I Contracted Myself

【541】Incomplete memory

Wuming noticed the changes in the jailer's office area, gritted his teeth and said: "Although what I say next may be a little unkind, I hope you can help me."

Then he recounted the situation of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and said seriously: "If the Eternal Silence Prison Tower cannot be repaired, the monsters sealed in this tower will escape, and the consequences will be disastrous. I need your strength, help me, and help everyone."

How to comfort a sad or even desperate person?

The simplest way is to keep her busy. When she is done, sadness or despair will become much lighter.

Wuming has participated in countless rescue operations and has rich experience in this area.

"If that's the case, this place is really important." The little loli wiped her tears after listening and said seriously.

Wuming smiled and said: "Thank you, by the way, my name is Wuming, the initiator of the Rescuer Network, with the goal of saving the heavens and the worlds, I am working hard to practice!"

"No...you're welcome, my name is Shui'er, the sword spirit of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword, and a good partner of the master." The little loli said weakly.

Wuming nodded, raised his hand and said: "Then let's work together to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and save everyone!"

"Well, although I don't know what I can do, I will try my best." Shui'er nodded and shook hands with Wuming.

At this time, many barrages floated by, congratulating Wuming for getting a great help, and the possibility of repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower was even higher.

"Now we are at the bottom of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, which is where the staff live and rest. Next, we will go to the first floor, where there are many vicious prisoners, so if you feel dangerous, you can hide in the Tianyuan Pure Water Sword first, and I will notify you when I need it." Wuming let go of Shui'er's soft hand and smiled.

Shui'er nodded and said: "Well, if I feel dangerous, I will go back."

"Then let's go, there should be no problem here." Wuming said.

He turned and left the jailer's office area, clearing the way with a gun, gathering the pollution on the aisle, and then looked at Shui'er.

Shui'er tried to hold her breath, trying to make herself cry, but after a while, she couldn't muster the emotion to cry, so she had to say: "Wuming, I can't seem to cry anymore."

"Uh... can I pee?" Wuming was stunned for a moment, then asked.

Shui'er kicked her feet in anger and said: "Pervert!"


"Mr. Wuming is so perverted!"

"Oh my God, you can even ask such a question, Mr. Wuming is too straight."

A series of comments immediately floated across the screen, and Wuming looked at it with a smile. He explained: "What's the matter? In order to survive in the desert, even drinking urine is no problem, and I will turn around."

"Humph, I won't pay attention to you." Shui'er said angrily.

But then she felt a sense of emptiness, and her body began to shrink. She said uncomfortably: "Strange, what's wrong with me?"


Wuming was stunned when he saw this scene.

Then he thought of something and quickly took out the Water God Stone. After injecting a lot of emotions, the Water God Stone emitted blue light, and the fragments of the Tianyuan Water Purification Sword immediately began to absorb the blue light.

Shui'er, whose body was originally unstable, was supplemented by the blue light, and her body immediately stabilized.

She was surprised and said, "So this is how I survived."

"Well, but now it seems that your life form is very unstable. Either you have to find a way to repair the Tianyuan Water Purification Sword, or transfer you to another object. The problem is that once you transfer, you may lose the purification ability of the Tianyuan Water Purification Sword." Wuming said in a deep voice.

Shui'er immediately said, "No, I am the Tianyuan Water Purification Sword, and I don't want to be transferred to another place."

"Shui'er, I'm curious to ask one more question. Was the Tianyuan Water Purification Sword made by your master? Do you know how he made it?" Wuming thought about it and asked.

Whether you want to repair the Tianyuan Water Purification Sword or forge a new Tianyuan Water Purification Sword, there is no doubt that you must first know how the Tianyuan Water Purification Sword is forged.

"I asked the master this question, and he said I found it in the trash can." Shui'er replied.

Wuming rolled his eyes and complained: "When can you find a divine weapon of the level of Tianyuan Jingshui Sword in the trash can?"

"But he said it seriously at the time, so I believed it." Shui'er said seriously.

Wuming said helplessly: "Okay, then you can only rely on the Water God Stone to maintain your body for the time being. Now you can try more and see if you can cry out in other ways."

He simply made a bracelet with gold, with the Water God Stone inlaid on the front of the bracelet and the fragments on the back. He can continuously transmit emotions to the Water God Stone through his arm, and then the fragments absorb the emotions.

After wearing the bracelet, he returned to the shelter and searched for the Life Stone where Wuyuanlu and Tianxing Mingyue were parasitic in the ruins.

Along the way, Shui'er kept trying to cry, but the more she deliberately tried to cry, the less she could cry. After trying dozens of times, she decided to take a rest helplessly.

Seeing Wuming holding a gun and firing at the ruins of the house, she asked curiously: "Wuming, what are you doing again?"

"I'm looking for something." Wuming replied.

Then he told Shui'er about Wuyuanlu and Tianxingmingyue. Shui'er nodded and said: "Then we really need to find them. I hope they are all okay."

As she said that, she looked at the screen of the Oracle Stone curiously. Many people saw her looking at her and sent barrages to greet her.

"Uh... Hello to you guys too." Shui'er didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic, and said shyly.

At this time, a barrage flew by: "Shui'er, can you tell me about your master's glorious experience? What kind of skills did he practice? What did he do? What level of strength is he?"

"Master? He is the guardian of the world. There was once a very big fish that wanted to eat the master's world, so the master took me to the outside of the world to fight the big fish. Later... I don't remember later." Shui'er saw the barrage and immediately said with a beaming face.

But when she got to the key point, she found that her mind was blank and she had no idea how the battle went.

This feeling is probably like a social animal who has worked for a long time. He knows in his memory that he has taken the college entrance examination, but he can't remember what questions were in the college entrance examination.

Shui'er tried very hard to recall, but in the end she found that many of her memories were actually missing.

For example, in a certain battle, she still remembered that there was such a battle, but she forgot the process of the battle.

She even remembered that her master was called Hu Zhongyue, the Magic Moon Sword God. But when she really tried to recall what Hu Zhongyue looked like, she was horrified to find that she couldn't even remember what Hu Zhongyue looked like.

When she thought that she had forgotten what her master looked like, tears began to fall from her eyes.

In a moment, the pollution in the ruins of the house was purified by her tears.

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