I Contracted Myself

【547】Experimentation and Breaking the Formation

Eternal Silence Prison Tower, third floor.


A man with a hideous face and a knife in his hand fell heavily to the ground.

He just wanted to get up, but his spine quickly lost feeling. He opened his mouth in fear and screamed. His body was quickly corroded. He used all his strength to support himself with his hands, but the next second after he got up, his head quickly turned black and his eyeballs became lifeless.


He fell to the ground and a sweet potato rolled out of his pocket.

The sweet potato fell silently on the dark ground, it quickly took root and sprouted, and then quickly withered.

The true self in a certain world sat on a chair formed by sweet potato seedlings, surrounded by dense and thick sweet potato seedlings tied up one man and woman after another.

These were the vicious people he collected from the heavens and the worlds.

Some were evil heads who launched wars and caused the death of a large number of lives, some were tyrants with tyrannical temperaments and extremely cruel to the people, and some were war criminals who invaded other countries and caused numerous bloody cases.

However, at this time, these people were extremely terrified. They were tied firmly to the spot by the sweet potato seedlings. Not only could they not move, but they could not even make a sound.

They could only watch the True Self Heavenly Man teleporting people away one by one. Some of them would reappear after a while after being teleported away, but they would often reappear in the form of corpses.

Some corpses seemed to have been bitten by some monsters, and their death was extremely horrifying.

Some corpses were swollen all over, and there were densely packed thread-sized insects shuttling quickly on their bodies, and their death was extremely disgusting.

Other corpses were teleported back, and they seemed to have no wounds, and they still had smiles on their faces, but they were already dead, and their death was extremely horrifying.

Of course, there were also some people who were teleported away, but they were never teleported back. I am afraid that only the True Self Heavenly Man knows whether they are alive or dead.

These people died and died, at least they didn't have to feel fear anymore, but those who were alive were tortured, and they felt that every second was so long and so terrible.

"Finally succeeded, and this method really works." The True Self Heavenly Man said with a smile.

After figuring out how to teleport things to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, there will be much more room for operation. Anyway, there are countless evil people in the world, so even if he fails continuously, it doesn't matter. As long as one person is teleported in, he can do a lot of things.

He is not a madman like the Barbarian King. He is very rational and knows very well that the probability of death is very high if he enters the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, so he has never considered going to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower in person from beginning to end.

Of course, he also knows very well that there are many madmen like the Barbarian King in the Fictional Alliance, and these madmen can live to this day. The scary thing is naturally not only madness, but also extremely difficult to kill.

If he wants to compete with these people and finally get the opportunity to transcend, he must take out the chips at the bottom of the box.

"It's time for the Sweet Potato Saint to use it."

The True Self Tianren kept thinking, and a plan gradually took shape in his mind. He exhaled and said to himself.

After saying that, he looked at the thousands of criminals of all kinds who were tied up around him, and suddenly laughed: "Do I think I did a good deed? Oh, I'm so ashamed. It seems that I can't enter the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."

The tied people all looked at the True Self Heavenly Man in horror, and felt that they would face a very terrible ending next.

Many people regretted in their hearts.

If they had known this day, they would definitely not kill innocent people indiscriminately, rape and rob, but be honest and be good people.




The first floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

After passing through the Barbarian King Emperor's thigh, Wuming did not encounter any enemies next. He walked forward along the original path, skillfully passed through the passage full of mouths, arms, and eyes, and came to the position blocked by the formation again.

"Is there really a killing formation ahead? Why can't I see it, Wuming, are you afraid?" Shui'er ran out again after getting away from the Barbarian King Emperor's thigh. At this time, looking at the road ahead, he said unconvincedly.

Wuming took out a piece of pork from the storage space and threw it into the passage in front of him. The next moment, an invisible force instantly strangled the piece of pork. When the pork landed, it had turned from a good piece of pork belly into a sauerkraut.

"Hiss, so scary!" Shui'er said in fear.

Wuming smiled and said, "Now you believe it, but this killing array is nothing. I have brought the props to break the array. The real trouble is the King of Splitting People in the killing array. We may fight with the King of Splitting People later."

"Wang Baldy is not so easy to deal with, especially the sea of ​​corpses and blood. Once polluted in this environment, the threat level will not be much weaker than that of the Barbarian King." Tianxing Mingyue said cautiously.

Shui'er asked curiously, "Why is the King of Splitting People called Wang Baldy?"

"Well, that's a long story..." Tianxing Mingyue immediately began to tell the story he had told Wuming before with great interest.

Wuming ignored Tianxing Mingyue and Shui'er. He took out an eight-diagram compass from the storage ring, and then took out two metal balls, one gold and one silver.

Put two metal balls into the Tai Chi of the compass.

The next moment, the Bagua Tai Chi in the compass began to rotate.


With a crisp sound, a corpse kneeling on the ground in the passage suddenly cracked, and then more and more corpses cracked.

This compass is a magical prop, named "Unlearned and Unskilled Breaking Array Disk". After activating the ability, the less the user knows about the formation to be broken, the higher the probability of breaking the formation.

Although Wuming's attainments in formations were not bad, he did know very little about the killing formation set up by King Li Ren. He only saw that it was a killing formation, but he didn't know much about how it worked.

Moreover, even if the formation-breaking disk failed to break the killing formation, he actually had other props to break the formation.

The support provided by the Scholar Foundation was very sufficient. Even if the support they promised had not been transmitted yet, he was enough to break through the first layer.

At least on the first layer, he didn't need to worry about the problem of insufficient props.

As the killing formation was constantly broken, Wuming stepped into the passage that was originally covered by the killing formation step by step. Sure enough, he was not strangled by the killing formation.

"Wuming, look to the right!"

Tian Xing Mingyue had already told Shui'er the story of Wang Tuzi, and whispered at this time.

To their right, hands and feet began to appear on the wall, but these hands and feet were not three-dimensional, but more like a painting.

"King Li Ren saw that the formation was broken, and he wanted to set up a second formation?" Shui'er guessed.

Wuming held the formation-breaking plate and said seriously, "It shouldn't be a formation. Everyone be careful. Shui'er, if there's any danger, go back quickly."

"Okay, got it." Shui'er nodded and agreed.

At this time, a head rolled out from the right side of the intersection in front and stopped in the middle of the intersection like a football.

Wuming stopped and looked at the head, and the head slowly opened its eyes with no pupils but only whites.

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