I Contracted Myself


In the corner of the warden's office, Zhou Liren and Xiao Yao were covered by corpses, and both of them entered a state of hibernation.

Zhou Liren transmitted a message: "Don't let the other party find you. If he can solve the seal that trapped us, he may seal us again. Now the enemy is unclear, don't expose yourself!"

"Yes, senior!" Xiao Yao responded, not daring to move even a little.

Wuming didn't pay much attention to the corpses on the ground. The cracks on the wall were his focus. He slowly walked to the cracks, took out a vitality bomb from the storage ring and threw it out of the cracks, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Outside the wall is the eternal space. This crack is not blocked by monsters like the cracks in the cafeteria. Why didn't the power of the eternal space leak in from the cracks?

At this time, the vitality bomb emitted a brilliant white light, and the cracks suddenly shrank a little from the outside to the inside.

Wuming moved forward a little more, wanting to see the situation outside, but it was pitch black outside and he couldn't see anything.

The audience in the Shenzang Space was also very confused. One of the audience couldn't help but send a comment: "Mr. Wuming, it's best not to get too close. It might be a trap."

"Yeah, I know." Wuming stepped back a little after hearing this.

As he stepped back, a black thread shot in from the gap, just brushed past the position where he was standing, and finally fell on the ceiling.

"Be careful!"

Many viewers were shocked.

No matter what attack method the enemy uses, as long as it is the power of the Eternal Silence Space, it must be polluted. Even if Wuming is not afraid of the physical damage caused by this black thread, he still needs to guard against the pollution of the black thread itself.

Wuming quickly stepped back, and then saw a large number of bones quickly drilled in from the outside, and then arranged in a strange way to form a huge skeleton spider.

The whole process was very fast. Before the skeleton spider was formed, it raised its huge forelimbs and smashed Wuming from top to bottom. Wuming immediately stepped back and raised the gun in his hand, shooting at the skeleton spider continuously.

The bullet hit the skeleton spider's bones, but the bones were not broken, and the essence of the life stone did not cause much damage.

Wuming narrowed his eyes, and two lasers shot out of his eyes immediately.

The laser swept, and two obvious scars appeared on the skeleton spider's bones.

The audience immediately understood what was going on with the skeleton spider when they saw this scene.

If it was just a monster formed by the pure power of the eternal space, the essence of the life stone would indeed have an effect.

But this monster was wrapped in a layer of bones on the outside, which protected the body inside, so that the bullet effect was very poor, and it was better for Wuming to attack it with his own ability.

Wuming waved his hand, and the energy arm punched at the skeleton spider again and again. After the skeleton spider stabilized its body, it also continued to attack Wuming with its sharp forelimbs. The two sides punched and kicked each other, and the shock waves caused by the occasional collision caused many corpses to begin to break.

"Senior, I can't hold on any longer." Xiao Yao gritted his teeth and whispered at this time.

If there weren't many corpses of creatures around, which blocked most of the damage for him, he would definitely be seriously injured by the collision between Wuming and the Skeleton Spider.

"Then you go to hell!"

Zhou Liren's cold voice entered Xiao Yao's consciousness, and Xiao Yao felt something was wrong the next moment. A blood-colored knife stabbed from his right hand, and he had no time to dodge. In an instant, a big hole was pierced through his body by the blood-colored long knife.

"You old immortal!!!"

Xiao Yao spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes suddenly became fierce.

He instantly condensed the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword in his body, and raised his hand and stabbed the long sword from his palm, slashing in the direction of Zhou Liren.

However, Zhou Liren sneered, and Xiao Yao felt that the blood in his body was absorbed by the long sword that stabbed into his body the next moment. He could no longer maintain the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Sword, and the stabbed long sword was directly retracted into his body.

Xiao Yao's face turned pale, realizing that something was wrong.

He managed to withstand Zhou Liren's attack, took a deep breath, and suddenly yelled: "Help, senior, help, there is a big devil here who wants to kill me!"

"Little beast, you are looking for death!"

Zhou Liren was furious. He didn't expect Xiao Yao to make such a desperate sound.

But at this time, the skeleton spider and Wuming heard Xiao Yao's voice.

Wuming was distracted for a moment, and the skeleton spider immediately stabbed Wuming's chest with its sharp forelimbs.


The sound of bones piercing the chest sounded.

The skeleton spider suddenly looked at the corner. Wuming was standing in the corner with Xiao Yao in one hand and a broken knife made of blood in the other hand.

And the skeleton spider stabbed Zhou Liren.

Wuming has many superpowers, and it is not difficult to switch positions with others. Unless the opponent's strength is similar to his, it is easy for him to control the opponent.

"This... Damn it!"

Zhou Liren finally realized it, looked down at the wound on his chest, and the next second his eyes rolled up, and his body began to swell wildly.

He turned into a part of the skeleton spider's forelimb, looking like a funny sock worn on the skeleton spider's forelimb.

Wuming frowned when he saw this scene, and his eyes returned to Xiao Yao, asking: "Why are you and him not contaminated?"

In fact, all the corpses wrapped by the skeleton spider were contaminated by the power of the Eternal Silence Space, and they were already dead when they were wrapped in the capsule.

Xiao Yao and Zhou Liren were indeed very strange. Zhou Liren was also quickly contaminated after his death, and was not contaminated when he was alive.

"I don't know, senior, save me." Xiao Yao replied painfully.

He was stabbed by Zhou Liren, and most of his blood was sucked away. Now he felt cold all over, and felt like he would die in the next second.

Wuming checked Xiao Yao's condition, and then quickly retreated. The forelimbs of the skeleton spider fell, and Zhou Liren's mutated 'socks' swung a black knife wildly.

However, Wuming had avoided the attack before it fell, so Zhou Liren swung the knife in vain.

Wuming retreated to the door of the warden's office, threw Xiao Yao out of the door, and then quickly dodged in another direction. He had just left the skeleton spider's attack and it fell again, but it still hit the air.

Gu Xing's eye-cutting freezing light technique!

Wuming's eyes swept towards the skeleton spider, and the skeleton spider also twisted its body to chase after it, but this time it twisted its body and immediately split its body into two, and the cut was extremely smooth.

Its upper body fell to the ground, and a large number of black tentacles spewed out from the hollow bones. Wuming raised his hand and fired dozens of shots at these tentacles.

After the gunshots, all the tentacles were hit to the edge, and the bones fell apart.

Wuming immediately took out five vitality bombs and threw them in the direction of the gap. Sure enough, there were monsters in the gap who wanted to enter the tower to meet these tentacles, but they just collided with the vitality bombs.


The vitality bomb exploded, and the bright light filled the entire office.

Wuming waited for a while, and after the light gradually dimmed, he saw that the entire office became clean. The only discordant thing was that there were many protrusions in the corners. From the outline, some were corpses and some were tentacles.

These things were all covered by the concentrated essence of the life stone. As for whether they could get out of it, Wuming was not very clear.

He stood at the exit of the office and waited for a few minutes. After confirming that there was no problem with the tentacles and the gaps, he walked out of the office and his eyes fell on Xiao Yao.

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