I Contracted Myself

【539】Sword Spirit

After hearing Wuming's question, the audience immediately gave a variety of answers:

"I guess we might have to make a crown and inlay it on the crown, just like the five-element crown of the gods."

"Make a glove and inlay it on the glove."

"Will it be swallowed?"

"Master Wuming, I think it's more reliable to recognize the master by dripping blood."


Wuming looked at the various comments and came to a conclusion after a while: "So... no one knows how to use this thing? Then why are you bidding?"

A comment replied: "This is my childhood dream. Am I wrong to want to make it come true?"

"Okay, you win."

Wuming sighed helplessly when he saw that many people's answers were similar to childhood dreams and the treasures they wanted most when they were young.

At this time, a viewer posted a comment: "It's normal that everyone doesn't know how to use the Water God Stone, because now the ancient gods only left literal information, and some useless garbage. Although there are many legends about the real treasure, no one has actually seen it."

If you haven't seen it, you naturally don't know how to use it.

After reading the comments, Wuming said, "Let's do an experiment!"

After that, he took out a gold bar, and the gold bar melted quickly with a thought, and then turned into a crown under his control.

He inlaid the Water God Stone on the crown, and then wore the crown on his head.

A comment immediately asked, "Mr. Wuming, how do you feel? Do you feel stronger?"

"Sorry, I don't feel anything. This crown is a bit heavy, and it's not very comfortable to press on my head." Wuming rolled his eyes and continued.

Then he took off the crown, melted it, and then shaped the melted gold into a glove.

He put the glove on his left hand, and after a while he said, "It really doesn't work at all."

Then you still believe it!

Many viewers were speechless.

This kind of suggestion is unreliable as soon as you hear it, but Wuming still honestly does the experiment, which is the biggest point.

In the black area, Yeqin looked at Wuming, who looked not very smart on the screen, and wanted to laugh but couldn't help rolling her eyes. She and Wuming had worked together in the Shenzang Trial and knew Wuming's character too well. Now Wuming was obviously acting, and as for who he was acting for, that depended on one's own opinion.


Yeqin looked at Wuming swallowing the Water God Stone into his stomach and couldn't help muttering.

Many people watched Wuming's performance, and their thoughts were similar to Yeqin's, but in fact Wuming really thought that these methods might be useful.

He had seen too many incredible things.

Especially when learning the rules and secrets, he realized that many rules and secrets with extremely great lethality might have extremely nonsensical reasons for their creators to create them.

Sometimes, the more impossible the choice is intuitively, the more likely it is to be the answer.

Since everyone is just guessing.

Then why are those nonsensical guesses impossible?

Because of this, Wuming did not skip those seemingly funny guesses, but tried them one by one, just in case one of them really worked?

He walked out of the warden's office and continued to walk straight after turning the corner, dropping a drop of blood on the rune of the Water God Stone.

The blood slid from the surface of the Water God Stone to the ground, and he said, "It's useless after all."

At this time, a bullet screen slowly floated by: "Wuming, give up. The Water God Stone may only be used by the ancient gods. After all, we don't even know the origin of these stones. If you keep testing them one by one, it will take a long time to finish. It's better to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower first."

"It doesn't matter. I didn't delay the action. I still have some guesses. If I try it and it doesn't work, forget it." Wuming glanced at the bullet screen and said with a smile.

At this time, he mobilized emotions according to the audience's guesses and injected a lot of messy emotions into the Water God Stone. The Water God Stone absorbed these emotions and suddenly emitted a faint blue light.

Before he could control the blue light, the fragments in his pocket were connected with the Water God Stone, and the blue light flowed into his pocket like water.

"Something's going on!"

Wuming shouted in surprise, and immediately took out the fragments in his pocket.

Because he was worried about encountering the same situation as the warden's office again, he put the fragments in his pocket this time and did not put them back into the storage ring.

Now he took out the fragments and saw that the blue water was quickly absorbed by the fragments.

One minute later, the Water God Stone no longer emitted blue light, and the fragments returned to their usual appearance.

Just now, the Water God Stone emitted blue light and interacted with the fragments, and the barrage kept refreshing, and many people were very surprised.

But now the Water God Stone and the fragments have returned to their original appearance, and everyone feels a bit like the loss after the carnival, and only feels lost.

A bullet message floated across the screen: "Is this the end?"

Then another bullet message floated across: "Is it because the charge is not enough? Wuming, repeat the operation just now."

Wuming saw it and immediately gathered all kinds of emotions in his heart, and then controlled these emotions and injected them into the Water God Stone. Sure enough, the Water God Stone emitted blue light again, and the fragments moved again.

The blue light emitted by the Water God Stone was like a stream of water, flowing towards the fragments. The fragments were like a baby suckling milk, constantly absorbing this blue energy.

Wuming simply kept inputting emotions, allowing the Water God Stone to emit blue light and be absorbed by the fragments.

Suddenly, a bullet screen passed by: "Master Wuming, is it really okay to do this? The origin of this fragment is unknown. What if something is sealed inside, and now it has absorbed the power of Master Wuming and revived again?"

"It is indeed possible, but don't forget that I am now in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." Wuming smiled.

The monsters imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower are already countless, and one more monster will not be a big problem.

Moreover, the fragment is so picky about energy. Wuming has tried various energies before, but it has no reaction. Now it only absorbs the blue light from the Water God Stone. Even if there is a monster sealed, the monster will not be much stronger in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

For a strong person, in addition to powerful means, the most important thing is that the energy that can be manipulated is also extremely huge.

No matter what is in the fragment, as long as the source of its energy is controlled, there is nothing to fear.

Next, Wuming communicated with the bullet screen while moving towards the jailer's office area. At the bottom, only the jailer's office area was left to be cleaned.

After confirming that there were no cracks in the jailer's office, he would return to the martial arts arena and officially go to the first floor.

However, just as he was about to reach the jailer's office, the fragment in his hand suddenly emitted a faint light, and then a light blue energy floated out of the fragment, and at the same time, a loli voice came out from the energy, saying sweetly: "Awoo, I slept so well, Master, how long has Shui'er slept?"

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