I Contracted Myself

【364】A world of difference

Just a moment ago, the Split Man King had just walked around the corner when the Infinite Shedding Snake swung its tail violently, hitting him like a battering ram.

If he hadn't dodged quickly, once Wu Shengzhen's hands and feet grabbed his body, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, the Infinite Shedding Snake kept waving its tail, and he had to retreat to avoid being stained by the power of the Eternal Silence Space.

"It seems that I can't get through. I can only wait for Wuming to come to me."

The Split Man King looked at the Infinite Shedding Snake's tail from a distance, thinking secretly in his heart.

But just before he was about to leave, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned back and looked at the Infinite Shedding Snake's tail seriously, and gradually he saw a clue.

The Infinite Shedding Snake's tail was particularly bloated, and the movement was not particularly smooth when twisting, more like it was twisted by some external force.

"So that's it!"

The Split Man King looked at the head of the Infinite Shedding Snake at the other end, and suddenly realized it in his heart.

It was not the Infinite Shedding Snake that was moving, but Wu Shengzhen's body that was twisting, which led to the twisting of the Infinite Shedding Snake's tail.

He had used Wu Shengzhen to stop Wuming before, and now he had an idea in mind.

If he could peel Wu Shengzhen off the Infinite Shedding Snake's tail and use a corpse to lead Wu Shengzhen to Wuming's side, he could just sit back and watch the fight.

Whether Wuming wins or Wu Shengzhen wins, it's a good thing for him.

The only problem is how to peel Wu Shengzhen off.

Now the Infinite Shedding Snake's tail is all contaminated, and Wu Shengzhen's body is deformed, and he is already at odds with the Infinite Shedding Snake.

To be honest, it's not an easy task even if you want to separate them.

"Forget it, let Wuming deal with it."

The more the King of Splits thought about it, the more difficult it felt, and finally thought helplessly in his heart.

All his strength comes from the corpse in his body, and he doesn't want to consume the corpse in this aspect. Besides, Wuming wants him to set up a formation to isolate the pollution of the first layer, and he will definitely come back to find him later.

The Infinite Shedding Snake is blocking here. Wuming can't get through unless he solves Wu Shengzhen at the tail of the Infinite Shedding Snake.

Even if he doesn't take action, Wuming will still fight Wu Shengzhen.

The Split Man King figured this out, so he turned around and prepared to leave. "Split Man King, are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, Wuming's voice came from behind, and the Split Man King's movements suddenly stagnated.

He turned around and saw Wuming at the other end of the passage. His mind turned, and he smiled and nodded: "My lord, I thought it was almost time, so I wanted to ask if you had cleaned up, but I didn't expect to be blocked by this snake."

"Is that so... I thought you took some business that you shouldn't have taken, so you wanted to trouble me." Wuming said faintly.

The next moment, a large number of golden light particles flowed out from his palm, and countless light particles formed a huge golden arm in an instant.

This arm has three halos, which rotate slowly, and the golden light emitted dyes the entire passage golden.

Wuming walked towards the King of Split People, and the golden arm directly pressed the tail of the Infinite Shedding Snake, pressing the tail of the Infinite Shedding Snake so that it could not move.

In the golden light, the pupils of the King of Split People shrank slightly.

The massively proliferated Wu Shengzhen twisted with extremely great force.

It was precisely because he was not sure that he could withstand the pollution to subdue this terrifying force that he retreated in his heart, but Wuming created a big hand to press it?

Then he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and reacted belatedly.


Wuming knew that he was here to kill him!

Not good!

The King of Split People immediately retreated quickly, and at the same time his hands and feet kept cracking, and corpses quickly appeared.

"Am I that scary?"

Wuming walked over calmly, and the fingertips of his right hand gradually condensed into rice-sized balls of light.

He flicked his finger lightly, and a ball of light instantly shot towards the corpse split by the Split Man King.




Three loud noises, the bodies of the three corpses exploded, and then turned into ashes in the high temperature.

The Split Man King knew that Wuming was very powerful, otherwise he would not be able to seal the Void Sky Demon King, but he did not expect that Wuming would blow up the defensive corpse he cultivated with a casual attack without leaving any residue.

"Why are you running? Come to do business!"

Wuming looked at the Split Man King in the distance and smiled faintly.

He never trusted the Split Man King from beginning to end, because the area behind the Split Man King's cell had been isolated and polluted by the formation, so he placed a monitoring superpower on the wall outside the Split Man King's cell to monitor the Split Man King's every move in the cell.

When the Split Man King decided to cooperate with the unknown enemy, he was ready to face the Split Man King.

"I admit that I lost the bet again. I can continue to help you set up the formation. How about this matter just let it go?" The Splitting King kept releasing corpses and stared at Wuming through the corpses.

Wuming laughed and said, "What a joke. Do you think I will trust you again now?"

"Do you think you can beat me? Don't force me!" Seeing that Wuming was not willing to give in, the Splitting King immediately threatened fiercely.

Wuming directly ejected a golden scorching sun. The originally rice-sized light ball quickly expanded during the flight and instantly turned into a huge golden light ball that swept across the passage in front.

"Split it for me!"

The Splitting King watched the corpses he released turn into ashes in the light ball, and immediately stood still and raised his hand to press the golden scorching sun.

Instantly, the golden sun split into two and began to collapse from the inside.

Before the Split King had time to be happy, another golden sun popped out from Wuming's finger. The most terrifying thing about the golden sun move was that it was launched quickly and was extremely powerful.


The Split King pressed the golden sun again, but this time, as soon as the golden sun split, he saw the starlight in front of him...

In an instant, the dense golden sun the size of rice grains shot at the Split King, and the Split King flew backwards with holes all over his body.

"You can't kill me!"

As the Split King flew backwards, his body split instantly, and all the pierced parts were abandoned by him. They fell to the ground and turned into a destroyed corpse, while he grew a normal body again.

"Can't kill you? Do you think you are a solid life, or a snake that sheds its skin infinitely? Or are you as inaccessible as the Stone Buddha? The people who imprisoned you didn't kill you because they thought it would be a waste of time and too easy for you to kill you." Wuming walked slowly towards the King of Splitting People, saying as he walked.

The King of Splitting People was indeed panicking. Wuming's previous fighting methods were obviously very rough, especially the battle with Wu Shengzhen, which was completely different from now.

It took Wuming three or four seconds to accumulate power to condense the light ball, but now the light balls are all instantly released, and the power is many times stronger than before.

Now Wuming has no confidence in winning at all.

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