I Contracted Myself


After hesitating for a moment, the King of Split People weighed the pros and cons and finally agreed to cooperate with Wuming.

The main reason was that the number of corpses in his body was limited. To set up the formation, he needed to consume the corpses as the core of the formation. Now, although he had to take out more corpses at a time to cooperate with Wuming, it could be done once and for all.

In addition, the Void Sky Demon King was sealed again, and it was unknown whether Wuming could repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Even if he could repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, he didn't know when it would be completely repaired. If he had to endure for thousands or tens of thousands of years, he would lose more corpses, not less.

"The aisle in front has been covered by my bullets. You can set up the formation directly and then continue to move forward with me." Wuming said bluntly after the King of Split People agreed.

The King of Split People didn't say anything. The next moment he closed his eyes and his body began to split.

His body already had a lot of cracks. At this time, his hands and feet were all separated from his body, and then a person grew out of his arms, a person grew out of his feet, a person grew out of his calves, and a person grew out of his thighs.

From Wuming's perspective, it was as if the Split Man King split his body, and then these split limbs repaired themselves and became separate individuals again.

However, just by looking at the appearance of these people, you can know that these people are not the Split Man King.

And they seem to be alive at this moment, but Wuming knows very well that they are just corpses and have been dead for who knows how long.

In fact, Wuming has a lot of array materials in his storage ring, but the Eternal Silence Prison Tower has a total of nine floors except the bottom. The first floor is so dangerous, and it is unknown what the second and third floors are like. It is better to save as much as possible.

In addition, instead of leaving these corpses for the Split Man King to continue to desecrate, it is better to use them to set up arrays to maintain the purity of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. If the original owners of these corpses still have an afterlife and have been reincarnated, they may be able to share some merits.

Next, Wuming followed these corpses and shot at the corpses at the appropriate position, gradually arranging the array to the entrance of the first floor.

In fact, that crack is not a crack, but a passage to the bottom, but it is blocked by pollution, leaving only a small gap.

After the formation was spread out, Wuming blocked it with a vitality bomb.

"Okay, the formation in front has been arranged, and the next part is the back part." Wuming shot the corpse blocking the entrance into a plaster statue, and then said to the King of Split.

The King of Split nodded dully and said, "Yeah."

"Do you know who lives in the cells behind?" Wuming asked as he walked.

The King of Split walked beside him and replied, "The cell behind me is the cell of the Sky Demon King, and the cell behind it is the cell of the Skull Crusher Demon, and I don't know what's behind it."

"Skull Crusher Demon? Mr. Tianxing, do you know his origins?" Wuming asked after hearing it.

Tian Xing Ming Yue said helplessly: "I don't know. I am not interested in the origins of most prisoners. If they are particularly dangerous prisoners, I may remember them, but if they are not particularly dangerous or often make a big noise, I don't know much about those prisoners who have a weak sense of existence.

Of course, if there is a big gossip about some prisoners, I may hear it from other jailers, but this Crusher... I haven't heard of it, I really don't know."

"What about you?" Wuming looked at the King of Splitting People.

The King of Splitting People shook his head and said: "Almost, I just heard the bad things about Crusher from the King of Demons. He said that Crusher was like a stone in a cesspool, smelly, hard and disgusting, and he cursed a lot of dirty words. Maybe he suffered a loss from Crusher."


Wuming was a little speechless. In this way, this Crusher was also a big trouble.

Now he can only hope that Crusher will stay in the cell well, don't come out to stir up trouble, don't be polluted, and force them to fight.

At this time, a sentence in the barrage floated by, and he immediately looked at the barrage.

Jeff is awesome: "Skull Crusher, as far as I know, there are many such titles, but there is probably only one Skull Crusher who can be imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower."


Wuming blinked, and seeing that there was no follow-up, he couldn't help but complain in his heart, who is that?

This inexplicable barrage, inexplicable audience.

He walked while paying attention to the screen, but the audience never said anything, and he was helpless. After all, it was expensive to post barrages, and he couldn't force the other party to post barrages again to tell him the information of the Skull Crusher.

At this time, a barrage floated by: "Skull Crusher, solid life, looks like a snake, but its head is like a pliers. Its mind is very abnormal, and it loves to crush the heads of creatures. It once crushed the heads of creatures in several worlds. Finally, it was detained and imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower by a strong man who was also a solid life."

"Solid life..."

Wuming looked at it and immediately felt that the trouble was bigger than he thought.

The main reason is that with his current strength, he really can't deal with the solid life that is neither alive nor dead, neither increasing nor decreasing, and completely unkillable. If it is in the outside world, he can still exile the solid life to a world infinitely far away from him, but in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, he really can't control the solid life.

"Forget it, let's go and see first, maybe the situation is not that bad." Wuming sighed helplessly, then made a decision in his heart and continued to move forward.

Tens of minutes later, they passed the cell of the Void Sky Demon King and placed a corpse in the cell of the Void Sky Demon King.

The formation was spread out, Wuming fired a shot at the corpse, and said: "Okay, let's go and see the Skull Crusher."

"How about I wait here?" The Man-Splitting King said at this time.

Then he saw Wuming looking at him and added: "If you want to fight with the Skull Crusher, you will not be at ease with me next to you."

"It's up to you, but you'd better not have any bad ideas. I can break your killing array once, and I can break it the second and third time." Wuming said lightly.

The Man-Splitting King quickly said: "Don't worry, I really mean it when I say I am willing to accept the loss, and I will never have any other thoughts."

"I hope so."

Wuming nodded, and then continued to move forward with Shui'er.

Bullets still cleared the way. After about two minutes, a cell appeared in front of them. The cell was surrounded by pitch-black mud. Wuming's heart sank slightly when he saw this scene. He immediately raised his hand and kept shooting at the front, gradually sweeping the pollution to the corner.

He walked forward carefully, and Shui'er worriedly said: "Wuming, be careful."

"Well, you too, if you feel dangerous, hide back in the debris immediately." Wuming nodded.

They walked forward cautiously, looking at the cell of the Skullbreaker, and then they were slightly stunned. The Skullbreaker was still in the cell, and there seemed to be no signs of contamination.

And it was completely different from the big devil that Wuming imagined.

This Skullbreaker looked like it was made up of six spheres, and the spheres were very rough, one ring after another.

Wuming inexplicably thought of the Onix in Pokémon...

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