I Contracted Myself

【531】Additional support

The air was very quiet in the corridor.

Wuming and the audience did not dare to move rashly, as if they would disturb the quiet.

After about ten minutes, Wuming felt that it was about time, so he walked forward carefully and fired a gun to disperse the dirt on the ground.

When he came to the door of the locker room, he thought about it and took out a mirror, controlling the mirror to shine into the locker room. At this moment, countless practitioners in the heavens and the world who were watching the live broadcast held their breath with him, and their hearts were pounding as they watched the pictures sent back from the mirror.

In the mirror, in the dim locker room, all the wardrobes were lying on the ground, and many dirt was squeezed out of the vents by the vitality bomb. On the clean ground, a corpse with a big head and a small body, a strange shape, and an indescribable appearance, was lying on the ground. Its head had many organs similar to craters, and these organs were now constantly oozing strange mucus.

"What kind of creature is this?" Wuming took back the mirror, then walked into the locker room and asked while looking at the corpse.

After a moment, a comment floated by: "It looks a bit like a strange frogman, but the frogman's head is not that big, and the color is wrong."

"Could it be a jailer?" Wuming looked at the comment and guessed.

He took out a bracelet and put it on his wrist. After turning on the bracelet, an energy arm was formed instantly. He controlled the energy arm to lift the corpse on the ground and looked at it, and said: "Are there any rules for recruiting jailers?"

After a while, Gao Shanggong saw Wuming's question and replied: "There are no detailed rules. It usually depends on the warden's likes and dislikes."

"Forget it, now is not the time to study the corpse. It may be a jailer, but it may also be a bastard who was accidentally teleported to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower in the past. Let's put it aside for now." Wuming finally said helplessly.

He put the corpse down, looked around the locker room, and opened the wardrobes to observe.

After seeing that there was no useful information in the locker room, he came out of the locker room and continued to explore forward.

At this time, Gao Shanggong sent a barrage: "In front of the locker room is the cafeteria. One wall of the cafeteria is the outer wall of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. The thickness is different from other walls. You can check it when the time comes to see if there are any cracks."


Wuming looked at the barrage and immediately agreed.

Bullets still opened the way. A few minutes later, he came to the cafeteria door.

Because there were not many jailers, the cafeteria and the locker room were not particularly large. Wuming opened the door carefully. This time, there was no terrifying breath coming out.

However, after opening the door, the polluted breath suddenly became more intense.

Wuming had a bad premonition. He strengthened his defensive stance, holding a gun in one hand and a vitality bomb in the other, and entered the cafeteria cautiously.

As soon as he entered the cafeteria, he immediately saw a fist-sized crack on one of the walls of the cafeteria, and a smooth, dark monster was trying to drill in from the crack.

Because it was stuck, the power of the Eternal Silence Space did not leak from the crack to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Probably sensing Wuming's aura, it stopped drilling inside and retreated all of a sudden.

This retreat created a gap, so the black power splashed in from the gap. Wuming just stepped back and fired at the gap at the same time. His other hand was not idle either, and he threw the vitality bomb directly at the wall.

Bang, bang, bang!


There were several gunshots and an explosion. Wuming fought and retreated. When he retreated to the entrance, he immediately heard a dizzying whistle from the cafeteria.

However, the whistle quickly became smaller, and the polluted aura became weaker.

Wuming waited for a while, and then walked back into the cafeteria. All the pollution in the cafeteria was swept to the corner, and the gaps on the wall had been stuck by the white liquid from the vitality bomb.

"Do you need another one?" Wuming asked at this time, looking at the wall.

Gao Shanggong looked at the white slime on the screen and replied: "It's better to add another vitality bomb. After all, we didn't expect that there would be monsters outside the Eternal Silence Prison Tower to drill into it. Are these monsters newly born in the Eternal Silence Space?"

This sentence floated across the screen, and many practitioners felt uneasy. The monsters suppressed by the Eternal Silence Prison Tower could be released at any time, but new monsters were born in the Eternal Silence Space.

And do these monsters know how to save their companions?

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why they drilled through the gaps and looked like they wanted to enter the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

The people of the Scholar Foundation were watching the live broadcast. After learning the latest situation, they decided to step up reinforcements to Wuming after just a little discussion.

Wuming threw a vitality bomb on the wall, and then saw a line of words floating by: "Wuming, there is good news. The foundation has decided to increase assistance and will use a very precious prop to deliver the aid directly to you. Half an hour later, you prepare a safe place to receive the supplies."

"Increase assistance?" Wuming looked surprised.

In fact, the supplies he has now are already very rich, and he doesn't think he needs so much aid.

However, it is a good thing to have aid, and the supplies can be directly delivered to the interior of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. It is estimated that the props are of very high level, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as precious.

Wuming suspected that the props for delivering supplies might be the reward props of the Shenzang Trial.

Because there is still half an hour, Wuming decided to continue exploring. After he left the cafeteria, he looked at the passage on the right, and Gao Shanggong immediately sent a barrage: "The toilet is in front, it is already the last room."

"The pangolin is probably hiding in the toilet." Wuming glanced at the barrage and said immediately.

He walked forward slowly and looked at the door of the toilet, with murderous intent already gathering in his heart.

In the toilet, the pangolin was sleeping on a toilet lid.

It was too scared of Wuming, so it decided to kill Wuming.

But it was impossible to kill Wuming with its own strength. As long as it dared to show a little murderous intent, Wuming would probably kill it instantly.

Therefore, it decided to use the power of the black tide.

Since Wuming drove it out of the shelter, it might as well do it once and for all and let the black tide swallow the shelter. Wuming would be killed without a doubt if he was caught off guard.

Because it often left the shelter to collect supplies, it actually knew the surrounding environment very well.

This toilet was not polluted. It knew a long time ago that in addition to this toilet, it had several other places to hide.

Although it did not want to destroy the shelter, which was an excellent shelter, it was more afraid that Wuming was still alive than the shelter.

"It's been a day... Wuming must be dead."

"I'm... safe."

Pangolin talked in his sleep with his eyes closed, and the toilet door slowly opened.

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