I Contracted Myself

【546】Dangerous Game

In fact, there was no need for Tian Xing Ming Yue to remind him. Although Wuming did not see the mucus, he had heard the sound of the mucus flying.

The sound was very, very small, insignificant in the aftermath of his light bomb explosion, but he still caught the sound.

In an instant, he disappeared and reappeared after the mucus passed through his position.

The flesh and blood in front of him continued to condense into bull heads, opened their mouths and shot blood mixed with pollution at Wuming. Wuming opened his hands and pushed out a light curtain, and then his figure kept flashing and changing, instantly passing through these bull heads.

The Barbarian King played this very beautifully.

He knew that there was pollution in the Yongji Prison Tower, and even took the initiative to give up his body and let part of his flesh and blood be polluted.

But just as Wuming can cover a layer of energy on his body surface and resist pollution by continuously emitting energy, the Barbarian King can also use the stacking of flesh and blood to form a part of the polluted and part of the unpolluted area.

Of course, this is only a temporary solution, not a fundamental solution.

As long as there is enough time, the Barbarian King will inevitably be contaminated, but at least in the short term, he will be fine.

This is like being bitten by a poisonous snake, and tying the upper part of the bite with a rope to prevent the venom from spreading to the whole body through the blood circulation.

But unless there is an antidote serum, it will still be poisoned to death after a long time.

The Barbarian King is the same now.

The problem is that during this period of time, he can also indirectly use part of the contaminated flesh and blood through his controllable flesh and blood, so as to make his attack more threatening.

Anyway, Wuming dare not touch it, so he can only dodge frantically.

New flesh began to grow at both ends of this flesh and blood channel. These flesh were like a door slowly falling down. The Barbarian King was obviously going to trap Wuming to death in his thighs. With his defense, once he was trapped to death, the result would be death.

Because the Barbarian King could also move his contaminated flesh and blood to instantly flood the entire channel, Wuming had no way to avoid it.

Countless viewers watched Wuming dodging in the passage, and they all sighed in their hearts. The Barbarian King Emperor is worthy of being a famous madman in the heavens and the worlds. This fighting style is really impossible to imitate.

If it were them, they would never dare to use such a radical fighting method, because if they were not careful, they might be finished.

And the Barbarian King Emperor did just that.

As he said, he almost died. When teleporting into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, no one knows where they will be teleported to. If they are teleported to an extremely polluted area, they may die instantly.

And the size is also a problem.

Although Wuming seems to be walking normally in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, in fact, his body size has been changing. When he was small, he was even only a few centimeters.

Because many places in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower are blocked by pollution, the openings are very small, so they must become smaller to pass through these openings.

This means that even people with normal body size may encounter the situation of the Barbarian King Emperor when they are teleported in. It does not mean that you are safe if you are small enough.

Some viewers couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder there are many people in the heavens and the world who want to kill the Barbarian King, but he can always be free and easy. This kind of terrible mentality and strength are indeed not comparable to ordinary practitioners."

In the passage, the battle continued.

In fact, it can't be called a battle, because now it has gradually become a unilateral attack by the Barbarian King, and Wuming can only dodge continuously.

But Wuming is not without action. He keeps compressing the light ball with one hand, and his eyes are frantically using the ancient cutting eye freezing light technique to open the passage.

The Barbarian King wants to seal him in the passage and catch him in a jar.

Naturally, he can't allow the Barbarian King's plan to succeed. The problem is that ordinary attacks are difficult to cause great damage to the thick-skinned Barbarian King, so he can only repeatedly launch the ancient cutting eye freezing light technique.

"Be careful of the 30-degree angle on the right, be careful on the left...be careful below...be careful...be careful..."

Tian Xing Mingyue kept issuing warnings, but gradually he found that the speed of his warnings was not as fast as Wuming's reaction speed, and finally he just kept shouting be careful.

He did not give up on himself, but continued to observe the surroundings, fearing that Wuming would ignore an attack from a certain angle.

Wuming kept his eyes and ears open, dodging and moving, gradually getting closer and closer to the exit.

"Not bad, not bad, you have some skills, no wonder you can survive the calculations of Sweet Potato and Chicken, then the last move, take it!" Seeing that he could not keep Wuming, the Barbarian King was not angry, but laughed and said.

Then many huge pipes appeared in the passage. Wuming immediately raised his hand when he saw the pipes appear, and the light bullet exploded in his palm, but it did not get out of control, but spiraled out, forming a shape similar to an umbrella.

The next second, a large amount of contaminated blood sprayed out.

Wuming kept transmitting light element power to the light umbrella, and moved quickly at the same time. Suddenly, such pipes appeared in all directions. His pupils shrank slightly, and he simply pushed upwards fiercely. The light umbrella exploded with a bang, and the huge shock wave directly formed a short vacuum area at his location.

However, the vacuum area only lasted for less than half a second, and then dense blood and water came crashing in.


In the blood and water, a ball of light suddenly penetrated the blood and water and flew out of the channel at a very fast speed. Then the ball of light exploded, and Wuming appeared out of thin air.

He looked back at the blood and flesh channel behind him, and finally his eyes fell on the Barbarian King Emperor, who had turned his head away after being contaminated for most of the time. The Barbarian King Emperor looked into his eyes and finally showed a crazy smile.

"Madman!" Wuming cursed inwardly.

Then he took out several vitality bombs and threw them directly into the passage. As the vitality bombs exploded, the white vitality stone essence quickly blocked the passage.

Then he took out the white gun and fired hundreds of shots at the Barbarian King's thigh.

"That's it for now."

Wuming said with some regret. If possible, he really wanted to use vitality bombs to completely seal this leg, but he had no financial resources and could only spread a layer of vitality stone essence on the surface.

At the same time, on the second floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, a huge bull head had eyes wide open, looking like it was dying.

As time passed, pollution gradually climbed up its forehead, but at this moment a fist directly punched its forehead, and a burly bull-headed man slowly walked out of it.

"There is no false reputation under the great name, Wuming is indeed a tricky opponent." Barbarian King recalled the battle just now and said to himself.

Then he waved his hand, and the nose ring that was originally hanging on the nose of the huge bull head tore the flesh on the nose and quickly flew into his hand. He installed the nose ring on his nose, and a black armor quickly appeared on his body.

This nose ring is his storage equipment.

After putting on his clothes, he jumped off the bull head and walked towards the passage in front. He came here not to fight with Wuming, but to find an opportunity to transcend.

The reason why he attacked Wuming was that he just happened to feel that his thigh was cut, and then found that the cutter was Wuming, so he was happy to see the prey and tried to test it.

At least, he thought it was fun to arm wrestle with Wuming.

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