I Contracted Myself

【561】Skill Stone

Skill stone!

Wuming blinked, and then took out a golden skill stone.

He sensed that the skill stone contained an SSS-level skill called "Golden Blazing Sun". After learning it, he could consume his own light element energy to release a huge golden sun.

In fact, he had used the infinite power of his own light element to create a similar golden sun before, but he simply compressed the light element continuously, which was rough and simple.

This skill is different. It has a very high utilization rate of energy. It only takes one tenth of Wuming's energy to form a golden sun that is a hundred times more powerful than the super-large light ball released by Wuming.

After Wuming learned the details of the skill stone, he simply used the skill stone.

In an instant, he seemed to be transformed into a little boy named "Matthew" and joined a sect called Lieyang Sect.

He started practicing Chunyang Qigong since he was a child, learned Lieyang Palm at the age of fifteen, created Lieyang Wuji Palm at the age of thirty, and finally came into contact with the heavens and the worlds. It took him a thousand years to integrate various skills and finally created the golden blazing sun.

He constantly honed his golden scorching sun, gradually becoming more and more perfect, reaching the point where he could release the sun in a single thought.

Ten thousand years later, he reached the point where he could send and receive from his heart, and the super-giant golden scorching sun he released could even instantly destroy a huge galaxy.

Three billion years later, he no longer pursued bigness, and the golden scorching sun became smaller and smaller, and at its smallest it was comparable to a grain of rice, but it could easily penetrate the enemy's head, even if the enemy's defense had surpassed space, it still couldn't stop the golden scorching sun from hitting it.

Wuming came back to his senses and let out a long breath.

He learned the golden scorching sun, but he didn't have much sense of Matthew's life, only the memory of every time he practiced the golden scorching sun was extremely real.

"This skill stone is too domineering."

Wuming slowed down, then raised his hand slightly, and a golden light ball the size of a ping-pong ball appeared above his palm. As he controlled it with his mind, the golden light ball floated in his palm at will.

Who could have imagined that once this golden light ball exploded, it would be enough to blow through the universe.

He looked at the screen and asked, "These skill stones should be very precious, right?"

In the Shenzang space, he had learned about the price of skill stones.

Most C-level skill stones cost about 200,000 resource coins, and the skills are all blank skills, so there is no chance of proficiency being given.

As for SSS-level skill stones, they are generally treasured by major forces and will not be easily sold, so it is basically impossible to buy them with money.

The skill stones used by Wuming are even more high-end.

Not only are they SSS-level skill stones, but they also come with proficiency. After learning them, he directly mastered the skills. At the same time, it was as if he had practiced for more than 3 billion years and had thoroughly mastered this skill, reaching the state of lifting heavy objects with ease.

The price of this thing is absolutely unimaginably expensive.

"I saw that you, Wuming, had a hard time fighting with the Barbarian King Emperor before, so after a meeting, we decided to support you with three SSS full-level skills, ten SS-level full-level skills, and fifteen S-level full-level skills. Please use these skills to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." A moment after Wuming asked, a member of the Scholar Foundation replied.

The other party answered very tactfully.

However, Wuming still felt the other party's true thoughts. It was nothing more than that his moves were like flying bricks with great force, simple and crude, without any skills, so people couldn't stand it.

In the Yongji Prison Tower, due to pollution, he lost the support of the Wuming Sea, and many abilities could not be used, and the battle was indeed limited.

At present, his two most lethal abilities are to continuously compress the light element, then blast the target, or use the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique to cut the target apart.

The ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique is a type that cannot be improved. After learning it, it depends purely on how the user responds to the situation, but its power is already constant and there is no room for improvement.

The light element energy is different.

Wuming can output light element energy endlessly, but the method of using it is extremely rough.

Before, he was like Zhang Wuji who had just practiced the Nine Yang Magic Art to perfection, with only internal strength but no matching skills.

Now the Scholar Foundation is like Xiao Zhao, handing the Great Shift of the Universe to him. From then on, he not only has endless light element energy, but also has matching skills.

The number of golden light balls in Wuming's hand increased and decreased from time to time. After he was sure that he had mastered the Golden Sun, he gently shot a Golden Sun towards the ground in the distance, and the ground instantly became slightly charred.

"Receiving and sending from the heart, the energy is not leaked at all. After mastering the Golden Sun, my control of light elements has become more fluent." Wuming glanced at the scorch marks and smiled in his heart.

Then he looked at the other skills in the storage ring and took out another SSS-level skill stone.

Golden Crow Armor.

The skills encapsulated in the skill stone are defensive skills. After activating the skills, a set of armor made purely of light elements can be condensed on the body. Not only is the defense very outstanding, but each feather armor can also be used as a weapon after being damaged. Once it hits the target, it will explode.

After Wuming understood the skill, he understood why the Scholar Foundation gave this skill to him, because the feather armor of the Golden Crow Armor can be continuously replaced, and once it is contaminated, it can be fired as a weapon.

It can be said that after learning this skill, Wuming at least has an extra layer of protection when facing pollution.

If he had this skill in Emperor Man's calf, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed by Emperor Man. He could have fought his way out with the powerful defense and attack power of the Golden Crow Divine Armor.

nice one!

After Wuming realized the benefits of the Golden Crow Divine Armor, he directly learned the skills.

In an instant, he transformed into a twelve-year-old boy named Luo Zhen.

Coinciding with the war, Luo Zhen became a boy scout and worked as cannon fodder in the military camp with his father.

Just three months later, his only father died in a battle, and the cause of death was that a piece of his bamboo armor was missing.

The arrow hit his father's abdomen right through the missing armor plate, eventually taking his father away.

At that moment, he understood a truth. If you want to survive on the battlefield, it is important to have a complete set of bamboo armor.

From then on, he became the person who paid the most attention to his own defense on the battlefield.

In every battle, he would protect his vitals. After every battle, he was always the one who survived.

A year later, due to his accumulated military exploits, he was given the opportunity to learn military exercises.

He decisively chose the iron cloth shirt.

Because he knows that only those with strong enough defense can survive, and those who survive will have a future.

Sure enough, after practicing the Iron Cloth Shirt, his defense became stronger and his ability to save his life in every battle became stronger.

Five years later, he reached great perfection in Tiebushan training. He learned the skills of the Thirteen Taibao based on his military exploits and continued to build up his defense power.

Eight years later, he practiced Henglian, the Thirteen Taibao, to great perfection. He chose a technique called Iron Skin Kung Fu and continued to build up defense.

Three years later, he practiced Iron Skin Kung Fu to great perfection, and he chose Tietou Kung Fu, Iron Broomstick, Iron Sand Palm and other techniques for practice.

At this time, he had accumulated a large number of military merits and was promoted to centurion, and he was a veteran in the army.

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