I Contracted Myself


Turtle Shell Skill, Golden Bell Cover, Indestructible Golden Body, Vajra Indestructible Divine Skill...

In the following decades, with the support of the military, Luo Zhen constantly obtained various defensive skills from different channels and stacked armor crazily.

After the war, he left the army and returned home, but he met the legendary immortal cultivator in the mountains.

The immortal cultivator was not a good person. Instead, he destroyed the corpse and the clothes he killed were exactly the same as those he passed on. They might be fellow disciples.

He accidentally broke into the crime scene and directly aroused the immortal cultivator's murderous intention.

Afterwards, the immortal cultivator slapped him with a palm, and lightning flashed in the palm of his hand, but his skin was not even broken. He realized that the immortal cultivator was not good enough, so he rushed up to fight with him decisively.

After killing the immortal cultivator, he found a lot of things from the immortal cultivator, and also learned that there were immortals in this world.

Next, he spent three years looking for immortals and asked for the way. He exchanged a spiritual stone he found on the immortal cultivator he killed for a skill from a casual cultivator.

This technique is called "Spirit Armor Technique". It not only allows him to cultivate true qi that is different from internal strength, but also forms a layer of defensive spiritual armor on the body surface when it is cultivated to perfection. It can be said that it suits his heart very well.

Next, he spent most of his life practicing "Spirit Armor Technique".

Unfortunately, he was not a genius in cultivating immortals. Instead, he was extremely mediocre. He was over seventy years old and failed to cultivate the technique to perfection.

Just when he thought that he had no hope of becoming an immortal in this life, he was lucky enough to get a piece of blood jade from an ancient well.

When he practiced this blood jade, red spiritual power would flow into his body. His practice progress became faster and faster. Later, even the spiritual armor on his body began to mutate, from transparent to red.

Thirty years later, he cultivated "Spirit Armor Technique" to perfection and got the opportunity to join "Zhu Rong Sect".

One hundred and fifty years later, he cultivated "Zhu Rong True Fire Technique" to perfection. Because the power of the Demon Sect increased greatly, he took the opportunity to escape to the mountains in southern Xinjiang, and by chance, he obtained the inheritance of the True Phoenix Taoist Lord, and from then on, he switched to "Phoenix Feather Art".

Four hundred and sixty years later, he cultivated the "Phoenix Feather Art" to perfection, understood the meaning of the True Phoenix, combined the "Spirit Armor Art" and "Phoenix Feather Art", and created the "Spirit Feather Art".

Five hundred years later, he cultivated the "Spirit Feather Art" to perfection, and there was no way forward. He had no choice but to come out of the mountains, dominate the world, and collect countless skills for research.

A thousand years later, he combined countless defensive skills to create the "Phoenix Immortal Divine Art".

Five thousand years later, he passed the catastrophe and became a human immortal, and glimpsed that there was a world outside the world.

Three thousand years later, he came into contact with the heavens and the worlds, joined the Wanfa Sect, became a librarian, and specialized in organizing and learning various skills.

One hundred million years later, he created the "Golden Crow Divine Armor" and spent a lot of time cultivating it to perfection.

One hundred and five hundred years later, he could change the shape of the Golden Crow Divine Armor at will, and at the same time, each feather of the Golden Crow Divine Armor could add other skills he had learned, which was infinitely powerful.

Three thousand years later, because the Wanfa Sect went bankrupt, he, who had become an elder of the Wanfa Sect, also had a huge debt. Before his credit went bankrupt, he had to sell the Golden Crow Armor to the Scholars Foundation to obtain a working capital.

Wuming opened his eyes and fell into silence.

It is unknown why the previous skill, Golden Sun, was sold by Matthew. The origin of the Golden Crow Armor skill is very clear, but the reason is too speechless.

The Wanfa Sect has been collecting various techniques to fill the library. At the same time, every year, the disciples have a quota to create techniques. Luo Zhen can become an elder because he is really capable and created the powerful technique and skill "Golden Crow Armor".

But the Wanfa Sect itself is also wasteful enough.

After all, buying techniques, researching techniques, and practicing techniques all require a lot of material consumption. They rely on renting techniques to make money, and then pay the money to the material supplier.

This behavior is actually very dangerous. The Wanfa Sect was finally destroyed because of the broken capital chain and the inability to repay the high debts. Many forces should take this as a warning.

Wuming suddenly realized that he had no power, so why think so much.

He shook his head, extinguished the messy thoughts, and then began to recall the various details of Luo Zhen's practice of "Golden Crow Armor".

In fact, there are a lot of prerequisites for the "Golden Crow Armor" that must be learned, otherwise it cannot be practiced at all.

For example, Iron Shirt, Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training, etc., are all the prerequisites of "Golden Crow Armor", which is why Wuming has a little bit of reality about Luo Zhen's past.

Only on the premise of understanding those martial arts techniques can we understand the inner true meaning of "Golden Crow Armor".

Wuming experienced Luo Zhen's life all the way, so he naturally knew these details well. He not only mastered "Golden Crow Armor", but also created "Golden Crow Armor".

It is understandable that Luo Zhen must have a lot of debts, otherwise he would not even sell these experiences.

"Wuming, you have been in the trance for a while this time. Is this technique difficult?" Tian Xing Mingyue asked curiously.

Wuming shook his head and sighed: "It's okay, just a little more complicated than the Golden Sun, but I have some insights into life."

"What insights into life?" Shui'er asked curiously while eating cake.

Wuming looked at the screen and said seriously: "Cultivators with mixed forces must manage their finances well!!!"

Behind the screen, countless viewers fell silent.

Cursing the villa, Zhang Shouzhong was stunned for a moment, then he burst into a pig-killing laugh, and Da Huang also laughed in collusion.

Others showed incomprehensible expressions. Wuming's words were obviously from the heart, but the problem was that it felt awkward no matter how you thought about it.

Scholar Foundation, Gao Shanggong and several core members of the foundation were also watching the live broadcast.

After listening to Wuming's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then everyone looked at the burly bronze man sitting on the left, and then they couldn't help laughing. The man's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

In the cell, Wuming finished his feelings and didn't care about everyone's reactions and psychological activities. He then took out the third SSS-level skill stone for investigation.

The skill encapsulated in this skill stone is "Titan's Hand", which can also be directly activated with light elements. The effect is to form a huge arm to slap the target to death, pinch the target to death, or hammer the target to death.

Obviously, the people of the Scholar Foundation thought that the energy arm he used was not reliable enough, so they prepared this skill for him.

The power of the Titan's Hand is very strong. As long as the energy is continuously output, it can expand or exert force almost endlessly. It is a super practical skill with no upper limit.

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