I Contracted Myself

【528】Tianyuan Pure Water Sword

Lucifer looked at Wuming and Maria, who looked like she was rejecting him, and finally sighed helplessly: "Okay, then let's use other methods to study this fragment. I don't need to use the old root-finding technique. Is that okay?"

"Maria, give me the fragment." Wuming saw that Lucyphil had given in, so he said to Maria.

Maria handed the fragment to Wuming, and Wuming sat on the chair and said: "Everyone should know that this fragment is very dangerous. You must be careful when studying it. After all, Lucyphil is the strongest among us. Even she was severely injured and almost died in an instant. If we are not careful... we may die."

"As the saying goes, you will die if you don't do it. I am not as curious as you are. It will be safe if I don't study it." Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile.

Da Huang echoed: "Fatty is right. It's okay if we don't study it."

"Then those who are interested can stay, and those who are not interested can do whatever they want." Wuming smiled slightly.

The next moment, Da Huang was pinched by Zhang Shouzhong's hind muscles, and it yelled, "What are you doing?"

"What did you call me just now?" Zhang Shouzhong asked with a smile. Da Huang shuddered and realized that it had just spoken too quickly and followed Wuming to call Zhang Shouzhong fat.

It smiled flatteringly, "Of course I call the handsome Zhang."

"Okay, Fatty, go find someone to repair the house, otherwise everyone will have to sleep on the street tonight." Cheng Xuejie said unhappily.

Zhang Shouzhong let go of Da Huang and said arrogantly, "Do I need to find someone to repair the house? I can do it myself."

"Can you arrange the formation? Can you handle the materials that isolate the perspective? Can you install the super-powered baffle?" Cheng Xuejie asked a series of questions.

Zhang Shouzhong opened his mouth and said weakly, "I'll contact the house repairman right now..."

After that, he ran away in disgrace.

Cheng Xuejie looked at the fat man's back and opened her mouth, but finally gave up telling Zhang Shouzhong that she could hire professional maintenance personnel just like ordering takeout with the Oracle Stone.

She sat back on the chair and saw Wuming and the others all looking at the fragments on the table, and asked: "So... are we just going to stare blankly next?"

"Sister Cheng, be quiet, everyone is thinking!" Maria said in a low voice.

At this time, Wuming had a flash of inspiration, took out the Nameless Book and opened it. He looked at his own records and said: "It's true."

"Master Wuming, what is it?" Maria asked curiously.

Wuming smiled and said: "In the record of the Nameless Book, there is the name of this fragment, and it says 'Wuming obtained a corner of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword'."

"So this fragment comes from a weapon called the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword?" Cheng Xuejie said suddenly.

Lucyphil took out the Oracle Stone and said: "Since we have found the name of the weapon, maybe we can find information about this weapon on the Internet."

"You can also contact Uncle Gao, maybe Uncle Gao knows?" Maria suggested.

Wuming took out the oracle stone and said with a smile: "Then we can do both and see if we can figure out the origin of this weapon. Everyone can also check if there is any other way to guide the power of the fragments."

Next, everyone used their magical powers to find out the origin of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword.

However, probably because the age of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword is too far away from now, neither the oracle network nor Gao Shanggong has any clues.

Who is the owner of this sword and what kind of power this sword has is a mystery after all.

As night fell, Gao Shanggong came again because of the fragments of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword.

The cursed hut has been repaired by someone, and Gao Shanggong came in and asked: "Where are the fragments? Let me see!"

"Here!" Wuming stood up and said.

Gao Shanggong walked to the sofa and sat down, looking at the fragments on the table, and said in surprise: "It's much rougher than what I saw in the video. Can I try it?"

"Please!" Wuming agreed.

Gao Shanggong picked up the fragment, studied it for a while and said, "In fact, the older the age is, the more backward it is. The world of the tree-like universe is always born and destroyed, destroyed and born again, like an endless cycle, so in the past there were many civilizations that were even more advanced than ours."

"Then this fragment is not very old?" Zhang Shouzhong asked while eating fruit.

Gao Shanggong shook his head and said, "No, it should be quite old, maybe the beginning of a cycle, so the technology is relatively crude."

As he spoke, his eyes glowed red, and Wuming quickly reminded him, "Be careful."

But the next second, Gao Shanggong groaned, his eyes quickly dimmed, he took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile, "No wonder you can force Fei'er's mirage bird to die and welcome life song, what a powerful photo."

"Dad, did you see anything?" Lucy Phil asked curiously.

The people who were most curious about the fragments were Lucy Phil, in addition to Gao Shanggong. Even Wuming, who took back the fragments, didn't care about the fragments as much as the two.

"No, the power contained in this fragment is beyond imagination. Just a trace of afterimage has seriously injured me, and I have a feeling that the afterimage may not be the power of the fragment itself, but... how should I put it? It may be the power left by another sword." Gao Shanggong said.

Wuming was surprised: "Is it that high level?"

"Don't underestimate the strong men of the past. Our generation may have surpassed the previous generation of practitioners in some aspects, but the power developed by the previous generation of practitioners is not necessarily weaker than ours. Except for the unimaginable detachment, among the detachment There are countless powerful beings below, and we also need to look up to their strength," Gao Shangong said with a smile.

He put the fragment down, couldn't help coughing, and vomited some blood, and sighed: "Wu Ming, you might as well take this fragment with you. It may be useful in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. It contains extremely strong purifying power." If there is a way to draw out this power of purification, it may not be able to compete with the power of the eternal silence space."

"The power of purification?" Wuming whispered.

He thought of the golden crocodile. Maybe the fragments could harm the golden crocodile at that time because the fragments had powerful purifying power.

It would be great if this fragment could really resist the pollution of the Eternal Silence Space.

Others also looked happy after hearing Gao Shanggong's words. Cheng Xuejie said happily: "In that case, let's quickly find a way to see if we can use the power of the fragments."

"Wu Ming, if you put the fragment into the Nameless Sea, is it possible to absorb it?" Lin Renmei asked immediately.

Wuming picked up the fragment and said, "I'll give it a try."

He instantly transferred his mind to the Nameless Sea, opened his hand and threw the fragment into the sea. However, the fragment gradually sank to the bottom of the sea, but there was no sign of being digested by the Nameless Sea.

"Isn't it really possible?" Wuming murmured to himself.

He mentally returned to the cursed hut, put the fragment on the table, and said, "No, it can't be digested."

Everyone is not surprised by this. After all, the power in this fragment is quite rare and mysterious. It would be best if it can be absorbed, but it is not surprising that it cannot be absorbed.

Everyone discussed it and decided to use this evening to study the fragments and try to find a way to allow Wuming to control the power of the fragments.

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