it be a knife?"

"Intuition." Lin Renmei replied.

Lucyphile said at this time, "Many things left over from ancient times contain special powers, but how to tap this power requires a certain amount of wisdom. Wuming, can I try it?"

"Of course, you can try it quickly. Maybe there is a rule secret hidden in the fragment." Wuming agreed.

When he came back, he called everyone together to study the fragment, but it was obvious that Zhang Shouzhong and the others couldn't see anything like him. I'm afraid that only Lucyphile is most likely to study something.

Lucyphile picked up the fragment and gently placed it in the palm of her left hand. Then her eyes turned red and she looked at the fragment motionlessly.

"What is she doing?" Zhang Shouzhong asked curiously.

Maria replied: "Sister Lucy Phil is using the past tracing root search technique, which should be exploring the roots of the fragments."

"Is this also a rule secret technique?" Cheng Xuejie asked.

Maria shook her head and said: "No, it's just a general secret technique, not those strange rule secret techniques. Although this secret technique was also created by Uncle Gao, many people know it."

At this time, Lucy Phil's body suddenly shook slightly, and tears of blood flowed from her eyes.

"Lucy Phil?"

Wuming saw this scene and wanted to take action immediately, but Maria grabbed his hand and said: "Don't touch Sister Lucy Phil, Sister Lucy Phil is seriously injured."

"Since you are injured, treat it quickly!" Zhang Shouzhong said.

But the next second, Lucyphile's eyes exploded, and her hand shook and the fragments fell on the table. Then the whole person and the whole space began to crack. Maria saw this scene and hurriedly shouted: "Everyone step back, sister Lucyphile's innate ability has been activated, she will be fine, everyone don't get hurt by mistake."

Everyone stepped back after hearing this, Zhang Shouzhong cleverly looked at the fragments on the table, and instantly used the biological force field to take the fragments into his hand, and then quickly stepped back. Immediately afterwards, dense cracks appeared in the space around Lucyphile, and the coffee table and sofa all exploded, and were directly sucked into the cracks by a huge suction force.

Lucyphile's body burst into flames, and the flames soared into the sky, and after blowing up the roof, a huge phoenix formed in the sky.

"What did she see? Just seeing it caused such serious injuries?" Zhang Shouzhong said in shock.

Lin Renmei frowned and said, "Maria, can Lucyphile's talent really heal the damage she has suffered?"

Lucyphile's condition just now was very terrifying, especially when her eyes exploded. Anyone with eyes that are not blind can see that the damage is not only on Lucyphile's body, but also on Lucyphile's soul.

Such damage is not so easy to heal.

Maria nodded affirmatively and said, "No problem, sister Lucyphile's talent is called the Mirage Bird's Song of Welcoming Death and Rebirth. The closer she is to death, the less likely she is to die, and she will be reborn in the mirage fire. Sister Lucyphile almost died when she was studying the secret art of rules, and she survived only because of her talent."

"Have you seen it many times?" Cheng Xuejie asked.

Maria nodded. She was also very worried when she saw Lucyphile trigger the Mirage Bird's Song of Welcoming Death and Rebirth for the first time, but she got used to it after seeing it many times.

At this time, a large amount of fire mist appeared in the sky, and these fire mists revolved around the firebird, like its gauze clothes.

Gradually, the gauze dress merged with the firebird and began to shrink downwards. From the ground, it looked like a huge fire tornado was gradually sucked into the villa.

"The law enforcement team is coming. I'll go and send them away." Zhang Shouzhong said at this time.

Seeing that the flames had all been gathered back into the villa, Lin Renmei asked, "Maria, are you done?"

"Wait a little longer. There is still some danger in the house. Let's go after my sister comes out." Maria replied.

About half an hour later, Lucyphil walked out of the villa. The whole person looked like she had a spa. Her skin was tender and tender, and she gave people a feeling of being younger.

"I'm sorry, I made everyone worried." Lucyphil walked forward and said to everyone.

Wuming shook his head and said, "I should apologize. I didn't expect that the fragment was so dangerous. Fortunately, you are fine."

"Studying things left over from ancient times is inherently dangerous. How can I blame you? And when I was studying, I was actually prepared to encounter danger." Lucyphil smiled slightly.

Besides, what she likes most is to study dangerous things.

Zhang Shouzhong came back at this time, and seeing Lucy Phil's tender and tender appearance, he immediately covered his chest and said, "I seem to be in love."

"Then you are heartbroken now." Lucy Phil smiled.

Zhang Shouzhong rolled his eyes, sat down on a chair in the backyard, and said, "By the way, we were warned by law enforcement officers once. If we make such a big noise at home again, we may be fined."

"The fine is nothing, as long as Lucy Phil is fine." Cheng Xuejie smiled.

Zhang Shouzhong took the fragment out of his trouser pocket and put it on the stone table, curiously asking: "Lucifer, what did you see that caused you to react so violently?"

"I used the tracing root technique to try to trace the source of this fragment, but I suddenly saw a sword light in the process of tracing it. That sword light instantly hit me hard and almost killed me instantly." Lucyphil replied.

She picked up the fragment, and Maria immediately took it away with one hand, looking at her with a vigilant face, fearing that she would commit suicide again.

"Sword light? It's a sword!" Lin Renmei said.

Da Huang asked: "Then sister, have you comprehended any secret rules?"

"No, that sword was too terrible, and almost annihilated my reason and mind. If I try a few more times, maybe I can comprehend something." Lucyphil shook her head, and then looked at Maria with some regret.

Maria clenched the fragment in her hand and said seriously: "Don't even think about it. Uncle Gao will definitely not allow you to take risks."

"Every time I trigger the Mirage Bird's Song of Welcoming Death, I will resist the damage of the last time I triggered the Mirage Bird's Song of Welcoming Death. It's okay. It will be safer this time." Lucyphil coaxed Maria.

Maria stepped back and hid behind Wuming, saying stubbornly: "Anyway, don't even think about it."

"Lucyphil, Maria is right. It's too dangerous to do this. It's better to use other methods to study this fragment." Wuming also agreed with Maria's opinion.

The golden crocodile incident made him realize that the reason why accidents are accidents is that the results are unexpected.

Lucyphil said that it will be safer next time, but it doesn't mean that it will be safer next time.

What if the sword light she saw is more powerful next time?

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