I Contracted Myself

【545】Barbarian King

It was only a hole in the middle of the cow's leg, but Wuming felt like he was in a tunnel.

In the dark passage, blood would drip from above from time to time, and the smell of cow became stronger and stronger, that kind of cow's stench, almost wrapped him tightly. There was no doubt that even if he walked out of here, he would still have this smell on his body.

The ground gradually became wet because of the blood, and the dripping sound of blood became more and more weird.

Wuming walked forward and saw a lot of flesh and blood slowly wriggling, which showed that the leg was not completely dead.

"Mr. Tianxing, what do you think?" Wuming avoided a drop of blood falling from above, looked at the blood on the ground, and asked.

Tianxing Mingyue knew what Wuming was asking, and replied: "It's very strange. Although the surface has been contaminated, the flesh and blood inside are not contaminated at all, and this leg... I have no impression at all."

He had been to the second floor. Even if he didn't know the details of some prisoners, it was impossible that he had never seen it.

He had no impression of this huge cow leg at all, which was very strange.

Wuming said as he walked: "In other words, it may be new?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Tian Xingmingyue said.

Wuming narrowed his eyes, looked at the screen, and said to the audience: "It seems that many people do not want me to repair the Yongji Prison Tower. Does anyone know the origin of this ox leg? Even a little clue would be fine."

If this ox leg was just the work of the King of Splitting People, there is no need to think too much.

But after this leg was cut open, the inside was too clean.

This is very wrong.

Wuming suspected that this ox leg was new, and through Tian Xingmingyue's words, he had basically confirmed this.

After a while, a few sporadic comments passed by:

Boss Zhong: "This cow leg is too deformed to tell who it belongs to, but it is not difficult to guess who is related to cows. After all, there are not many of them, and the circle of cow cultivators who have committed many evil deeds is even smaller."

Unknown Wind: "Cow cultivator, Tian Geng Wang?"

Boss Zhong: "Tian Geng Wang, the cow demon, is about 215 levels strong, Niu Li Shen, the cow demon, is about 220 levels strong, Man Wangdi, the bull-headed man, is about 222 levels strong, and the cow cultivators I know of are likely to be teleported into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. These are the only three."

Old Man with Time Difference: "Tian Geng Wang is the most likely, and its body is the cow demon!"

Jeff Merlin: "Is there really someone who would find a way to die? Have they never thought about being contaminated?"


Bull demon, bull demon, bull-headed man.

Although the three are all cow cultivators, they are actually as different as humans and ants. They themselves will not think that the other party is their own kind.

Bull demons are transformed from cows through cultivation. Bull demons are transformed from the corpses of cows, and some are formed by a large number of corpses and monsters, gradually forming an image similar to that of cows, so they are called bull demons, but in fact they are far from cows.

The last minotaur has nothing to do with the first two.

In fact, minotaurs, dog-headed people, pig-headed people and other orcs are related by blood, just like humans and gorillas. As for ordinary oxen and dairy cows, minotaurs will kill them for meat or raise them for milk.

"If it's a choice between the three, I think it should be the Barbarian King Emperor, because this leg has no demonic energy or demonic energy." Wuming said after reading the audience's comments.

Tianxing Mingyue immediately said: "Barbarian King Emperor? I can be sure that the Eternal Silence Prison Tower does not hold the Barbarian King Emperor!"

"What a group of people who are not afraid of death." Wuming laughed angrily.

In order to prevent him from repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, these evil demon cultivators can do anything.

Do they really want the creatures in the heavens and the worlds to be in trouble?

Wuming took a deep breath and quickened his pace. This cow leg was big and thick enough. He didn't know what would happen if he left it like this.

Once the flesh and blood were completely contaminated, Wuming suspected that this leg would become extremely evil. He had better hurry out and give this cow leg a vitality bomb first.



Wuming's steps were getting faster and faster, and the sound of blood dripping around him became more and more frequent. Suddenly, Wuming accelerated sharply, and drops of blood fell like bullets.

"You still want to attack me after all this?" Wuming couldn't understand the other party's thoughts.

He quickly avoided the blood and slapped his palm upwards at the same time. A large amount of light formed a shield to block a lot of unavoidable blood.

"It's so dangerous, I almost died, hahahahahaha, it's cool." Suddenly, a rough voice came from the flesh and blood.

Logically speaking, this voice is so rough that it should give people a sense of boldness and uninhibitedness, or a sense of grandeur, but this voice gives people a sense of madness and weirdness.

After hearing the voice, a barrage of comments immediately floated across the video: "I have heard this voice, it is definitely the crazy Barbarian King Emperor!"

Barbarian King Emperor?

Wuming flew back, and then saw the flesh and blood around him constantly squirming, and then a bull head emerged from the flesh and blood.

It grew a new body from its own body!

When Wuming saw this scene, he immediately understood what Barbarian King Emperor had done. Before he could attack Barbarian King Emperor, a thick arm grew out of the flesh and blood on his side and grabbed him.

He quickly changed direction and passed through the fingers of this arm, while his palm shot out two bright golden lights.

When the Barbarian King's leg changed, he had actually condensed a light bullet in his palm, but his control over light was extremely strong, and he did not leak even a single light particle, so the light ball was dark, and it did not burst into light until he shot it out.

Usually he likes to use laser eyes to test the target, because laser eyes are a relatively simple ability among mutant eyes, and they can shoot out beams with a thought, which is practical and convenient.

But he had cut the cow leg before, and knew that the lethality of laser eyes to the cow leg was almost zero, so he chose to use other moves this time.

The two light balls hit the Barbarian King's huge arm, and the arm was instantly destroyed by the light. A large number of light particles can burst out with terrifying high temperature in a small space. When the light dissipated, there was a three-meter-diameter flesh pit in the passage, and the surface of the flesh pit was all charred black.

Wuming did not linger in the fight, but instead pierced through the leg bones of the Barbarian King at a faster speed. A large amount of bone marrow immediately squirmed out of the leg bones, chasing Wuming and quickly shooting out bloody, sticky mucus.

"Be careful!"

Tianxing Mingyue warned.

In the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, it is impossible to use mental power or telekinesis to perceive the surrounding situation, and observation of the environment depends entirely on the eyes. The angle of the mucus spraying happened to be in the blind spot of Wuming's vision, so Tianxing Mingyue spoke up to warn him.

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