I Contracted Myself

【544】A large cow leg

Qingfan Continent, Woniu Village,

Some villagers carried hoes and prepared to go to the fields, while others put on leather armor and carried quivers to go hunting in the mountains.

A day's plan begins in the morning, and the women got up early. Some were feeding their children, while others dragged feed in their hands to feed the pigs in the backyard.

The dogs in the village got up early and played in groups.

Some puppies ran to the big rooster out of curiosity, and were pecked by the big rooster several times. They immediately whimpered and ran back to the big dog.

At this time, some immortal cultivators flew across the sky on swords, and the villagers looked up, with longing on their faces.

Zeng Xiaofan sat on a stool in front of the hut, holding a large bowl in his hand. In the bowl, there was porridge with pickled cabbage, but no meat. He looked at the immortal cultivators flying in the sky, his eyes full of desire.

It has been three years since he traveled to this world. A year ago, he awakened the memory of his previous life. In his previous life, he was born in a city called Mingzhu City. After awakening his superpowers, he gradually indulged himself and became a flower-stealing thief that everyone wanted to kill. In the end, he died in the hands of a terrifying strong man.

Even now, he still shudders when he thinks of that face full of skulls.

Fortunately, he not only did not die, but also resurrected to a new world. That terrifying guy couldn't follow him to this world.

It's a pity that his superpowers did not accompany his rebirth.

He was just an ordinary child in this life, and he didn't know if he had the talent to cultivate immortals.

However, he had made up his mind to wait another four years and join the Gentleman Sword School to become a real immortal cultivator.

What's good about superpowers?

Can you live forever?


That's garbage!

Zeng Xiaofan didn't miss his superpowers at all. Now he just wanted to cultivate immortals and live forever.

As long as he could live forever, he could have as many women as he wanted.

He looked at the tall and straight mountains in the distance of Woniu Village, and the fairies flying through the sky, and his mind was filled with happy scenes after becoming an immortal.

"Niuzi, eat quickly, the food is all cold, do you want to spank?" At this time, Zeng Xiaofan's mother in this life came back from feeding the pigs, and saw him looking at the sky with a look of longing, and immediately scolded him.

Zeng Xiaofan gritted his teeth, and finally did not dare to resist his mother, and lowered his head to eat obediently.

Cultivating immortals is a matter of the future, and now all he has to do is eat well and sleep well.

However, just when he took the first bite of food, there was a loud noise in the distance. He immediately looked up in the direction of the loud noise, and saw that the tall and majestic mountain of the Gentleman Sword School had collapsed, and a huge bull-headed man slapped several sword immortals to death with one palm.

"Niuzi, run!" At this time, Zeng Xiaofan's mother yelled.

The next second, a stone from the Gentleman Sword Sect hit his mother. After a loud bang, a large amount of blood splashed on Zeng Xiaofan, turning him into a bloody man.

The sky collapsed and the earth split.

The Minotaur killed hundreds of cultivators with one punch, laughing wildly: "Too weak, too weak!"

Then he took a step forward and kicked a huge rock like a football at a very fast speed.

Zeng Xiaofan had actually reacted, dropped the bowl and started running, but before he ran out of the village, he was shrouded by a huge shadow. He stopped running, and there was only one thought left in his mind, it was over.


The huge rock fell and Zeng Xiaofan was crushed to death on the spot.

The huge Minotaur killed crazily, and almost no one survived wherever he passed. The city and the sect could not stop it. Finally, it threw a broken teleportation array to the ground and entered the teleportation array directly.


The Minotaur roared, and his huge body suddenly disappeared in the teleportation array.

The first floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Wuming held the Life-giving Stone in one hand and the Record of No Wrongs in the other, and Shui'er was beside him, moving forward along the original path.

"Wuming, this place is so scary." Shui'er landed on Wuming's shoulder and said while lying on his shoulder.

Tianxing Mingyue said, "In the past, the first floor was very clean, and the road was bright and tidy. As long as you didn't care about the prisoners in the prison, it was actually no different from taking a walk."

"It stinks, Wuming, do you smell it?" Shui'er pinched her nose and asked with an uncomfortable look.

Wuming moved his nose, but didn't smell anything. He wondered, "What do you smell?"

"The smell of cows, so stinky." Shui'er replied.

Wuming looked around and asked, "In which direction?"

"Just in front." Shui'er pointed to the front of the aisle and said directly.

Wuming nodded and said, "Then everyone be careful, there may be prisoners running over here."

Although the King of Splitting People sealed the passage, Wu Shengzhen could come out, and the prisoners in other cells could also come out. It is possible that this is the prisoner that the King of Splitting People deliberately released, with the purpose of hindering all possible threats to its existence.

He continued to walk forward, and after about ten minutes, he suddenly saw a leg.

This leg was stuck between the passage and the cell, one side was stuck in the passage, and the other side was twisted and stuffed in the cell, looking like a small meat mountain.

"It's a big guy, and it stinks." Shui'er said, pinching her nose.

Wuming frowned and said, "I didn't encounter this thing on the way here before. It's strange... Why would such a big leg appear here?"

"It's really big. A creature of this size should be imprisoned on the second floor." Tianxing Mingyue said.

Wuming did not think any further and said, "Let's clear the road first."

Laser flashed from his eyes, and he cut directly at the huge cow leg.

The cow leg had extremely high defense, and even his laser eyes could not cut it open for a while, leaving only two faint burn marks on the surface.

In fact, he had other means, but he did not dare to use them casually, fearing that they would be polluted by the power of the Eternal Silence Space in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Although Shui'er had the ability to purify, her tears were completely dependent on her emotions, and she could not cry at all if she was not emotional.

Wuming certainly did not dare to rely on this ability that could not be sent and received freely.

But then again, Shui'er's purification ability was indeed very strong. Tianxing Mingyue's Shengsheng Stone and Wuyuanlu were actually polluted, and it was Shui'er's purification that removed the pollution.

If there was no Shui'er, Wuming would probably have to use the vitality bomb with tears to bury Tianxing Mingyue's parasitic Shengsheng Stone and Wuyuanlu.

Next, Wuming put away his laser eyes and directly activated the rule secret technique Gu Xing Cut Eyes Freezing Light Technique, which cut open the huge cow leg in front of him. He opened a hole in the middle of the cow leg that was big enough for one person to pass through, and said, "Let's go!"

"If we really want to go through here, it's so smelly." Shui'er said uncomfortably.

Wuming said helplessly, "Then you go back to the fragments of Tianyuan Jingshui Sword first, and come out after I pass."

"Okay, then you be careful." Shui'er agreed.

She instantly shrank back into the fragments, and Wuming looked at the cut passage, and stepped forward after making mental preparations.

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