I Contracted Myself


The cell of the Split King.

At this time, the Split King sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for Wuming to return.

He was not sure that he could kill Wuming, and killing Wuming would not benefit him at all. He wanted to continue to live, even if he was imprisoned in prison.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and saw a man with his hands and feet cut off appear out of thin air.

Because the surrounding pollution had been isolated, the man did not die after landing, but just kept groaning in pain.

The Split King showed a playful look, and one arm split open and turned into a corpse and walked forward.

The corpse squatted down to check the man's condition.

The man was cut into a human stick, and no measures were taken to stop the bleeding. Now his body is extremely weak. He was covered with scars. Obviously, he had suffered very painful torture before, and there were a lot of strange symbols engraved on his skin.

The Split King knew that this should be a kind of text, but unfortunately he did not recognize this problem.

He controlled the corpse to turn over the man's clothes and found that there was a letter in the interlayer of the clothes. After opening the letter, he read three lines at a glance and gradually sneered.

The content of this letter is very simple.

The owner of the letter claimed that he had a method to escape from the Eternal Silence Prison Tower by reverse teleportation. As long as anyone could kill Wuming and prove this with Wuming's oracle stone, the other party would offer the method of reverse teleportation with both hands.

King Li Ren did not believe the content of this letter at all. If there was such a method of reverse teleportation, why didn't the other party come in and kill Wuming in person?

But then King Li Ren found that there were words on the back of the letter, densely packed small words arranged in a strange order.

He looked at these small words and suddenly realized something. He immediately looked at the runes engraved on the man's body. After comparing the two, he found that these densely packed small words were actually a method of reverse teleportation, but the other party only gave half of it.

Tens of minutes later, King Li Ren completed the deduction. The method in the letter was actually possible to succeed. The only problem was that the formation needed a kind creature as a primer.

"Good trick."

King Li Ren had to admit that the person who teleported the man was very smart.

The other party didn't care who found the man, nor did they care whether their plan would succeed. They just threw the bait, and it didn't matter whether the fish took the bait or not.

The problem is that once a prisoner like the King of Splitting People gets this man and sees this letter, how could he not take the bait?

"I'll take this deal!"

The King of Splitting People instantly crushed the letter and said with a smile.


On the other side, Wuming and the others were still exploring forward.

Wuming suddenly sighed and said, "It's easy to surrender and change your mind."

"What's wrong?" Tianxing Mingyue didn't understand why Wuming suddenly sighed and asked.

Wuming glanced at the screen and shook his head and said, "Nothing, I hope all the prisoners will be like the witch queen next."

"This possibility is not high." Tianxing Mingyue said.

At this time, they came to the next cell, and sure enough, there were no prisoners in the cell.

Wuming threw a vitality bomb in, and then continued to move forward. He was too lazy to discuss the identities of these prisoners.

The rest of the journey was basically unremarkable. Wuming still used bullets to clear the way, and threw a life bomb into the cell when he encountered one.

It was not that he was too wasteful, but most of the cells had traces of fighting, and cracks appeared on the walls.

Even the most stingy audience could not blame Wuming's behavior. After all, if you don't fix a small hole, you will suffer from a big hole. While the crack is still small, you should repair it well to avoid problems again.

It took about seven or eight hours to walk and stop.

Suddenly, Wuming stopped and said, "Did you hear any sound?"

"What sound?" Shui'er scratched the end of her hair and asked in confusion.

Tianxing Mingyue said, "It seems to be a woman's voice, crying again."

"It sounds a bit familiar." Wuming closed his eyes and said at this time.

Shui'er said in horror, "Wuming, don't scare me, it's so scary."

"Wait, I think I know what it is." Wuming opened his eyes and said seriously.

Tian Xing Ming Yue asked, "Do you know?"

"It's the head on Wu Shengzhen's shoulder." Wu Ming said immediately.

Tian Xing Ming Yue suddenly realized, "It's her."

They didn't kill Wu Shengzhen before, they just knocked out the beautiful woman's head growing on Wu Shengzhen's shoulder with gold to stop Wu Shengzhen from resurrecting.

Because Wu Ming's power was very strong, the gold hit the beautiful woman's head, just like playing billiards, and directly knocked the beautiful woman's head into the depths of the passage.

Wu Ming had never met Wu Shengzhen before, and thought that Wu Shengzhen should have been eaten by a more terrifying monster, but who knew that now he heard the crying of the beautiful woman's head again.

This means that Wu Shengzhen died again, and it also means that Wu Shengzhen will be resurrected in the crying of the beautiful woman's head again.

"Woo woo woo..."

"Dead ghost, you leave me alone, how can I live?"

Wu Ming continued to move forward, and the sound of the beautiful woman's head became more and more obvious, but gradually Wu Ming felt something was wrong again.

He closed his eyes and simulated the vibrations of the sound in his mind. Gradually, he found something wrong. The pronunciation of the beautiful woman's head was a little bit thicker.

"Sure enough, there is a problem."

Wuming thought to himself and continued to move forward.

Although Shui'er was curious about why Wuming stopped and then continued to move forward, she did not ask because the sound of the beautiful head was already very obvious, in order not to disturb Wuming's stealth.

After walking about a thousand meters forward and turning three times, Wuming saw the beautiful head.

At this time, the beautiful head grew on a huge snake tail, which was covered with hands, feet and countless faces of Wu Shengzhen.

If a person with intensive phobia saw this snake tail, he would definitely die on the spot.

It's so disgusting.

With the wailing sound of the beautiful head, the snake tail gradually emerged with a face of Wu Shengzhen, and some hands and feet emerged.

Wuming looked at the other end of the huge snake tail and found that the head of the snake had drilled into a cell, but it remained motionless.

"Is this the infinite molting snake?" Wuming asked.

Tianxing Mingyue nodded and said, "Well, it should be the infinite molting snake."

"Why doesn't it move?" Shui'er asked curiously.

Wuming narrowed his eyes and guessed: "Maybe they are experiencing a battle. Who is imprisoned in the cell?"

"I don't know. If I could see the prisoner, I might be able to recognize him." Tian Xing Ming Yue said.

Wuming glanced at the head of the beautiful woman on his tail and gritted his teeth and said: "Then go over quietly and take a look. Shui'er, go back first and bring it back before coming out."

"Oh, okay." Shui'er nodded.

When Shui'er returned to the fragment, Wuming used his invisibility ability and quietly flew towards the cell.

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