I Contracted Myself

【532】Eradication of pests

The supernatural life form has a very sharp sense of perception. The pangolin was awakened the moment the toilet door was opened.

It shuddered and opened its eyes. When it saw Wuming, its eye sockets suddenly expanded a lot. It instinctively stepped back with a look of horror.

"What? Are you surprised?" Wuming looked at the pangolin and asked lightly.

The pangolin shrank back frantically, but the problem was that the toilet was so small, where could it shrink to?

It shouted in horror: "Don't come over, don't come over, don't kill me..."

Wuming controlled the energy-made arm to instantly grab the pangolin. The pangolin was furious and actually broke free from the energy arm. However, the next second, as soon as it landed, a sword pierced its body and nailed it to the ground.

"You should have been prepared to die the moment you wanted to kill me." Wuming looked at the pangolin and said.

He did not feel any sympathy for the pangolin, but he did not feel much pleasure of revenge. After all, although the pangolin wanted to harm him, it did not harm him at all, but only polluted the shelter.

Of course, for Jessica and the three silly fairies, pangolins are indeed great enemies, and Wuming killing pangolins can be regarded as revenge for them.

"My Lord, spare me, I can tell you a secret, spare me, please, don't kill me!" As a supernatural life, although the pangolin was pierced in the abdomen by a sword, its breath did not weaken much, and it struggled on the ground more because of fear of Wuming.

Wuming's eyes instantly shot out two lasers to blow up the pangolin's head, and said lightly: "Sorry, I'm not interested in your secret."

After speaking, the energy arm swept, and the pangolin's soul exploded on the spot.

This energy arm exists to facilitate his contact with some dangerous things.

The moment the pangolin's body exploded, its soul began to be polluted by the breath of the Eternal Silence Space. If it is not quickly eliminated, it may mutate into some kind of monster.

Although this toilet was not too seriously polluted by the Eternal Silence Space, in fact, the pollution in the air is everywhere. Just having a body can control energy to resist this weak pollution, and the energy consumed is negligible, so for the extraordinary, the pollution in the air is nothing.

But in fact, this pollution is very deadly to mortals or souls. Ordinary people fall into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Even if they don't touch the ground, the smell in the air is enough to kill them, and the same is true for souls.

After dealing with the pangolin, Wuming burned the pangolin's body with a fire. He looked around the toilet and turned to leave the toilet after confirming that there were no cracks.

At this time, three bullet comments passed by:

"Good kill, those who kill will be killed, this big rat has evil thoughts, we should not listen to it, kill it and put an end to it."

"It really deserves to die, do you know how expensive each bullet of Wuming's gun is? If you want to clean up all the pollution in the martial arts field, you need bullets and vitality bombs," "Even if the masters above the 200th floor of the resource tower don't spend a penny, they have to save for hundreds of years, and selling it can't pay back the money."

"Wuming, you shouldn't kill it so cleanly, you should search its soul first, it may not really have secrets, but what if it does?"

Especially the second bullet comment, because the bullet comment is too long, so it is actually sent out in two bullet comments, but the other party connects very well, so it looks like one sentence.

After Wuming saw it, he replied: "It does know some secrets, but it certainly doesn't know as much as I do. These villains who were sent to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower because of their own sins don't even know that this is the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. What important secrets do you think they can know?"

As he spoke, he walked back along the aisle and couldn't help looking inside the cafeteria when he passed by it.

He stopped at the entrance of the cafeteria with some concern and asked: "If the monster attacks the gap here again, can the vitality bomb withstand it?"

Many viewers were also very worried. After all, the gap already existed. No matter how powerful the concentrated essence of the Life Stone was, it might be dug through by the monster.

A bullet screen passed by: "How about adding a seal?"

But then another bullet screen passed by: "The seal is useless, even if it is a reinforced seal, it will not have a reinforcing effect as long as the attribute is not right. These monsters in the Eternal Silence Space are very difficult to deal with. Let me tell you a little knowledge, these monsters must not be attacked by mental power or telekinesis, otherwise the pollution will follow the mental power or telekinesis to pollute your soul in turn."

The audience couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they saw the bullet screen, especially those practitioners who specialized in mental power and telekinesis, who were considering whether to switch to other systems at this moment.

Wuming smiled and said: "That's true, so I have never dared to use mental power and telekinesis to explore the surrounding situation, because mental power and telekinesis are an extension of a person's soul. Once exposed to pollution, it will be very troublesome. Unless the polluted part is cut off instantly, the pollution will slowly enter the soul."

After entering the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, he never used mental power and telekinesis to attack the enemy, nor did he use it to explore the surroundings. In fact, it was because he could feel the pollution around him.

Otherwise, why would he have to go through so much trouble to find the pangolin? Once his mental power was activated, or his telekinesis covered the entire bottom of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, wouldn't it be easy to find a mouse?

His mental power was more than enough to cover a planet, so searching for something in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was easier than drinking water?

But in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, he couldn't and didn't dare to use this trick, so he could only grope and search slowly.

Many practitioners were confused at first, but now after reading the explanation in the barrage and listening to Wuming's words, they suddenly realized that the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was much more dangerous than they thought.

Because many practitioners are used to using mental power, divine thoughts and other abilities to supplement their perception, they are used to using these extraordinary powers to make up for some places that cannot be observed by the naked eye.

Once these senses are lost, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and it feels like fighting with one eye blind.

After understanding this, everyone has a better understanding of Wuming's current situation.

At this time, Wuming simply took out another vitality bomb and said, "Add another one. By the way, seniors of the foundation, if you want to send more support materials, can you prepare more bullets and vitality bombs?"

To be honest, if only the Eternal Silence Prison Tower itself was cracked, one vitality bomb would be enough, but if monsters were found to be destroying it outside, the situation would be completely different.

Wuming wanted to take out more than a dozen vitality bombs and simply seal the entire cafeteria.

But the number of vitality bombs is limited, and he doesn't know how many cracks there are in the prison above...

Well, let's not talk about the top.

Even at the bottom, it's hard to say whether there are other cracks now, so the vitality bombs must be used sparingly.

Wuming threw a vitality bomb on the wall, then turned and left the cafeteria. At this time, the barrage of good news came: "Okay, we will do our best to unite other forces to prepare enough bullets and vitality bombs for you, please feel free to use them."

Seeing this news, Wuming breathed a sigh of relief.

With enough bullets and vitality bombs, he is more confident in repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

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