I Contracted Myself

【533】Magic Cultivator

The walkway structure at the bottom of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is like a ‘swastika’ character.

Wuming came out of the martial arts arena on the upper right, walked to the left, and finally arrived at the toilet on the lower right. After killing the pangolin, he began to walk back.

The other two directions were the jailer’s work area and the warden’s office.

At this time, in the warden’s office, dense black silk threads wrapped the bodies of the creatures that were accidentally transported into capsules. The dense creatures that looked like spiders from a distance and skeletons from a close distance were transporting these capsules to a crack.

There was a big mouth full of fangs outside the crack. These ‘skeleton spiders’ put the capsules into this mouth. The mouth spiraled closed, and the dense fangs turned violently. The capsules and the life inside the capsules were immediately shredded into pieces and then swallowed into the monster’s belly.

About an hour later, the mouth opened again, and a skeleton spider crawled out of it...

"Woo, woo!"

In a corner of the warden's office, there was a bunch of grape-like capsules hanging.

One of the capsules was faintly shaking.

Xiao Yao was trapped in the capsule, and when he came to his senses, he found that he could not move, and he could not even make a sound.

Where is this place?

The last scene in his memory was that his master was furious and chopped his chest with tears. When he thought he was going to die, his consciousness suddenly fell into darkness, and when he woke up, he was already in this dark and narrow space.

Can't sit and wait for death.

Xiao Yao had a very bad premonition, he took a deep breath and activated the magic in his body.

Although he was born in a famous and upright family, because he was not talented, he had no choice but to take the risk to practice a magic technique called "Blood Evil Soul-Separating Knife".

This Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword is condensed with one's own blood to form a life-definition sword blank, and then nourished with the blood and souls of others. As long as enough people are killed, this sword has unlimited growth potential.

And because the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword is a life-definition magic sword, the stronger the sword, the stronger the person. There was once a great demon named Zhou Liren who practiced this technique. When he drew his sword, blood stained the blue sky for three thousand miles, and the demon soul cried and roared for nine days, which can be said to be a raging demon flame.

This person dominated the Qingfan Continent for an era, and finally ascended to heaven after completing his skills, leaving only the "Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword" technique, which set off a bloody storm in the world of cultivation.

Xiao Yao was also lucky. He accidentally got this technique when he was a child, but because good and evil cannot coexist, he did not practice this technique under the guidance of his master since he was a child.

But when the practice of the righteous technique was slow, and even made no progress, he had a crooked idea in his heart, secretly practiced the "Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword", and quietly went down the mountain to practice the sword with bandits.

At first, he thought that he would only kill those who should be killed. Whether it was the righteous or the devilish skills, they could be used to punish evil and promote good.

The problem was that the enhancement brought by the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword was too cool.

It was probably like playing a game, and one cut would increase 9999 experience points. Unconsciously, he was addicted to the pleasure of rapid strength improvement, and the butcher knife began to swing at innocent people.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and his killing and sword training was eventually exposed.

Fortunately, there is always a way out.

Although Xiao Yao didn't know where he was now, it was better than facing the master of the Mahayana period. When he killed another group of people and became more powerful, the master could kill him.

Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword!

Xiao Yao whispered in his heart, and the demon blood in his body boiled, and instantly condensed into a dark red machete, but just when the machete was about to penetrate his body, it got stuck.

The sac that trapped Xiao Yao was much harder than Xiao Yao imagined, and the knife couldn't pierce the sac at all.

He was like constipated, clenching his teeth to let the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword out of his body, but the tip of the sword could not shake the thin layer of the sac at all.

Half a minute later, he let out a breath, and the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword condensed in his body suddenly decomposed into blood.

He lay powerlessly in the sac, and began to doubt in his heart, was he sealed by his master?

After resting for half an hour, he began to exert his strength again, condensing the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword to break the "seal", but the pressure of this full-strength push was very great.

If he was allowed to fight, he could swing the magic sword for several days without sleep, but he could only hold on for half a minute with the sword against the sac membrane.

Half a minute later, he stopped panting, feeling a little helpless.

At this time, he heard a voice from the side: "Boy, give up, this weird seal can't even be broken by me, and you can't break it with your strength."

"Senior, where is this place?" Xiao Yao heard the voice and asked immediately.

But his voice didn't come out at all, and the result was just the words he wanted to say echoing in his mind. He took a deep breath and immediately tried to communicate with the outside world with his mind.

Sure enough, this time it worked.

The other party replied: "I am Zhou Liren, and I have been trapped here for several years. Give up. This may be hell. Ascension is just a lie."

"You are Senior Zhou Liren!!!" Xiao Yao was shocked.

The "Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword" he practiced was passed down from Zhou Liren. Although Zhou Liren was not the creator of the technique, Zhou Liren was the first practitioner in history to practice the "Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword" to great success.

But then he felt a sense of dejection. Even a strong man like Zhou Liren couldn't break the seal, so he had no chance to break the seal.

It's over.

Xiao Yao was angry, but he could do nothing.

The corridor outside the warden's office.

Wuming walked forward solemnly, holding a gun in one hand and a vitality bomb in the other.

He shot a skeleton spider hiding in a blind spot and said, "There are too many of these monsters. I have killed almost thirty of them in this direction. There may be a big crack in the warden's office. I don't know if my vitality bombs are enough."

A line of words immediately floated across the barrage: "We have joined forces with organizations from all walks of life to produce more bullets and vitality bombs. Although the support will be delivered later, it will definitely be sufficient!"

"Well, I'll go in and take a look first. If possible, I'll solve the trouble in the warden's office first." Wuming nodded, and then threw a vitality bomb into the warden's office.

He is not stupid, so he will not risk his life to enter the warden's office where the situation is unknown.

From the skeleton spiders he met along the way, he knew that there would definitely be a lot of such monsters in the warden's office. If it weren't for the limited vitality bombs, he would have thrown a dozen in.

After the light of the vitality bomb dispersed, he stepped into the warden's office carefully.

The first thing he saw was the cracks on the wall, and then he saw some corpses lying on the ground.

These corpses should have been wrapped in a strange membrane, but because of the vitality bomb, most of that membrane was also dispelled, so that these corpses looked like half-shelled peanuts.

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