I Contracted Myself


Before, the fragment was placed in the storage ring. Although Wuming felt its movement, it was not very obvious.

Now that it is taken out, the power of the fragment becomes more obvious. Wuming only needs to feel it carefully to know that there seems to be something in the warden's office that is attracting this fragment.

If he had known earlier, he would have just looked through the warden's office. Now Xiao Yao is outside the warden's office. How can he go back to fish?

At this time, a barrage floated by: "Master Wuming, is there anything wrong with this piece of iron?"

"This is not a piece of iron, but a fragment of an incredible sword. By the way, does anyone know the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword? This is the fragment of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword." Wuming replied.

At the same time, he raised his hand and brought his hand closer to the oracle stone so that everyone could see the fragment in his hand clearly.

Many viewers were slightly surprised, and then carefully observed the fragment in Wuming's hand.

However, most people only felt that the fragment in Wuming's hand was an ordinary piece of iron, and could not see what was strange about this broken piece of iron.

"Just now in the warden's office, the fragment of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword moved in the storage ring, but I was busy dealing with the cracks and the demon cultivators at the time, so I missed the opportunity to search the warden's office. Now I took out the fragments and found that the fragments seemed to guide me to the warden's office." Wuming continued.

Immediately, a barrage of comments passed by: "Master Wuming, then go back and take a look, and kill that demon cultivator by the way!"

"Not bad, not bad, what if that demon cultivator gets the treasure? Master Wuming, act quickly." Another barrage of comments passed by.

Wuming sighed and said, "Don't persuade me, everyone. I am very grateful for your concern for me, but everyone has their own bottom line. My bottom line is not to kill people who have no power to resist, but you are also right. We must find out what the things in the warden's office are. I will go and take a look."

After that, he stood up and returned to the warden's office holding the fragments.

At the door of the warden's office, Xiao Yao was practicing. Suddenly, he felt that someone was looking at him, and immediately opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the gaze.

For a moment, the air suddenly became quiet.

Wuming looked at Xiao Yao, who not only recovered from his injuries but also became much stronger. He had only one thought in his mind: the speed of this fish taking the bait was too fast. He had just put down the bait and the fish took the bait?

Xiao Yao's mind was blank for a moment, and then he realized that he had to escape.

He opened his mouth and spit out fiercely, and the knife seed flew towards Wuming. While attacking, he also shouted in a low voice: "I will fight you!"

But the next second, Wuming's eyes emitted scarlet light.

The red light flashed, and two lasers instantly shot out the flying knife seed, and also shot into Xiao Yao's eyes, and Xiao Yao's brain exploded on the spot.

In fact, from Wuming seeing Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao launching a feint attack, and then Wuming using the laser eye to kill Xiao Yao in seconds, the whole process took less than three seconds.

Xiao Yao actually planned to feint and use Qingyun Step to escape from Wuming's side while Wuming was dealing with the knife seed.

But he didn't know how big the gap between him and Wuming was. He just knew that Wuming was very strong and he couldn't beat Wuming, but he didn't know how far Wuming could go.

This led to the result that he launched an attack and Wuming killed him instantly.

From the perspective of the live audience, Wuming was about to return to the warden's office to find something that could cause the fragments of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword to move, but when he returned, he found that Xiao Yao had recovered.

Without waiting for him to take action, Xiao Yao attacked first, and Wuming could only kill Xiao Yao in self-defense.

At this time, a barrage passed by: "I said that it's better to be safe than sorry. This demon kid really has a backup plan. Lord Wuming, it's a good thing that the fragments moved this time, otherwise Lord Wuming would have left a big worry this time."

"Strange, I clearly made sure that he didn't have any props to store things before leaving, how did his injury heal?" Wuming walked forward slowly and said with a puzzled look.

Many people realized belatedly that this matter was indeed a bit strange.

Wuming walked to Xiao Yao's body and carefully examined Xiao Yao's body. After a few minutes, he slowly pulled out a coin-sized badge from Xiao Yao's spine with his energy arm.

"I can be sure that he definitely didn't have this thing on him before I left." Wuming frowned and said.

Pan Xi then sent a barrage: "I have seen this thing, called 'system badge', which contains functions similar to the golden finger and adventure in novels and storybooks, which can provide great help to the target."

"In other words, someone has bad intentions and specifically provides help to this demon cultivator!" A barrage floated by.

Wuming said seriously: "It seems that someone does not want the Eternal Silence Prison Tower to be repaired, and even pays a huge price to put the system badge into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."

All the audience felt a chill, and at the same time, they were full of murderous intent in their hearts.

Once the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is damaged, all the heavens and worlds will be affected. Who can guarantee that their hometown will not be attacked by monsters in the Eternal Silence space?

It can be said that what Wuming is doing now is closely related to every audience.

"But fortunately, at least we discovered it early. The other party not only paid a huge price, but also failed. Let's go and see what is attracting this fragment in the warden's office!" Wuming continued with a smile.

Before leaving, he burned Xiao Yao's body with a fire to completely eliminate the hidden danger.

A barrage of comments passed by: "I think I understand, all of this was calculated by Lord Wuming. He deliberately didn't kill the demon cultivators, and his purpose was to use them to fish. Now the black hand hiding behind the scenes has not only suffered huge losses, but also has not calculated Lord Wuming. It can be said that he has lost both the wife and the army."

Many viewers were stunned for a moment. Is it really Wuming's calculation?

If it is Wuming's calculation, then they should think carefully about whether Wuming is what they see.

But soon someone retorted: "Lord Wuming has not calculated anyone. If you have the ability, don't post anonymous comments. I think you are the mastermind behind the scenes."

This makes the water even more muddy. Some people believe that Wuming is not as good as he seems on the surface. In fact, he is very scheming. Some people believe that this is indeed a coincidence.

Wuming directly blocked the former, walked into the warden's office, and walked to the corner of the office following the guidance of the fragments.

In a certain world, a rooster excitedly typed into the oracle stone: "It's good that Master Wuming is scheming, why don't you want to admit it? If you are scheming, you won't be calculated by bad people, right?"

This sentence seems to be defending Wuming, but in fact it further destroys Wuming's personality.

It watched this sentence floating across the screen, and sneered in its heart. As long as there are enough people who believe what it said, it is enough. It can afford this resource coin.

After a while, it saw that no one refuted it, so it worked harder to output its own views, crackling and continuously sending barrages, and the resource coins were visibly reduced.

It didn't know that after Wuming blocked it, this barrage only floated across its own screen, and it didn't show it on other people's screens or Wuming's screen at all.

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