I Contracted Myself

【548】Void Sky Demon King


Wuming stared at the head and said to Shui'er next to him.

But then he subconsciously looked at the location of Shui'er, which was an endless starry sky...

He immediately looked forward, and there was also an endless starry sky in front of him. He gritted his teeth and looked at his left hand. The raw stone in his hand was already...


He had no hands at all.

At this time, Wuming came to his senses belatedly and realized that everything in the past was an illusion. He was actually a Boltzmann brain drifting in space.

When entropy increases, he will fall into countless hallucinations, thinking that he is a great hero respected by countless people. Only when entropy decreases, will he wake up from the hallucinations and understand that everything in the past is actually an illusion. .

He did not travel to Pearl City, he did not save Pearl City, he did not set up a rescue team, he did not have an opponent, the King of Darkness, to kill, nor did he enter the magical hidden space, nor did he fall into a dangerous place. The Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

All the adventures he took were actually lies he spun during his long loneliness.

But lies were just lies, and now he has sobered up.

"It turns out everything is..."

Wuming felt a sense of loss in his heart. He had no arms, legs, or body. He was just a thought formed by the fluctuations of entropy in the universe.

He couldn't commit suicide, and he didn't know when he would die. The long loneliness was like poison eroding him, and what he could do was not find an antidote. He could only endure the pain silently, waiting for the next hallucination to come.


"Wu Ming, wake up quickly!"

Suddenly, his face felt cold, and the whole universe suddenly collapsed. He opened his eyes suddenly, and the next moment he saw dense arms spiraling towards him, while Shui'er was lying in front of him and beating his head.

He immediately instinctively stepped back, and at the same time hugged Shui'er with one hand, and was out of the attack range of these arms in the blink of an eye.

"Wu Ming, you're awake, you suddenly lost your eyes just now!" Shui'er said in surprise with tears in her eyes.

Wuming shook his head, feeling as if he had woken up after a hangover. He wondered: "What eye is missing?" "You were just looking at that head blankly, and then the eyeballs disappeared too. It's so scary. "Shui'er replied.

Tian Xing Mingyue said at this time: "Wu Ming, I'm afraid we're in trouble. That's the ability of the Sky Demon of the Void. The Man-Splitting King may have released the Sky Demon King in Cell No. 084."

"Demon King of the Void, no wonder I just fell into a state of complete self-denial. I thought I was not me, everything was an illusion, and I almost got lost in the void." Wuminghou said fearfully.

The Demon King of the Void is the most terrifying existence among the Demons of the Void.

They are born from the brain of the evil god who has gone crazy. They absorb the soul essence in the evil god's brain and gradually grow in size. Then they will leave the evil god's brain and wreak havoc in the world.

Any creature invaded by the Void Demon will have only the whites of its eyes left in its eye sockets, its pupils will be blocked by a white film, and its soul will be completely plunged into nothingness until its soul or mental power is eaten away by the Void Demon.

The Demon of the Void is a nightmare-like existence for most practitioners, but as long as the soul is strong enough and the mental power is strong enough, there is still a certain probability of defending against the Demon of the Void's attacks.

But the Demon King of the Void is even more terrifying. No one can defend against its attacks. Its soul and mental power are its food, and its damage to other creatures is also stronger. Even just looking at it will produce extremely serious sequelae. .

The reason why the second warden was able to imprison the Demon King of the Void in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence was because the Demon King of the Void fell into the trap.

It invaded a puppet body that looked very much like a living thing. After entering, it was discovered that the body was full of seals, and it was sealed in that body.

Finally, the puppet body was moved to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and was imprisoned on the first floor.

It's not that the Sky Demon King of the Void is not strong enough and does not deserve to be imprisoned in a higher level.

But the puppet itself has limited the ability of the Void Demon, so as long as no one breaks the cell and breaks the seal of the puppet, it will actually be the same wherever it is placed.

"There are countless bodies in the body of the Splitting Man King. The Void Demon King can make the target fall into nothingness by looking at it. This combination... is so disgusting." Tianxing Mingyue sighed.

Then he came to his senses and asked, "Wu Ming, are you sure you are fine now and don't have any sequelae?"

"I'm not sure. I have a strong sense of disobedience. I feel like it's all fake, but I know it's true, but there's always a voice inside telling me that everything is illusion." Wuming took a deep breath. , then said.

This was the sequelae that the Demon King of the Void had brought to him. Even though the influence of the Demon King of the Void on him had been purified by Shui'er's tears, his senses were still full of illusory feelings.

It was probably like motion sickness, his whole body was dizzy, everything around him was obviously so real, but it was so light, as if everything would shatter in the next second, and he would be back in the void of space.

"What should I do? Is there any way to treat it?" Shui'er asked worriedly.

Tian Xing Ming Yue said in a deep voice: "In the past, many practitioners had similar situations. Some practitioners who sought the Dharma internally went astray. Although those who sought the Dharma externally were slightly better, they would gradually become irritable and distrust everything around them. They always felt that they were not in this world. Some patients with serious illnesses even killed their relatives and friends, thinking that all this was false. Gradually, they would fall into the devil's way and treat reality as a game."

"How terrible!" Shui'er suddenly shrank into a ball and said in fear.

Wuming slowly rubbed his temples and said heavily: "I also feel this way now, but it's not as serious as you said. It's more like drinking alcohol, half awake and half drunk."

He sat cross-legged in the void, and the next moment his eyes reflected back to himself, and he said: "Let me check my own state first."

His eyes were inhabited by the God Worm, and through the God Worm's ability to reflect back to himself, he quickly saw his own problems.

This body is composed of a biological force field, which is strictly similar to the Three Pure Ones. He is just a part of Wuming.

However, this is not a pseudonym, because he is not playing anyone, and there is only one body.

If we must talk about similar roles, he can actually be regarded as the ancestor of the Styx, and the Nameless Sea corresponds to the Blood Sea in the prehistoric novels.

The Blood Sea will not dry up, and the Styx will not die.

Switching to Wuming, that is, the Nameless Sea will not die, and Wuming will not die or perish.

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