I Contracted Myself

【551】Demon Worm

Since the target of the Void Sky Demon King was the puppet, not Wuming who was hiding in the shell, he saw the whole process of the Void Sky Demon King attacking the puppet this time.

The Void Sky Demon King is very special.

So special that even the God Worm in his eyes was eaten up at once, which had never happened before.

Wuming closed his eyes and felt that the God Worm living in his pupil was swollen. Under normal circumstances, the God Worm would secrete phases, and then breed the God Butterfly or God Cicada through the Nameless Sea.

But this time the feeling was completely different. He felt that something in his eyes was about to "break out of the shell".

Suddenly, he opened his eyes involuntarily, and a black light shot out from his pupils, and instantly condensed into a translucent energy body in front of him that looked like a horseshoe crab.

It swam freely in front of Wuming, but it didn't look like the God Butterfly or the God Cicada. It didn't seem to be a living thing, but more like a weapon.

Wuming raised his hand and tried to touch it, but his finger passed through its body. It turned around Wuming's finger. Its body was very soft, especially the sharp tail at the end, which could freely lengthen or shorten. It became much longer when it was wrapped around Wuming's finger.

What is the use of this thing?

Wuming was a little confused, so he simply activated the ability of the God Worm to look at it.

The next moment, he got a lot of information. The translucent creature in front of him, which looked like a horseshoe crab, was called the Sky Demon Worm. It was a protective weapon formed by the shell shed by the God Worm after eating the "dirty things" that it shouldn't eat.

It has the characteristics of "dirty things" and the characteristics of the God Worm.

For example, the Void Sky Demon King is immortal, so the Sky Demon Worm also has the characteristics of immortality. At the same time, the Void Sky Demon King's attack on the enemy will cause the enemy to fall into the void, and its attack will also cause the target to fall into the void.

In addition, it has the abilities of the God Worm, such as automatically protecting the master and devouring the target's "phase" to complete self-evolution.

Now it is just the initial form, Wuming can selectively let it devour various 'phases', so that it can evolve into a more powerful form.

However, these are not the most surprising things for Wuming. After all, potential is only potential, and evolution is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

What surprised Wuming the most was that the shell of the Sky Demon Worm was made of the shell of the God Worm, so it has the ability to be immune to the pollution of the Eternal Silence Space.

"Good baby!"

After Wuming understood the characteristics and abilities of the Sky Demon Worm, he couldn't help but speak.

Many viewers were itching to see it, and were very curious about what the Sky Demon Worm that ran out of Wuming's eyes was.

However, asking others about their abilities is a taboo in itself. Unless the relationship is very good, asking such questions is not only very impolite, but also disgusting.

Most of the audience are well-educated people, so they did not send barrages to ask.

Of course, some viewers are not well-educated, but they don't have money either. The resource coins in their pockets are not enough to send a barrage, so naturally there is no way to ask.

"Wuming, what is this ugly fish, how did it run out of your eyes?" However, Shui'er next to Wuming was pure-minded, and at this time she asked this question for thousands of viewers.

Wuming was in a good mood and said with a smile: "It's called the Sky Demon Worm, and it's a new weapon I got."

"Sky Demon Worm? Is it related to the Void Sky Demon King?" Tianxing Mingyue asked in surprise when he saw Wuming answer Shui'er's question.

Wuming nodded and said: "It is a little related, but strictly speaking, it is a weapon bred from a treasure I got from the Shenzang Trial."

Then he smiled and said: "The Sky Demon Worm will have many opportunities to attack next, as for what its ability is... you have to observe it yourself."

The reason why he did not avoid answering is that he will definitely use the Sky Demon Worm to fight next.

There are many smart people in the heavens and the worlds. Even if he doesn't say it, others can guess some of the Sky Demon Worm's abilities through the battle of the Sky Demon Worm.

Instead of hiding and appearing to be magnanimous, it is better to reveal some information openly.

Of course, he will definitely not tell the specific abilities of the Sky Demon Worm himself, and if others can guess it, then let them guess it.

"Okay, let's keep going."

Wuming's mind moved, and the Sky Demon Bug landed on his shoulder, and then he smiled at Shui'er.

Now that the benefits he got from the Void Sky Demon King have been digested, he wants to see what the Split Man King really means.

Although many people say that the Split Man King has become cowardly in the later period, Wuming still dares not be careless. After all, the Split Man King can cooperate with the Void Sky Demon King, which is enough to show that the Split Man King is not much worse than the Void Sky Demon King.

After a while, he and Shui'er came to the Split Man King's cell, only to see that the Split Man King sat cross-legged in the center of the cell, still maintaining the operation of the formation to prevent his cell from being polluted.

"Don't worry, I am willing to accept the loss. Since the Void Sky Demon King has lost, I will not hinder your actions anymore." The Split Man King felt Wuming's gaze on him and said with an unchanged expression.

He did not hinder Wuming because he had no way to escape from prison.

The Eternal Silence Prison Tower is the only safe place in the Eternal Silence Space. Once the Eternal Silence Prison Tower collapses, he will not survive. Therefore, not only will he not prevent Wuming from repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, but he will actually help Wuming when he really needs it.

"If you use bullets like mine to set up your formation, to what extent can the maximum range be expanded?" Wuming looked at the corpses around him and asked.

He fired a shot at a corpse outside the cell of the Split King, and the corpse was instantly covered with the essence of the Life Stone, and looked like a plaster statue.


The Split King was shocked when he saw Wuming destroying his formation, but then he found that his formation was not destroyed, and the corpse seemed to be no longer polluted.

"Don't worry, I have also studied the formation for a while. I dare not say that I am proficient, but I am not a novice." Wuming said with a smile.

The Split King carefully observed the energy flow of the formation. After confirming that there was no problem with the formation, he said: "If all the array eyes are covered with the bullets you fired, I am sure that this layer will not be polluted by the outside power."

"Why don't we cooperate temporarily and clean up the pollution on this layer first?" Wuming suggested.

After the pollution on this layer is cleaned up, he will have no worries when he climbs to the second layer. Even if he encounters problems, he can return to this layer and wait for support from outside.

The Scholar Foundation can transmit materials once, so there must be a way to transmit them a second and third time, but it depends on whether they are willing to pay the price.

Of course, he believed that the people in the Scholar Foundation were not stupid.

Now countless practitioners in the heavens and the world were watching his live broadcast, and he did not believe that the wise men and scholars of the Scholar Foundation would be stupid enough to bear all the pressure alone.

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