I Contracted Myself

【559】Stone Buddha Demon

Plop, plop, plop...

Even Wuming couldn't help but feel his heartbeat speed up at this moment. The puppet's eyes were dark and deep. He seemed to feel the loneliness and coldness of the puppet for countless years in the gaze.

"So warm."

Suddenly, the puppet gently approached his face, rubbed his cheek against his cheek, and whispered.

It's over!

I'm going to die!

Wuming is going to become a walking corpse!

At this moment, Tianxing Mingyue shouted in his heart, but he was just a stone. Even if he wanted to help Wuming, he couldn't do it.

Shui'er tried hard to make herself cry, but the fear was far more than the desire to cry, so that tears could not flow out of her eyes.

But at this time, Wuming did not feel the feeling of being pulled away.

He felt something in his heart, so he simply turned his head and continued to move forward, saying calmly: "Calm down, calm down, let's keep moving forward."

For some reason, the demon worm flew up from his shoulder and landed on the puppet's head, just stopping on the playful hair on the puppet's head.

"Wuming, are you okay?" Shui'er asked worriedly.

Wuming shook his head and said: "It's okay, it doesn't seem to have withdrawn from my seven emotions and six desires, let's wait and see."

"This is too dangerous. Her not withdrawing now does not mean that she will not withdraw next time. Once you relax your vigilance, she may attack you. In my opinion, it is best to seal her with a vitality bomb." Tian Xing Mingyue said excitedly.

Wuming felt that this method was probably useless, so he shook his head and said: "Forget it, it's better to be quiet than to move. Since she is not harmful to me for the time being, it is better to stay in the current state before finding a safe way."

Although he didn't know why the puppet stuck to him, he had a vague intuition that the puppet had no ill will towards him and was not dangerous.

At this time, the puppet's overlong hair began to shrink little by little. After Wuming walked a few steps, her hair was only as long as her hips.

Shui'er saw this change and immediately told Wuming. Wuming shook his head and said, "Don't worry about her for now."

Then Wuming thought of something and looked at the screen and asked, "By the way, did you see that the puppet would not be absorbed by the seven emotions and six desires?"

After a moment, Gao Shanggong sent a barrage reply: "No, the Divine Light Curtain can isolate the influence of all special powers, otherwise all the abilities in the Shenzang Trial can still affect the audience through the Divine Light Curtain, wouldn't it be a mess."

Speaking of danger, the Eternal Silence Prison Tower may not be as dangerous as the Shenzang Trial. The Divine Light Curtain can broadcast the Shenzang Trial live, and naturally it can also broadcast all the scenes in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, without worrying about the audience being affected.

"That's good." Wuming was relieved.

At this time, a barrage of comments passed by: "Mr. Wuming, are you really not afraid of being turned into a zombie by this puppet? Could it be that you are like this because you think she is beautiful?"

"It's probably an intuition, and I am face-blind, so I can't tell whether she is beautiful or not." Wuming answered the barrage of comments while walking.

Suddenly, he thought of something and asked, "By the way, you only talked about the puppet's ability. Does anyone know where the puppet came from?"

"The full name of the puppet is Princess Alice Puppet. This is the information obtained by an appraiser using the appraisal technique. After the appraiser identified the information of Princess Alice Puppet, he became a zombie as soon as he finished speaking this information.

In fact, we don't know the origin of Princess Alice Puppet. She seemed to appear out of thin air in the Bigelow World, directly causing all the creatures in the Bigelow World to become zombies. Later, her influence radiated to 39 worlds before she was discovered by practitioners.

After Princess Alice Puppet was imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, some people also studied where Princess Alice Puppet came from, but no clue was found. It is still a big mystery in the practice world." The member of the Scholar Foundation who had posted the barrage before replied in several paragraphs.

Generally speaking, most items can be traced back to their origins. Even super ancient items like the Tianyuan Jingshui Sword can be traced back, although it is very dangerous to do so.

Princess Alice's puppet seemed to appear out of thin air. No one knew where she came from, and no one knew why she had such a powerful ability.

Everything about her seemed to be a mystery.

Wuming read the barrage and said helplessly: "If that's the case, let's leave it at that for now. At least I can be sure that I am normal now and have not been affected by her."

"Are you sure you are normal? What if she just makes you think you are normal?" A barrage passed by.

Wuming directly blacked out the barrage and smiled: "Don't worry, if I have a mental problem, I will notice it immediately."

His body is composed of a biological force field, which is a complete whole. Mental problems mean that the body is distorted. Anyone who is not blind can find that his body is distorted.

Now he is intact, which means that emotions such as the seven emotions and six desires are also intact.

While interacting with the barrage, Wuming came to the next cell.

This cell was broken as expected, and the prisoners inside did not know where they ran to.

Wuming "sweeped" the lightly polluted dirt around him into the corner with bullets, and then continued to move forward.

Although there was an extra puppet behind him, it had no weight at all, and he couldn't even feel its existence as long as he didn't look at it.

In fact, in addition to intuition, the reaction of the Sky Demon Bug was also a major reason why Wuming felt relieved.

If the puppet is a threat to him, it will definitely trigger the automatic protection ability of the demon bug. Now the demon bug has run to the puppet's hair and stopped, which means that at least the puppet is not dangerous to him now.

"Wuming, I'm a little tired. If there is no danger in the next cell, can I take a rest and eat something delicious?" Shui'er asked at this time.

Wuming nodded and said, "Okay."

"Shui'er, will you be tired if you sit on Wuming's shoulder all the time?" Tianxing Mingyue couldn't help asking.

After the demon bug moved and ran to the puppet's hair to rest, Shui'er fell on Wuming's shoulder to rest, so Tianxing Mingyue said so.

Shui'er said confidently: "But I have been alerting the surrounding situation for Wuming, so of course I will be tired."

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work." Wuming said with a smile.

They came to the next cell while talking and laughing, and then they saw a monk carved out of stone in the cell.

The door of the cell had been broken, and a monster with sharp bone spurs on its back was kneeling in front of the stone monk, with protruding veins all over his face and blood dripping from his eyes.

"Oops, the seal of the Stone Buddha Demon has been broken, Wuming, retreat first." Tianxing Mingyue saw this scene and immediately reminded him.

Wuming nodded, obediently retreated to the corner of the passage, and asked calmly: "Mr. Tianxing, what kind of monster is the Stone Buddha Demon?"

He had already developed resistance to all kinds of monsters imprisoned in the Yongji Prison Tower, no matter how terrible these monsters were, he could accept them.

Besides, he had no choice but to face it. He had to face it whether he was afraid or not. That's it.

"Have you heard of the Evil Buddha Sect?" Tianxing Mingyue asked.

Wuming shook his head and said, "No."

"It seems that you are less than 800 years old, Wuming. Everyone over 800 years old knows about the Evil Buddha Sect, but this history cannot be spread at will, so practitioners after 800 years old have basically never heard of the name of the Evil Buddha Sect." Tian Xing Ming Yue said.

Wuming was speechless, he was still far from 800 years old.

Most of the practitioners in the cultivation world are immortals. In the eyes of many practitioners, those who are not even 800 years old are indeed very young.

At this time, the practitioners who were still watching Wuming's program were shocked. Wuming turned out to be so young!

Wuming looked at several comments that teased him as a little kid and said helplessly, "Let's talk about the Stone Buddha Demon. Why are you talking about my age?"

"Some things are not easy to talk about in front of so many people. Let's not talk about the origin of the Stone Buddha Demon. We can talk about this topic privately when we have a chance in the future.

Let's talk about the ability of the Stone Buddha Demon.

It is a bit like the Princess Alice puppet. Anyone who enters its influence range will trigger the forced conversion effect. You just saw that the prisoner who was forced to kneel on the ground was the prisoner in the previous cell, but he was affected by the Stone Buddha Demon and could only kneel on the ground and could not move. Unless the prisoner had a great enlightenment, he would kneel on the ground forever." Tian Xing Ming Yue explained.

Wuming frowned and said, "Just like that?"

"In fact, I don't know much about the ability of the Stone Buddha Demon. I just heard that many people were made crazy by it. But I was not very interested in the details at that time, so I didn't know much about it. Anyway, the ability must be forced conversion." Tian Xing Ming Yue said.

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