I Contracted Myself

【553】Confession of a Broken Skull

Of course, it was actually very different from the image in his memory, just a little bit similar.

And the head of the Crusher was very much like a big pliers, not only the surface was extremely rough, but the pliers also seemed unable to close completely together.

This uneven texture fully demonstrated that it was born and raised by nature, and was definitely not a man-made creation.

"This is solid life."

Wuming looked at the Crusher and muttered to himself.

At this time, the Sky Demon Worm suddenly flew into the cell, circled around the head of the Crusher, and finally returned to Wuming's shoulder, and ate the Crusher's "appearance".

"Human? Let me pinch your head, okay?" The Crusher seemed to be awakened by the Sky Demon Worm and spoke at this time.

It was firmly fixed on a golden metal plate by dozens of golden nails, and every joint of its body was stuck, completely unable to move.

These nails and metal plates also originated from solid life, and they were more perfect solid life.

If the Crusher fought with that solid life, in fact, neither could kill the other.

The problem is that the other party has the ability to imprison it, and after imprisoning it, it was directly sent to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and imprisoned, where it could only face endless emptiness and loneliness.

This is actually more terrifying than killing it.

Wuming saw that Broken Skull seemed unable to break free from the imprisonment, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He didn't care what Broken Skull said, and carefully observed the Sky Demon Worm.

At this time, the shell of the Sky Demon Worm changed again, the diamond-shaped corners became more distinct, and the hard feeling became more obvious.

The Sky Demon Worm, which was originally immortal, seemed to have a higher defense.

Although it was immortal, it still had the risk of being broken up, and it would become unusable during this period of re-condensation.

But after swallowing the phase of the Broken Skull Demon, it seemed to have some characteristics of solid life, at least the defense was greatly improved, and it was not so easy to break it up.

"Bastard, let me pinch your head!"

"Come here, I'll let you come here!!!!"

"I'm going to crush your head!!!!"

Seeing that Wuming ignored him, Broken Skull's tone gradually became irritable, and finally he let out a deafening roar.

"I remember it was said in the book that solid life does not increase or decrease, does not need to eat or excrete, is not a living thing but will not die, and does not have any energy exchange with the outside world. Why are you so obsessed with crushing the heads of other lives?" Wuming withdrew his eyes from the Sky Demon Bug, and then looked at the roaring Broken Skull, asking faintly.

The Broken Skull Demon roared for a while, and then he said faintly: "This is the meaning of my existence."

"Psychopath!" Wuming cursed in his heart.

He frowned and said: "Then is this meaning given to yourself, or is it given to you by others?"

"Come here, let me crush your head, and I will tell you the answer." Broken Skull said fanatically.

Wuming turned and left, saying calmly: "You'd better stay locked up and don't think about coming out forever."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you. I have been very confused since I was born. I don't know why I exist. I don't need to worry about death, I don't need to worry about food, I don't need anything, so why do I exist?" Broken Skull saw Wuming was leaving and hurriedly spoke.

After all, it hasn't spoken to anyone for a long time.

The last time it spoke was when the Void Sky Demon King invited it, but it couldn't solve the golden nail that imprisoned it.

At that time, it felt that the Void Sky Demon King gave it hope, but it shattered its hope again. It was so angry that it cursed the Void Sky Demon King for decades, and the result was that the Void Sky Demon King never appeared again.

Although it wanted to crush Wuming's head now, it knew that it couldn't move, so talking to Wuming could also relieve its boredom.

Sure enough, Wuming stopped again after listening to it.

It continued: "Then I began to look for the meaning of my existence. I served as an elder of a sect in a certain world, but I had already obtained the immortality they pursued. The power, fame, women, and wealth they wanted had no appeal to me. I learned a lot of things and finally left that world."

"Later, I experienced many things and killed many lives, but I still didn't know why I existed. Until one day, I came to a world and saw a woman quietly crushing instant noodles in a supermarket..." The Broken Skull paused and continued, his tone becoming excited.

It said loudly: "So, I appeared in front of her, and scared her to the point of shitting and pissing. I asked her why she did this, and she answered me tremblingly and terrified, because it was very stress-relieving.


It was obviously something that harmed others and benefited herself, why would she take the risk to do it?

Just to relieve stress?

I couldn't understand it, and then...I crushed her head for some reason.

Hahahahahaha, as the head shattered with a "bang", I suddenly understood the meaning of life. It turned out that the meaning of my birth was to crush the heads of all living things.

My body structure is used to crush the heads of living things. That feeling is so wonderful. Only when I crush the heads of other creatures can I clearly feel what it means to be alive. And she is right, it is really stress-relieving to do this!!!"

"You are sick, and you are seriously ill." Wuming couldn't help cursing after hearing what Broken Skull said.

Shui'er also nodded and said, "Yeah, Wuming is right, you are a big pervert."

"Humph, you don't understand how wonderful it is to crush the heads of other lives. I once met a girl who likes to crush bubbles. She crushed bubbles one by one, and I can feel that her happiness is the same as my happiness." Broken Skull said disdainfully.

Wuming fired several shots at Broken Skull, wrapped it in plaster, and said lightly: "Then you will stay here forever, forever!"

After that, he turned and left.

Shui'er floated beside him and said angrily: "How can there be such a bad guy, Wuming, you must repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and never let it run away."

"Well, this is my motivation to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." Wuming nodded and agreed.

Shui'er worriedly said: "There is a big pervert like Broken Skull on the first floor. I don't know how bad the bad guys will be when we go up."


Wuming couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

The audience watching the live broadcast also felt the same way. The prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower were more terrifying than each other.

In fact, there were more evil beings in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower than the Crusher. Each of them would be a very dangerous demon if released outside.

Even more dangerous than these big demons were the monsters born in the Eternal Silence space.

The more everyone understood, the more worried they were about the collapse of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. A large number of different organizations and forces held meetings to discuss whether to provide more material support to Wuming to ensure that Wuming could successfully repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

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