I Contracted Myself

【549】Support materials

It’s just that the situation is a little more complicated now.

Because of the ubiquitous pollution of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and the effect of the Eternal Silence Space isolating other spaces, Wuming’s body is disconnected from the Nameless Sea.

It’s not that they can’t contact each other, but that they can’t contact each other!

Although he had ‘saved’ when he returned to the Shenzang Space, many of his abilities that depended on the Nameless Sea did lose their permissions temporarily.

For example, his skin. When he integrated the Perfect Shield into his eyelids, it ended up protecting all the skin, and even the Nameless Sea was strengthened by the Perfect Shield.

Ordinary attacks can hardly even break his skin, but he lost this strengthening effect in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Otherwise, with the protection of the Perfect Shield, he actually doesn’t need to be afraid of pollution.

In addition, he can’t use a series of abilities such as the Deep Sea Apostle and the Spirit of the Sea.

Besides, even if he can use them, he won’t use them.

After all, the surrounding pollution is everywhere. It doesn't matter if the Deep Sea Apostle dies. At most, he can be reborn in the Nameless Sea. But the sea spirits are the auras of real living beings. If they are really polluted, Wuming will feel very guilty.

These little guys are all lives, but their forms are different from the forms of life that ordinary people know.

Besides, these abilities are not that helpful to him now.

Nowadays, because of the effect of the ability of the Void Sky Demon King, part of his body composed of biological force field has been disturbed, which is a bit like endocrine disorder, but it is much more difficult to recover.

Unless he returns to the Nameless Sea now and lets his body melt in the Nameless Sea, then all the disorders will be smoothed out in an instant, otherwise he can only recover slowly.

"Can the incomplete bright moon only wait for the full moon slowly?"

Wuming retracted his gaze, thinking about the image seen by the God Worm, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

The situation is very bad now. He looked at the screen of the Oracle Stone and said, "Part of my body is now damaged, and my strength has dropped by about one tenth. There is also the combination of the King of Splitting People and the Void Demon King in front of me. Do you have any good ideas?"

There is no barrage on the screen.

In fact, the audience has discussed more than ten pages directly in the Oracle Network, Wuming's fan section, but Wuming himself can't see it.

After knowing that the head is the Void Demon King, countless practitioners who originally planned to watch the show became nervous.

Especially those who have experienced the Void Demon Rebellion, or those whose relatives and friends died in the Void Demon Rebellion, all do not want the Eternal Silence Prison Tower to be destroyed.

Because no one can guarantee that the Void Demon King will definitely die under pollution.

The Void Demon King itself was born from the chaotic and evil brain of the evil god. Their essence is very similar to the Eternal Silence Space. What if the Void Demon King becomes more powerful after experiencing the baptism of the Eternal Silence Space, can the heavens and the worlds still be good?

At this moment, countless practitioners reached a consensus that they must help Wuming repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and find a way to reseal the Void Sky Demon King.

A minute later, a barrage of comments passed by: "Wuming, the Foundation's supplies are now being delivered. We have temporarily added three puppets that are the same as the puppets that sealed the Void Sky Demon King. Please, please reseal the Void Sky Demon King!"

"Well, I'll try my best!" Wuming nodded.

He returned to standing from sitting cross-legged, looked forward, and said: "Shui'er, if I am affected by the power of the Void Sky Demon King again, you can wake me up with the method just now."

Fortunately, his luck has always been very high. The last time he returned to the Shenzang space, he got the fragments of the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword and woke up Shui'er before encountering the Void Sky Demon King. Otherwise, falling into nothingness just now means that the repair of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower has failed.

Because without Shui'er, he would definitely be lost in the void and it would be impossible for him to wake up by his own strength.

"Well, I will try to cry!" Shui'er clenched her fists and promised seriously.

At this time, a vitality bomb appeared out of thin air not far from Wuming, and the next moment the vitality bomb exploded, and the entire passage was blocked by the essence of the life stone in the vitality bomb.

Wuming looked at the blocked passage, walked forward slowly, and found storage rings embedded in the essence of the life stone on the ground that looked like plaster.

It must be said that the method of the Scholar Foundation to transmit materials is really unique.

Wuming secretly complained in his heart, but he had to admit that this method was very stable, at least it ensured that these storage rings would not be contaminated.

He used the ancient cutting eye freezing light technique to cut off the essence of the life stone embedded in the storage ring piece by piece, and then checked the contents of the ring one by one.

A lot of ammunition, a lot of pills, a lot of weapons, and a lot of props!

There was a ring that stored dense vitality bombs. Wuming had only one feeling when he saw it, that his phobia of insufficient firepower was almost cured.

He took out some pills that helped his spirit and swallowed them, and then took some pills that strengthened his strength and spirit.

These pills were all valuable treasures outside, but now he ate them like candy beans.

However, there was a reason why they were expensive. After taking the pills, he felt that his strength recovered rapidly, even exceeding the state before the injury.

Then, he took out three puppets from another storage ring.

The appearance of these three puppets was exactly the same as his. When placed in front of him, he could not see any difference between himself and these three puppets.

He asked curiously: "Are these all made temporarily?"

A member of the Scholar Foundation quickly answered in the barrage: "No, in view of the great harm caused by the Void Demon in the past, our foundation has always had this kind of puppet blanks in reserve. We only need to determine the candidates to quickly change their appearance."

"I see." Wuming nodded.

Although there are puppets targeting the Void Demon King, the situation is still a bit bad.

The main reason is that the Void Demon King had been fooled once before. Wuming has three puppets but actually only has one chance to attack. Once the Void Demon King is alert, he will not be so easily fooled next time.

The Void Demon King is a kind of existence similar to black fog. Their bodies are translucent and can easily get into objects. Once they want to hide, it is very difficult to detect.

The only way to seal the Void Demon King at present is to let the Void Demon King fall into the trap himself.

Wuming looked at the three puppets, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. He took out a gem and gently stuck it on the forehead of one of the puppets. The next moment, he turned the gem into a shell.

He first took off the jailer bracelet on his wrist and put it on the puppet's wrist, then put the Shengsheng Stone parasitized by Tianxing Mingyue in the puppet's hand, and finally took out a piece of armor full of technology and put it on the puppet's body.

After completing all this, he took Shui'er into the inner space of the shell and covered the gem and the puppet with energy.

"Mr. Tianxing, do you think I look like him?" Wuming put on the bracelet of the remote control armor, and then the puppet looked at the Shengsheng Stone in his hand and asked.

Tianxing Mingyue replied: "It's true, but there is no expression on my face, and my eyes are too dull and weird."

"That's right, after all, I was plotted by the Void Demon King. If I am still the same as usual, then there will be problems." Wuming said with a smile.

To be honest, encountering the Void Demon King was definitely the most dangerous experience for him since entering the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Even now he still has some aftereffects.

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