I Contracted Myself

【540】Big Devil

This ball of energy quickly transformed into a blue little Lolita. She just opened her eyes after she finished speaking. When she saw Wuming, everyone stared at each other. After a while, the little Lolita screamed in fear: "Help, someone is kidnapping me!!!"

Wuming noticed a barrage floating by: "This child doesn't seem to be very smart."

"Who are you? Why do you want to kidnap me? Do you know who my master is?" The little Lolita stared at Wuming and threatened him fiercely.

Wuming said helplessly: "Oh, who is it?"

"Humph, my master is the famous Huanyue Sword God Hu Zhongyue.

You dare to steal the master's beloved sword, that is, me.

You are dead!

My master will definitely find you and cut you into pieces with one sword." The little Lolita said proudly.

Wuming looked at the screen and asked, "Have any of you heard of Hu Zhongyue, the Magic Moon Sword God?"

"No, I haven't heard of him."

"Magic Moon Sword God? What an arrogant title, but Hu Zhongyue... I really don't know who he is."

"I have lived for more than 100,000 years, and I have never heard of this person. Could he be a strong man from ancient times?"

The audience sent barrages one after another, and the little loli also noticed the barrages. Although the words on the barrages were slightly different from the words of her time, they were not difficult to recognize.

It was probably similar to the simplified and traditional Chinese characters on Earth.

After reading the barrages, the little loli showed an expression of doubt about the world. She murmured to herself, "Did a thief steal me to the countryside?"

"Look at the things you rely on first." Wuming kindly reminded.

The little girl looked down belatedly, and when she saw the fragments of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword below her, her eyes widened. Finally, she looked up at Wuming and asked, "How did my body become a piece of rubbish? Where is my sword?"

"Although I'm sorry, you were a piece of rubbish when I found you. In fact, you may have slept longer than you thought. The Huanyue Sword God Hu Zhongyue probably disappeared in the long river of time. At least I and everyone else have never heard of him." Wuming said calmly.

The little girl was silent at first, and then her face showed a stubborn look, as if she was enduring it desperately, but finally she couldn't help it and burst into tears.

Its tears fell on the aisle, and Wuming noticed that the tears quickly corroded the pollution of the Eternal Silence Space. This little girl actually has the power to fight against the Eternal Silence Space?

Wuming was a little surprised, and then said: "Okay, don't cry, it won't help even if you continue crying, why don't we have a good talk, maybe your master is not dead yet."

"But the master said that the sword is alive and the person is alive, and the sword is dead and the person is dead. I have become like this, the master must... he must be dead." The little loli said sadly.

Wuming comforted: "But you are not dead yet, right?"


The little loli was silent, she wiped her tears and muttered in a low voice: "Maybe I have died once."

"Since you have died once, it means that this is a new life. You should cherish your life more. Your master certainly doesn't want you to live in sadness all the time." Wuming used his ability to comfort patients during rescue and said gently.

The little loli didn't speak, and the next moment her body turned into energy and drilled back into the fragments.

"Think about it yourself!" Wuming sighed.

He put the fragments and the Water God Stone into the same pocket, and then continued to walk towards the jailer's office area.

"You really didn't lie to me? My master is very famous."

Wuming walked for a while, and the voice of the little loli came from his pocket. He walked and said: "Do you know how many people are watching my live broadcast now? Conservatively estimated to be 1 billion, so many people are watching, everyone says they have never heard of it, do you think I could lie to you?"

"You really don't smell like a bad person, but my master is really famous." The little loli repeated.

This seems to have become her obsession.

Wuming shook his head, raised his hand, and fired several shots at the door of the jailer's office in front.

"What are you doing?" The little loli was startled by the gunshot.

Wuming kicked the door open with one foot and frowned, "I'm working."

The jailer's office was dark. After the door was kicked open, a puff of black smoke floated out of the door. This was very similar to the situation in the locker room. Wuming simply took out a life bomb and threw it in.

A flash of white light passed by, and suddenly a huge arm stretched out from the door, intending to grab Wuming.

However, Wuming was prepared and quickly retreated the moment his arm was extended.

After the big hand grabbed nothing, it immediately grabbed a piece of black mud next to it and threw it at Wuming. Wuming dodged again and then quickly shot at the arm.

The little girl floated out of the debris due to the loud noise. When she saw the big hand, she exclaimed: "Big Demon!"

"What big demon?" Wuming asked while fighting and retreating.

The little girl said in horror: "Where are you, here... This place is disgusting, and why is the big demon in such a place?"

"Wait a minute!" Wuming avoided a piece of black mud and simply took out a vitality bomb and threw it at the big hand.

The vitality bomb exploded, and the arm was covered with a large amount of vitality stone essence, and finally quickly shrank to the jailer's office area. Wuming immediately walked forward and took out another vitality bomb and threw it in.


The white light exploded, and Wuming rushed into the light, and was already in the jailer's office area when he landed.

There was a huge crack on the wall of the jailer's office area, and the arm stretched out from the crack. At this time, because the essence of the life stone solidified in the arm, it wanted to retract but got stuck on the wall.

Wuming saw this scene and immediately fired at the wall continuously, and threw a life bomb at the wall at the same time.


The wall was completely covered with the essence of the life stone, and the arm shook for a while, and gradually became unable to move.

This arm was completely covered with the essence of the life stone, as if it was covered with a layer of plaster, and it was completely immobile. At the same time, the wall was also covered with the essence of the life stone, connecting the entire arm, and firmly imprisoning the monster outside here.

"Okay, now we can have a good talk." Wuming breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the monster could not move, and then looked at the little loli.

But when he finished speaking, he found that the little loli had burst into tears without knowing when.

She gradually became excited and said, "I remember that the master is dead, and I am dead too."

"Don't be excited, let's talk it over." Wuming comforted.

The little loli looked at Wuming and said, "In order to protect his hometown, the master fought the big demon for a long time. In the end, I fell asleep first. The master... he must have been killed by the big demon."

"What is the big demon?" Wuming asked.

The little loli shook her head and said, "I don't know. The master called it the big demon, but I didn't have the chance to ask him what the big demon was at that time."

As she spoke, her tears kept falling to the ground and gradually spread into the air. The remaining pollution was gradually purified by the running water, and the jailer's office area completely returned to normal.

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