I Contracted Myself

【558】Alice Puppet

Fortunately, the beautiful woman was so engrossed in her weeping that she didn't notice Wuming flying by.

Wuming flew to the side of the cell and looked inside the cell. He saw the snake of infinite shedding opening its mouth wide and swallowing a human being. The human's lower body was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and his upper body had completely turned into water. He was being continuously sucked by the infinite shedding snake. The snake sucks it into its mouth.

He looked at the infinite shedding snake and waited for about ten minutes. When he saw that the human being was still not swallowed up by the infinite shedding snake, he quietly retreated and moved towards the other end of the passage.

After leaving the cell, Tianxing Mingyue said: "It's really just one thing that comes down. I didn't expect that the snake with infinite shedding would be trapped in this form."

"What's the origin of that prisoner?" Wuming knocked on the fragment and waited for Shui'er to come out of the fragment before asking.

Tianxing Mingyue replied: "I don't know, there are too many prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Unless there is something like the Secret Door Dragon, who would care about an ordinary prisoner."

"Do you still think he is ordinary now?" Wuming complained helplessly.

Tian Xing Mingyue said with some embarrassment: "It is indeed extraordinary. If I had known this would happen, I would have understood the origins and abilities of each prisoner. Now I regret it."

"Okay, don't regret it, audience friends, do any of you know the origin of that man?" Wuming rolled his eyes, then looked at the screen and asked.

Currently, the number of people watching his live broadcast is still increasing. With so many viewers watching, maybe someone knows the origin of the prisoner.

But this time it was particularly magical because there was no barrage.

Wuming waited for a moment and said in surprise: "No way, no one knows the origin of the prisoner?"

Oracle Network, at this time, there were many viewers watching Wuming's live broadcast and discussing it.

The problem is that the prisoner's upper body has turned into water, so he can see his appearance, and there are not even 10 million but 8 million people with similar abilities.

The problem is that most people with similar abilities cannot be endless even if they turn into water. And after the prisoner's upper body turned into water, the infinite shedding snake could never finish it.

It is worth mentioning that when the Infinite Shedding Snake opens its mouth and locks a target, it will definitely suck the target's entire body into its belly, so this process cannot be interrupted, even by itself.

As a result, there is now a target that it locks and sucks, but cannot finish sucking, so an embarrassing scene occurs. It can only open its mouth and keep sucking, and its body can no longer do anything.

Countless people discussed it for a long time, and finally had to admit that no one knew who the prisoner who was sucked was.

Wuming blinked and said with a wry smile: "It seems that the identity of the prisoner is not an ordinary mystery. Okay, that will be it for the time being. At least the threat of the infinite shedding snake has been lifted."

"This may not be a good thing. Just when you flew past the Infinite Shedding Snake, I discovered that there were many humanoid and strange outlines in its belly. This shows that the previous prisoners were indeed swallowed by it. Those prisoners may have He may not be dead, but at least he won't be able to get out for the time being," Tian Xing Mingyue said.

Shui'er said in confusion: "Isn't this pretty good?"

"But the Infinite Shedding Snake is trapped here. We don't even know how long it has been trapped here. The cells at the back and the prisoners behind it may be very troublesome." Tianxing Mingyue said.

Wuming nodded and said: "Well, I just thought of this, but now I have no choice but to worry and can only continue to move forward."

"Wu Ming is right." Shui'er supported.

Wuming smiled, turned around and walked forward, saying: "Then we will try our best. If there is no other way, let the audience think of a way with us. I believe there are more ways than difficulties. We will definitely be able to repair the Eternal Silence Prison. tower!"

"Well, I hope so." Tian Xing Mingyue said.

Half an hour later, Wuming arrived at the next cell. The reason it took longer than before was because a large crack was found in the corridor, and Wuming spent a lot of time repairing the crack.

Wuming looked inside the cell and found that the prisoner was still in the cell. He cautiously stepped forward and found that it was a female prisoner.

This female prisoner was wearing a pure white suspender skirt, and her long silver-white hair covered the entire cell floor. She was squatting on the ground, looking like an exquisite doll from a distance.

"Wu Ming, step back, step back slowly." Tian Xing Mingyue reminded in a very small voice.

Wuming immediately did what Tian Xing Mingyue said. After he was far away from the cell, Tian Xing Mingyue said, "Fortunately, her ability was not triggered, otherwise she would have been doomed."

"She looks so beautiful, why did she die?" Shui'er asked in surprise.

Wuming also showed curiosity and urged: "Mr. Tianxing, please tell me about her origin. Although I know that she must be a very evil person, to be honest, just looking at her appearance, it is really hard to imagine that she would He is the kind of person who is unforgivable.”

"Heinous? No, no, no, she is not evil, she is just a puppet." Tian Xing Mingyue retorted.

Shui'er wondered: "Since she is not a heinous person, why put her in a cell?"

"Because she is too dangerous, anyone who sees her will have their emotions sucked away by her, and eventually become a walking corpse who can only kneel down and worship her blindly. The scope of this ability will continue to increase exponentially with the increase of worshippers, and even affect countless worlds. Later, everyone had no choice but to lock her up in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." Tian Xing Ming Yue explained.

Wu Ming frowned and said, "Isn't she also impossible to destroy or revive?"

"No, but it's impossible to do it. Anyone who sees her can't do it to her." Tian Xing Ming Yue replied.

Shui Er found a loophole and said, "Then close your eyes."

"No, as long as your attack has the possibility of affecting her, you will definitely see her, even if there are countless worlds between you." Tian Xing Ming Yue said.

At this time, a barrage of comments passed by: "Princess Alice puppet, I have tried to destroy the world she is in with one blow from several worlds away before, but her appearance directly appeared in my mind. I hardened my heart and wanted to attack, but ended up hurting my internal organs."

"I see, that's really a bit troublesome." Wuming nodded.

But he already had a certain resistance and didn't make a fuss.

Since the puppet stayed in the cell honestly, he had no reason to disturb it. The most correct thing to do now is to leave quietly and keep everything as it is.

He thought to himself, then turned around and continued to move forward. Shui'er looked at Wuming and suddenly found that Wuming's hair turned silver. She was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened and she found that there was a puppet lying behind Wuming, and the long hair of the puppet had been hanging down from Wuming's back to the ground.

"Wu... Wuming... behind you." Shui'er reminded in horror.

Wuming frowned and looked back, but didn't see anything. He looked at Shui'er in confusion. Shui'er pointed her pinky finger behind Wuming and said, "Puppet...she's lying on your back."


Wuming was shocked and turned around abruptly but saw nothing.

He immediately turned his head 90 degrees and was face to face with the puppet's face, with their noses almost touching each other.

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