I Contracted Myself

【530】Jailer's locker room

After dealing with Jessica, Wuming had time to think and observe the situation of the shelter. He couldn't understand why the shelter was in such a good condition after he left for only two days.

Could it be that the damage to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower has become more serious?

Wuming thought with a headache, but his hands were not idle. Instead, he took out the Oracle Stone and opened several programs added by Gao Shang Palace. He said to himself: "Let's open the live broadcast first and contact everyone to avoid worrying."

It doesn't matter if there is no way to contact, since it can be contacted, it must be contacted as soon as possible.

After he clicked to open, the mirror image opened instantly. He glanced at Jessica, who was naked not far away, and immediately moved his mind. The soil wrapped around Jessica's body and buried it underground.

He set the delay time, and a moment later he saw a line of words floating across the screen: "Master Wuming, we saw it."

"Hello everyone, I am now in a rather special place. I guess some practitioners should know this place, but younger practitioners like me have definitely not heard of it.

This place is called the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, located in the Eternal Silence Space..."

Wuming saw that his live broadcast was connected to the Divine Light Curtain, so he spoke to the screen.

In the Divine Hidden Space, many practitioners were stunned, all looking at the suddenly opened Divine Light Curtain.

Some people were even more confused. Wasn't this year's Divine Hidden Trial over?

Why was it opened again?

Everyone looked at the Divine Light Curtain in confusion.

When the Divine Light Curtain appeared on the screen, they were stunned again. Wuming appeared on the screen and explained in detail what happened in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

If these contents were placed in the past, they would definitely need to be kept secret, but now the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is in danger, and it is hard to say whether Wuming can repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

If the Eternal Silence Prison Tower cannot be repaired, keeping it secret is meaningless, so repairing it is far more important than keeping it secret. This is why Gao Shanggong decided to allow Wuming's live broadcast to be connected to the God Light Curtain.

Anyway, if it can't be repaired, then everyone will work together to save the world. After it is repaired, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower must be overhauled.

Now it is more important to assist Wuming and repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower at all costs!

"In short, this is a special rescue mission. If the Eternal Silence Prison Tower cannot be repaired, then the monsters born in the Eternal Silence Space trapped in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower will break free from the shackles. They will sneak into the heavens and the worlds from the Eternal Silence Space as in the past, causing immeasurable harm and destruction to many worlds." Wuming looked at the screen and said seriously.

He then looked around, and finally landed on the passage in and out of the shelter, and said: "Now I'm going to find the location of the bottom leak and see if I can fix the bottom leak."

After that, he stopped paying attention to the screen and walked towards the passage.

After walking out of the area cleared by the vitality bomb, he changed to flying in the air, and his body instantly shrank to a size that could walk in the passage, and walked forward slowly.

"The passage... is blocked?"

Wuming walked to the front of the passage and found that the passage that Pangolin brought him in before was polluted by the power of the Eternal Silence Space, forming a large amount of stuff similar to black sludge.

He guessed that the pollution should have come from the passage, because everything happened so quickly that Jessica and the three little fairies had no time to avoid it, so they were polluted in an instant.


Wuming's eyes flashed coldly, and the next moment he raised his gun and shot at the passage quickly. Under the attack of the vitality bullet, the passage was quickly penetrated.

At this time, a sentence floated across the screen: "Wuming, you are now in the martial arts field, where the jailers usually practice actual combat. The passage in front of you is a vent, and the gate is actually on your right..."

"Thirty meters to the right!"

Because the bullet screen cannot be sent too long, some words cannot be sent, so the other party added another sentence.

Many viewers saw this scene and started to discuss it. Some people wanted to post a barrage, but when they opened the Oracle Stone and saw the resource coins needed to post a barrage, they were so scared that their hands trembled and they quickly closed the barrage.

Of course, some local tyrants definitely don't care about these resource coins, so Wuming immediately saw a line of words floating on the screen: "Master Wuming, we rescuers all support you, and we must repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower!"

Wuming didn't care about the location of the door and explained: "I can't open the door now, because the pollution behind the door is very, very serious. I'll go out of the vent to see the situation first. In fact, all this is my fault. I was soft-hearted and let go of a mole named Pangolin. If I'm not mistaken, the sudden pollution of the shelter should be caused by it."

He shouldn't have let Pangolin leave. He regretted it, so there won't be a next time. Some people can be saved, but some people are really hopeless.

Pangolin was sent to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, which means it deserved to die.

As the bullets poured out, the pollution in the passage was pushed back little by little. Wuming walked along the passage. After a few minutes, he returned to the place where he first entered the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

He took out a coin and said calmly: "The pangolin is on the left!"

After that, he flicked the coin and it was heads.

Very good.

The pangolin was indeed on the left.

He threw the coin on the ground, and then the bullets opened the way and walked towards the passage on the left.

At this time, the screen had another barrage of comments: "Wuming, the locker room is on your left, and the pangolin you mentioned may be hiding in the locker room."

"Well, I'll go take a look." Wuming's body returned to normal and continued to move forward.

To be honest, this passage now looks nothing like it used to be. It's like a passage in a cave, surrounded by indescribable dirt, and even above it there are things like stalactites.

Wuming walked forward and soon came to the locker room. The door of the locker room was also blocked. He fired several shots at the door and then pushed it open.

Back off!

In an instant, his intuition exploded, and the whole person retreated dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye. A breath visible to the naked eye floated out of the locker room, like the shadow of the god of death covering the passage.

The practitioners in the Shenzang space all felt their scalps numb when they saw this scene. Even a blind person could feel the terrifying breath through the screen.

Some practitioners even suspected that this thing could infect them through the screen, and they all quickly hid in the surrounding houses.

Wuming fired at the aura continuously, then took out a precious vitality bomb and threw it forward. The vitality bomb hit the wall and bounced directly into the locker room, and then a dazzling light exploded.

The aura was finally dispersed by the vitality bomb, and turned into dripping black mud and fell on the ground.

Wuming frowned and looked at the dirt, cursing in his heart, what the hell is this, what the hell is in the locker room?

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