I Contracted Myself


Xiao Yao groaned, and when he saw Wuming coming out, he said hoarsely: "Senior, save me, please...save me..."

However, Wuming did not heal his wound immediately, but looked at the broken knife on the ground first.

This knife was Zhou Liren's knife. Wuming threw the broken knife out when he threw Xiao Yao out.

In fact, he broke the knife himself. At the moment of exchanging positions, he and Zhou Liren overlapped for a moment. He broke Zhou Liren's knife and then appeared in Zhou Liren's position, while Zhou Liren appeared in his original position and took the attack of the skeleton spider for him.

Maybe because Zhou Liren was dead, the broken knife at this time was very strange.

The blade that looked like red crystal had black threads moving around, just like a big fish eating a small fish, swallowing some inconspicuous red dots in the blade of the broken knife.

"Anyone who appears here is guilty of unforgivable crimes and deserves death. Tell me, what have you done?" Wuming did not touch the knife, but said to Xiao Yao while observing.

Xiao Yao instinctively denied: "No, senior, I have not done anything bad. I am a disciple of the Gentleman Sword Sect. Senior, you should have heard of the Gentleman Sword Sect, right?"

"Gentleman Sword Sect? I haven't heard of it, but I know the Gentleman Sword. It's not a good thing." Wuming said indifferently.

Just from the name, Wuming dared to guarantee that there must be many hypocrites and villains in this sword sect.

Wuming controlled the energy arm to pinch the broken knife and asked: "Do you know what this is? If you want to treat your injuries, at least let me know the origin of this knife."

"That is... that is the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Knife, which has the effect of sucking the blood and soul of others." Xiao Yao hesitated for a moment and then answered.

Wuming suddenly realized, "No wonder your situation is so strange. Your blood is sucked by this knife, and your soul is torn apart. Even if Bian Que comes, he can only give you a three-combo."

"Bian Que? Three-combo, what does that mean?" Xiao Yao frowned and asked in confusion.

Wuming smiled and said, "Nothing, just a joke, but is it really good for the disciples of the Gentleman Sword School to learn this kind of evil and unorthodox skills? No, it's actually quite reasonable if you think about it carefully."

Just like the Gentleman Sword Yue Buqun castrated himself to practice the Sword of Exorcism, it is also scientific for the disciples of the Gentleman Sword School to practice the Blood Evil Soul Separation Knife.

"Senior, I didn't want to do it either. It was Zhou Liren who forced me to practice it."

Xiao Yao didn't expect Wuming to see through that he practiced the Blood Evil Soul Separation Knife, and immediately pushed the responsibility onto the dead.

Anyway, Zhou Liren is already dead, and it is impossible to refute his words.

Wuming looked at the live broadcast screen and smiled: "How many of his words do you think are true?"

Several comments immediately passed by:

All the civil and military officials in the court were crazy: "No more words, this kid is just a master of cannons."

A thousand-year-old middle-aged greasy uncle: "Give him a little cow, he will definitely blow it up to the sky, haha, this kid is playing tricks in front of Lord Wuming, he really doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."

Nervous Feitong: "Lord Wuming, you should quickly investigate the reason why he and Zhou Liren are not contaminated."

Many viewers are actually very curious, why Zhou Liren and Xiao Yao did not take full safety measures like Wuming, but were not contaminated by the power of the Eternal Silence Space.

If you master the methods they master, can you act in the Eternal Silence Space?

This is definitely something that countless practitioners can't wait to know.

Wuming saw the words of the nervous child Feitong, put away his smile and said seriously: "I already know why they are not polluted, but I don't want to make this reason public, please forgive me."

Many viewers frowned immediately, and some began to suspect that Wuming had some thoughts. Did he want to be the warden of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?

Want to take the method of preventing the Eternal Silence space from being polluted for himself?

Wuming looked down at the broken knife and said: "Do you know why I haven't treated this boy yet? Because his crime is unforgivable. The longer he is not polluted now, the more he deserves to die."

"Bastard, I will fight you!"

Wuming's words did not avoid Xiao Yao. After Xiao Yao heard Wuming's words, the pent-up anger in his heart burst out, and the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Knife instantly appeared in his hand. He supported his body with one hand and swung the knife at Wuming.

However, Wuming seemed to know that he would do this. At the moment when the knife came, Wuming's body floated up like a light balloon, and then fell like a mountain, directly breaking his hand holding the knife.

"In fact, your problem is not difficult to treat, but I don't want you to die so easily." Wuming said lightly.

He glanced at the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Knife in Xiao Yao's hand, and his right eye shot out a laser alone, and Xiao Yao's entire palm was cut off in an instant.

"I don't like killing people. Okay, you just wait for death here slowly."

Wuming didn't like to kill people with his own hands. Since Xiao Yao was sure to die here, there was no need to dirty his hands.

He used his energy arm to pick up both blood-colored swords and left directly.

"I will kill you, I will never let you go!"

Xiao Yao lay on the ground, shouting in pain and unwillingness.

Because of the hatred in his heart, he seemed to have burst out his potential at this moment. Although there was no place on his body that didn't hurt, his wounds began to scab quickly because of the boiling blood.

He used his only remaining hand to crawl in the direction Wuming left. He wanted to survive and he wanted revenge.

He will return the humiliation and harm that Wuming has caused him today to Wuming a hundred times or ten thousand times.

"I will not die, I will never die!"

"My life has just begun, I will definitely surpass everyone!"

Xiao Yao kept encouraging himself in his heart, and at the same time silently practiced the inner practice of the Gentleman Sword School, "Haoran Zhengqi Jue", which has the effect of balancing internal injuries and nourishing the soul, which is suitable for him who is seriously injured.

As long as he heals his injuries first, even if he loses the Blood Evil Soul-Separating Knife, he can quickly practice again by killing people.

At worst, he will avoid those places where powerful people live first, and practice silently in remote places in Qingfan Continent, and it will not be too late to seek revenge after the magic skills are perfected.

A gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years!

Whether it is the master who caused him to fall to this point or Wuming who humiliated and hurt him, he will not let go of any of them.

At this time, he suddenly heard a "ding" sound in his ear.

He frowned and looked up and looked around, and was relieved to make sure that Wuming did not come back to kill him.

"The Demonic Heavenly Venerable System is at your service!"

Suddenly, a voice neither male nor female came into his mind.

He looked around suspiciously and whispered, "Who?"

But no one answered his question, but then a stream of information flooded into his mind, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he was ecstatic, he knew that he was not destined to die, he did not expect that he would have good fortune after surviving a disaster.

According to the information in his mind, the Demonic Heavenly Venerable System was created by a demonic power who had ascended to heaven, and its purpose was to take care of the demonic monks in the lower world.

The more potential the demonic monk has, the more likely he is to obtain this system.

And now the system has chosen him, obviously optimistic about his future.

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