I Contracted Myself

【538】Water God Stone

Warden's Office.

Wuming frowned as he looked at the ground covered with the essence of Shengsheng Stone.

Judging from the raised shape of the ground, there was originally a cabinet that had fallen to the ground.

Now the cabinet is covered with the essence of Shengsheng Stone, and it looks like a statue.

It is worth mentioning that the essence of Shengsheng Stone used in the vitality bomb is a super-concentrated version, which is somewhat different from the essence of Shengsheng Stone used in bullets.

After solidification, the hardness of this concentrated version of Shengsheng Stone Essence is hundreds of times that of ordinary Shengsheng Stone.

In short, this thick layer of Shengsheng Stone Essence is actually very, very hard, otherwise it would not be able to block the dirt of the Eternal Silence Space below.

Wuming has a way to cut it open, but the problem is that the cost is very high, and he has to replenish another vitality bomb, otherwise there is a possibility of pollution leakage.

When Wuming told the audience about the situation, all the audience were silent.

Although Wuming is very generous in using the vitality bomb, in fact, most people know how expensive the vitality bomb is, especially the number of life stones produced by the heavens and the worlds themselves is actually very small. At present, the real source of the essence of the life stone is the resource tower in the Shenzang space.

And only those high-level masters are qualified to exchange for life stones in the resource tower, so the essence of the life stone is hard-won and cannot be wasted casually.

The support of the Scholar Foundation has been delayed again and again, in fact, it is because many masters of the Scholar Foundation personally go to brush resources and exchange all resources for life stones.

Brushing resources takes time, and trading life stones with other masters also takes time.

Refining life stones into life stone essence, and even further concentrating the essence, all require the hands of masters. Practitioners with insufficient strength, let alone refining life stone essence, do not even have the ability to cut life stones.

According to the prices offered by these masters, it can be said that every time Wuming fires a shot and uses a vitality bomb, he is actually burning money.

After understanding the above content, it is easy to understand why Wuming hesitated.

A few minutes later, a bullet comment passed by: "Cut it open. What if the thing pointed by the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword is very important? The fragment that can severely injure Fei'er and me must have its uniqueness. Cut it open and everyone can understand it."

"Okay, then cut it open and see!" Wuming knew who sent the bullet comment when he saw this line of bullet comment.

He then looked at the cabinet, and after determining the specific location pointed by the fragment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique was immediately activated.

An obvious crack appeared in the shell formed by the essence of the Shengsheng Stone, and the energy arm immediately slightly opened the gap of the crack, and another energy arm formed and stretched into the gap to explore.

After a moment, Wuming controlled the energy arm to slowly take out a gem.

This is a blue gem with an ancient rune in the center. When the live audience saw the rune, a comment soon floated over: "That is an ancient God rune, which means 'water'."


Wuming glanced at the comment and only touched it after making sure that the gem was not contaminated.

He held the sapphire and immediately felt much more comfortable, as if a clear stream of water flowed through his body from his hand holding the sapphire, giving his whole body a hydrotherapy.

"It seems to make me feel much more comfortable in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." Wuming was surprised.

But then he took out a vitality bomb to seal the incision. After sealing the incision, he held the sapphire in one hand and the fragment in the other, and said: "Why does this fragment have a sense of this sapphire? It's so strange."

After he obtained the sapphire, the guidance of the fragment disappeared.

Now the fragment is like a piece of scrap metal. No matter how Wuming plays with it, it doesn't move. He tried to put the fragment and the sapphire together, but it didn't cause any changes.


Wuming was sure that the two things were related, but he didn't know how to use them.

Others also talked about it. If it weren't for the high cost of posting barrages, the barrages would have been flooding the screen.

At this time, Pan Xi posted another barrage and said: "That gem is a bit like the water god stone on the legendary ancient god clan's five-element crown."

"Five-element crown?"

Wuming looked at the barrage and immediately remembered the information about the gods.

There are many races in the heavens and worlds, and the ancient gods that Pan Xi mentioned are not the gods known to humans, but a kind of thought body composed of divine consciousness.

They are ever-changing, even similar to the demons in some worlds, and can drill into other people's minds and influence other people's thoughts.

When the gods were most prosperous, they once ruled countless worlds.

They used their own talents to guide the creatures of other worlds, forming a system with the gods as the center and all races as vassals.

At that time, the god king of the gods, Pushifan, collected countless treasures and made a crown, which was the legendary super artifact 'God clan five-element crown'.

The wearer can freely control the five elements, and the body can also be transformed into any element of the five elements, and is immune to the attacks of the five elements.

At the same time, the God Clan Five Elements Crown also has magical abilities such as seeing through people's hearts, predicting the future, defending against the invasion of demons, and defending against the mind control of the God Clan.

The most important thing is that the levels of these abilities are very high, and practitioners below level 250 cannot harm the wearer.

The legendary God Clan Five Elements Crown is indeed inlaid with five divine stones, namely the God Stone of Gold, the God Stone of Wood, the God Stone of Water, the God Stone of Fire, and the God Stone of Earth.

The origins of these gems are difficult to trace, but they are said to have the ability to control the corresponding elements and are very powerful. Even if you only master one of them, you are already the king of the gods.

When the ancient gods were approaching dusk, the five-element crown of the gods had been split by the gods themselves. At that time, three god kings held three gems respectively.

The one who mastered the God Stone of Fire was called the God King of Fire, the one who mastered the God Stone of Gold was called the God King of Sword, and the one who mastered the God Stone of Earth was called the God King of Rock.

As for the God Stone of Wood and the God Stone of Water, they disappeared in the melee.

The above is the miscellaneous knowledge that Wuming learned in the God Storage Space.

Wuming looked at the gem in his hand and was a little skeptical. Is this the legendary God Stone of Water?

A large number of viewers were also excited. After all, the ancient gods had long since fallen, but there were many legendary treasures in the gods. Many practitioners in the cultivation world who started practicing since childhood had the biggest dream of finding the treasure house of the gods when they were young.

Now that they can see the legendary treasures with their own eyes, many people have a dream come true.

In fact, the number of comments began to increase, and some viewers began to bid, wanting to buy the Water God Stone in Wuming's hand.

Wuming watched the comments drift by, and besides secretly sighing that the practitioners in the Shenzang Space were really rich, he couldn't help but ask: "If it is really the Water God Stone of the God Clan, how should it be used?"

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