I Contracted Myself

【560】Crowdfunding version of support materials

After Tian Xing Ming Yue finished speaking, Gao Shang Gong posted a barrage after a while: "Forced conversion is not completely correct. The ability of the Stone Buddha Demon is to be entangled with magic sound. Once affected by the power of the Stone Buddha Demon, there will be magic sound coming from the depths of consciousness. The more you resist this sound, the more difficult it is to control your body, and the result is a similar effect to forced conversion.

But the solution is not complicated.

Because the Eternal Silence Prison Tower itself has a formation to suppress the power of the Stone Buddha Demon, although the seal is now broken, it only needs to arrange a Qiankun Sealing Spirit Formation on the periphery to make up for the damaged part of the formation. With your attainments in formation, Wuming, I believe it will not be a big problem."

The Qiankun Sealing Spirit Formation is indeed not difficult to arrange.

If it is on a normal planet, it can be easily arranged by absorbing the power of the earth's rotation and the power of the high-altitude air flow. Not only is the consumption very small, but it also has no great impact on the planet itself.

In the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, there is naturally no earth and sky. It is a little more complicated to arrange the Qiankun Sealing Spirit Formation. It requires the use of energy sources that can replace the earth veins and the sky to complete the arrangement.

Wuming's storage ring had a lot of materials for setting up the formation. He immediately followed Gao Shanggong's instructions and set up the formation in just half an hour, resealing the Stone Buddha Demon and the prisoner who escaped from prison.

Then, he cleaned up the pollution around him and continued to move forward.

In the next cell, the prisoner had escaped from prison.

Wuming first set up a warning formation at both ends of the corridor, and then cleaned up the surroundings with a vitality bomb.

He took out a picnic blanket and spread it on the ground, then took out various foods one by one, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's take a good rest and continue after we have enough energy."

"Great, I can finally rest." Shui'er sat happily on the picnic blanket, and the whole person relaxed.

Wuming sat against the wall and smiled: "We should indeed pay attention to rest. Although the repair of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower must be done as soon as possible, we spent a lot of time on the first floor alone. I am afraid that other floors will take more time in the future, so we must combine work and rest to walk more steadily."

He also wanted to fight to the ninth floor in one breath, but the problem was that this was not realistic.

The prisoners and monsters imprisoned on the first floor were so terrifying that it was hard for him to imagine what kind of monsters were imprisoned on the second, third, or even higher floors.

There was no rush now. Instead of rushing to die, it was better to maintain the state and move forward steadily.

The prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower were all kinds of strange. The mentality, spirit, physical fitness, etc. should be kept in the most perfect state to avoid being exploited by these prisoners.

"Wuming, this egg pancake is delicious. You should try one too." Shui'er said excitedly at this time.

Wuming picked up a piece of egg pancake and smiled, "Guess what eggs these egg pancakes are made of."


Shui'er guessed casually.

After that, she picked up a new piece of egg pancake and ate it quickly like a hamster.

Wuming smiled and said, "You are wrong. These egg pancakes are made of snail turtle eggs. It is said that snail turtle eggs naturally have a slow force field. Any creature that approaches a snail turtle egg will become very slow, and the slow force fields can be superimposed on each other, producing an effect of one plus one greater than two.

A snail turtle can produce 20 to 50 snail turtle eggs at a time. After the slow force fields of these eggs are superimposed, even lightning will be frozen in the force field by them."

"Then how can snail turtle eggs be made into egg pancakes?" Shui'er asked curiously.

Wuming finished eating the egg pancake and smiled, "Reverse acceleration is enough, so the chefs who make egg pancakes are generally strong in the field of time or speed."

The egg pancake is very expensive. Wuming has eaten it several times in Baiyu City, and the price really makes him feel a little painful.

However, it is not without reason that it is expensive. The egg pancake made from snail turtle eggs can slowly improve the eater's resistance to time-related abilities, and eating it from a young age can also improve the talent of time-related abilities. It is originally a food for the rich.

It has to be said that the Scholars Foundation is indeed wealthy. Among the food supplies, there are many high-priced delicacies such as egg pancakes. Even if Wuming and Shui'er eat as much as they want, they can't finish them in a year.

In the Shenzang space, countless viewers drooled while watching the live broadcast. It's a pity that the price of posting barrages is too high, otherwise it is estimated that Wuming's live broadcast would be filled with all kinds of nonsense.

Wuming's current live broadcast is very different from the normal live broadcast. He is not really live to please the audience, but to get support from Gao Shang Palace.

The extremely high threshold for posting barrages means that there will not be a lot of nonsense and useless nonsense in the barrages. Most people post barrages with substance, and only a few barrages have no nutrition. It is estimated that those who post such barrages are either rich or second-generation people who have no concept of money.

At this time, Gao Shanggong posted a message: "Wuming, prepare to receive the second batch of support materials. This batch of support materials is sponsored by the True Gold League, the Goddess of Fortune, the Tiansheng Sect, the Shushan Sword Sect, the Bull God Tribe, the Tianyun Dynasty, the Goddess Sect, the White Witch Academy, the Tianji Pavilion, the Yuelai Inn, the Dragon Clan Foundation, the Phoenix Blood League, the Great Saint Sect..."

In fact, this paragraph is so long that Gao Shanggong had to post it in sections, and it was divided into five sections before it was finished.

Wuming's forehead was sweating after reading it, and he smiled reluctantly: "Thank you all for your support for the restoration of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Thank you very much."

He felt that these organizations were definitely advertising, and the materials they provided might be able to make back their money quickly with this advertisement. After all, the number of viewers watching his live broadcast far exceeded the number of viewers during the Shenzang Trial.

Although everyone had to watch the Shenzang Trial, in fact, many people did not watch the live broadcast, but waited to watch the recording when they had time. After all, as long as they were not participating in the Shenzang Trial themselves, or their relatives, friends, or enemies, the immediate impact was not particularly large.

But now Wuming's actions are different.

If Wuming cannot repair the Yongji Prison Tower, once the Yongji Prison Tower collapses, it will be a catastrophe that will affect all the heavens and the worlds.

Everyone can't help but watch it, after all, it is closely related to everyone's safety.

This has led to the continuous increase in the number of viewers. Although it will occasionally drop slightly, the number of viewers will soar at critical moments. Many forces are very smart and will naturally not miss this good opportunity to advertise.

Wuming walked outside the cell and said, "Okay, you can drop in support materials."

After a moment, the space fluctuated, and a vitality bomb exploded violently.

Then a large piece of plaster appeared in front of Wuming. He cut off the storage ring embedded in the plaster and returned to the cell to express his gratitude to the forces that provided support.

After sitting down, he began to check the support materials in the storage ring.

There were still mostly vitality bombs and bullets, and various elixirs that he could use, but there was something in the storage ring that surprised him.

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