I Contracted Myself

【542】Fictional Alliance

In the world of the Farmer King, a field full of sweet potato seedlings.

An old farmer with green hair held a coin in his hand, gently tossed it up, and then watched it slowly fall.


The coin hit a stone.

Then, it rolled down in the farmland, with the back of the coin facing the sky.

The coin in this world has Shennong, who cultivated sweet potatoes, on the front, and the emperor who quelled the war on the back. The reason for this is to tell the world that those who truly contribute to all mankind are greater than those who hold power.

The old farmer bent down to pick up the coin and muttered to himself: "Alas, my divination is really not accurate at all. I can't tell whether Wuming is acting or not."

At this time, he suddenly heard the sweet potato seedlings around him making sounds.

He immediately showed a harvest-like smile on his face, and said to himself: "Sure enough, everyone can't help it?"

The next moment, he fell down.

The soil around him covered him like flowing water, and the ground returned to flatness in an instant.


Chicken food world.

A large number of 'chicken people' were walking through the streets, and some of them were so happy that they couldn't help but cluck their heads to the sky.

A burly man with a chicken head and a human body was eating fried centipede skewers while watching the live broadcast of the Oracle Stone. When he saw Wuming kill Xiao Yao, he couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling that the fried centipede skewers in his hand were not delicious enough.

He walked to a store and shouted: "Boss, give me two skewers of fried mortals and another one of fried immortals."

But at this moment, a strange voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Hehe, someone really can't help it."

He smiled and turned around and left.

The chef, boss and waiter of the fried skewers hurriedly chased out and shouted: "Wait, don't you want your skewers?"

The burly chicken-headed man turned around and smiled evilly, saying: "That's your skewers."


Somewhere in a broken world, countless chaotic matter and energy formed a huge abyss.

A huge black snake was dormant in the abyss, and under its huge body were countless skeletons.

Suddenly, one of its eyes opened, and its long and narrow pupil looked at the top of the abyss without emotion.

"Is the meeting starting again?"

"It seems that the world is about to undergo new changes." The snake thought in his mind, and then black air came out of his body. These black air were like tentacles grabbing both sides of the abyss, slowly closing the abyss completely.


The Fictional Alliance, this is an extremely strange organization.

All the members are made up of strange practitioners. They only care about their own practice, and everything else has nothing to do with them.

Under normal circumstances, the Fictional Alliance will only hold a meeting every ten million years.

But now all members of the alliance have received the meeting notice of the Fictional Alliance.

And now it has only been a thousand years since the last meeting.

The Sea of ​​​​Imaginary Numbers.

A chick that broke out of its shell appeared in the surging ocean. Its eggshell was like a lifebuoy, supporting it and drifting on the sea.

Then a sweet potato leaf appeared on the ocean, and a thin sweet potato appeared on the sweet potato leaf. It sat cross-legged on the sweet potato leaf and greeted the chick not far away: "Hey, isn't this a chick? Long time no see."

"Cluck, cluck, I'm a chick, I shouldn't be able to speak, it's so strange, I can actually speak." The chick immediately opened his eyes full of "wisdom" and said loudly.

The sweet potato laughed and said: "That makes sense, I'm a big sweet potato, I shouldn't be able to speak either."

At this time, a huge big fortune cake fell on the ocean. It did not absorb the water of the ocean and sink into the ocean, but floated on the sea surface.

Then a triangular big fortune cake fell and hit it right on the big fortune cake.

"I'm dead, I'm already dead, don't talk to me, let me pretend to be dead for a while." The big fortune cake said.

Suddenly, the sea became more turbulent, and a huge octopus surfaced. On the smooth head of the octopus, a fat octopus was eating on the octopus legs, with no intention of speaking at all.

Afterwards, more and more strange guys appeared in the Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers. Some cursed at each other, some laughed, and many simply pretended to be dead. The whole sea was in chaos.

Finally, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly broke open, and the golden holy light sprinkled down to illuminate the whole sea.

Countless angels slowly fell down playing instruments.

They were all naked, holding instruments and playing music, but occasionally an angel would drop a pile of poop from his butt, which just fell on the heads of various strange guys.

"You bastard, don't think I don't know that you are all birdmen." A crab was hit on the head by poop and immediately became furious.

However, these angels ignored the creatures below, and then played music until an arm stretched out from the sky, grabbed an angel and stuffed it into a big mouth that appeared out of thin air above.


Baka crisp.

The big mouth kept chewing, and blood and feathers fell from its gaps.

"The leader of the alliance is still that big, what a terrifying existence." Sweet Potato looked up at the big mouth in the sky and sighed.

The little chicken next to him nodded and said, "If I grow that big, I must be in a fried chicken shop."

"Cooking or cooking?" asked the big cake.

The little chicken thought about it and replied, "It's OK. I am confident in my meat quality and cooking skills!"

"Huh, okay, the meeting begins." The big mouth in the sky seemed satisfied after eating an angel, so it made a sound.

A dragon asked, "Alliance leader, what is this meeting about?"

"Quiet, otherwise you can only be a bug in the future." Big Mouth said unsatisfiedly.

The dragon that looked very stupid immediately turned into a bug. It shook its head and said indifferently, "Bugs are actually not bad. From now on, I will be called Bug God. If I remember correctly, someone has already given me the name Bug God."

"Bug God died thirty years ago." A fox wearing a dog head mask said.

The bug said more confidently, "Then you can't give me that name. Bug God is good. Remember, I will be called Bug God in the future."

"Bug God, hahahaha, it sounds so stupid." A big barrel laughed, and the wine on his head kept pouring out because of the laughter.

The big mouth alliance leader said at this time, "Okay, Quiet, what we are discussing this time is... the Eternal Silence Prison Tower!"

While speaking, its huge arm took out a remote control and pressed the switch. The huge screens on all four sides slowly fell from the sky, and the screen showed exactly the picture of Wuming's live broadcast.

"I'm watching this show, it's really good. By the way... I remember the Bird King has a system badge. Bird King, come out and chirp. The system that Wuming encountered will be there. Could it be that you put it there?" The chicken suddenly became interested and asked loudly.

A human-shaped peacock with a protruding front and a curvy back said with a disdainful expression: "My system badge is the 'Pretend to Become a God System'. Do you think the badge that the poor devil cultivator got is similar?"

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