I Contracted Myself

【529】The Prison Tower changes dramatically

The next morning, after working hard all night, everyone had breakfast and continued to study the fragments.

Gao Shanggong left the Cursed Villa after breakfast because he needed to receive support materials from the Scholars Foundation.

Everyone sat on the sofa, looking at the fragments a little distracted. Wuming rubbed his temples and said, "Why don't we just forget it? I have looked up a lot of information and can't find any extraction method suitable for this fragment."

"What if we are just a little bit away from success?" Lucyphil said.

She was very excited and didn't feel tired at all. Her shining eyes were enough to show that she was completely enjoying it.

Zhang Shouzhong wailed, "Please spare me. I'm really not good at research. It is said that long-term thinking will accumulate a lot of toxins in the brain. I feel that the toxins in my brain are enough to kill me."

"Everyone, please disperse. Those who are interested will stay, and those who are not interested can do whatever they should do." Wuming said with a smile.

Everyone got up and left, leaving only Lucyphil who had not given up.

Wuming was lying on the sofa, looking at Lucyphile, and asked, "Is it always so boring to study the secret arts of rules?"

"It's more boring than this, because under normal circumstances, no one will accompany you to do research. My father studied the secret arts of rules for hundreds or thousands of years, and this little time is really nothing now.

But then again, it is a kind of luck to gain power from research without any risk." Lucyphile smiled.

Wuming's forehead was sweating. Thinking of the scene where Lucyphile almost died and Gao Shanggong was seriously injured, he couldn't help but say, "In fact, this research is still quite dangerous."

Lucyphile did not refute, but just smiled faintly, and then continued to study the fragments.

Next, Wuming did not speak again, but began to close his eyes and rest. He would return to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower in the evening, and he did not plan to stay in the shelter. After repairing the cracks around the shelter, he would go straight to the first floor.

He also didn't know what the result would be this time, and whether the problem of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower could be repaired.

However, he knew very well that if he could not repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, he would not suffer much loss, but once the monsters in the Eternal Silence Space were freed from their shackles, they would cause bloody storms in countless worlds.

When he came back this time, he had already made a backup in the Nameless Sea.

Even if this body died, he would at most lose the memory of entering the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Because he had no worries, he was ready to fight and do his best to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Time passed by bit by bit, the sun rising in the east gradually moved to the middle of the sky, and then began to tilt to the west, the temperature rose and then gradually dropped.

The evening came quietly.

The clouds on the horizon were red, and there were returning birds flapping their wings in the sky, quietly returning to their nests.

Wuming ordered a lot of takeout and had a big meal with everyone.

When he was about to return to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, Gao Shang Palace sent several storage rings, each of which stored a large amount of supplies.

For example, the Dragon Body Protection Pill that needs to be taken after entering the third floor, and the array-breaking props that Wuming requested himself...

And these things are not unique, but there are many backups. Even if Wuming fails tens of thousands of times, as long as he succeeds once, he can continue to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

In addition to the necessary supplies, there are countless things like food, medicine, enhancement pills, etc. If these supplies are put into some weaker extraordinary worlds, it is enough to fight a war with a large number of people that lasts for hundreds of years.

After receiving the resources, Wuming said goodbye to everyone, and then activated the ability of the jailer's bracelet and returned to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower again.

At the bottom of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, the shelter.

Wuming walked out of the Gate of Innocence and immediately subconsciously suspended in the air. He did not dare to radiate his mental power and frowned at everything around him.

Although the shelter had a little trace of pollution, the area around the house was not polluted.

And now the entire shelter is dark, and all the houses have been polluted, emitting the breath leaked from the Eternal Silence space.

"What's going on?" Wuming frowned and walked forward on the air.

Suddenly, he felt something and rushed to the right quickly. Then he saw Catwoman Jessica eating the three little goblins.

Catwoman Jessica's body was covered with strange black organs similar to grapes. She had two faces in front and back and four arms. She held three little goblins in her hands. Two of them had lost their heads and most of their bodies were eaten. Another little goblin's head was swollen like a balloon, and his eyes exuded a deep and terrifying breath.

All were polluted.

Wuming frowned, took out the Shengshengbai gun prepared by Gao Shanggong and shot Jessica.

However, Jessica reacted very quickly. When the gunshot sounded, her hair exploded, she bounced off the ground and spun in the air, then stepped on the ceiling and kicked, instantly attacking Wuming who was suspended in the air.

"So fast!"

Wuming quickly retreated to avoid Jessica's attack, but the next second Jessica landed and kicked, attacking him from behind again.

Both sides attacked and dodged at a very fast speed, fighting dozens of rounds in just a few seconds, but Wuming was not touched by Jessica from beginning to end, and Jessica was not hit by his bullets.

But these bullets were not meaningless.

The bullets compressed with the essence of Shengsheng Stone fell on the ground, on the wall, and on the ceiling, and they scattered directly, just like correction fluid to dispel pollution.

Fortunately, the support sent by Gao Shang Palace later added hundreds of thousands of bullets, so Wuming did not need to worry about the bullets being consumed too quickly.

He kept shooting with a gun in his hand, gradually clearing a piece of open space.

When he fell to the open space, he saw the opportunity to take out a vitality bomb, and threw it at his feet at the moment when Catwoman Jessica attacked. The vitality bomb exploded directly, and the bright light radiated to the surroundings. Catwoman Jessica was immediately cleaned of the pollution on her body, and she fell to the ground as a corpse.

The essence of Shengsheng Stone cannot purify the pollution power of Yongji Space. It is like a broom to sweep away the pollution.

Because the essence of Shengsheng Stone is too concentrated, it will generate a huge driving force at the moment of explosion, and the pollution will be pushed away for a distance. This is the principle of Shengsheng Stone Essence to remove pollution.

After the vitality bomb exploded, a clean area was formed with Wuming as the center, but outside this clean area was accumulated pollution.

This is just like when everyone cleans the house and sweeps the dust on the ground together.

This does not eliminate the dirt, but just moves it to a different location.

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