I Contracted Myself

【365】Absolutely crushing



Boom! Boom!

The King of Splitting was defeated step by step. He found that Wuming didn't look tired at all. It seemed that releasing such a powerful light ball didn't consume any energy for Wuming.

On the other hand, he could only release corpses to resist Wuming's attack.

He didn't want to release them, but he had to release them because Wuming's attack was too powerful and he couldn't stop it.

As Wuming said, he was not really unkillable, but there were too many corpses in his body and others found it troublesome.

But now Wuming didn't find it troublesome!

Now, the King of Splitting was unsure. He didn't know how long the corpses in his body could withstand Wuming's attack.

"Is this a good deal?"

The golden scorching sun kept rotating on Wuming's fingers, and they were fired one by one. Every time they were fired, they would be replenished soon.

The light elements in his body were endless, and what he really needed to consume to release a golden scorching sun was his mental power.

The problem is that Matthew has already mastered the Golden Sun move to the point where he can send and receive it freely. Releasing the Golden Sun is as natural as breathing, and it does not require much mental power at all.

With Wuming's mental power, he can keep releasing the Golden Sun for hundreds of years.

"I was wrong, sir, I was wrong."

"I can sign a contract with you and work like a cow or a horse from now on. Don't kill me."

"Sir, you don't have the power to kill me. I just failed to escape from prison. I will go back to the cell now and not come out. Killing me is equivalent to committing a crime."

The Split King retreated frantically, and his body parts had to be replaced from time to time. Gradually, he began to beg for mercy, and his tone became more and more humble.

He really regretted it. He regretted that the unknown bastard tempted him and put him in his current situation. At the same time, he regretted that he overestimated his own ability and thought he could beat Wuming. In the end, he hated Wuming for being so strong. He actually had no power to resist.

Outside, the audience who were watching the live broadcast all fell silent.

At the Scholar Foundation, Gao Shanggong glanced at the other members with a smile, and then continued to watch Wuming bombard the Human King with a smile.

In fact, the members of the Scholar Foundation guessed that Wuming could use extremely large amounts of light element energy, but they did not know that Wuming's light element energy was endless.

Now Wuming's performance is much stronger than they expected, and the effect of the skill stone is unexpectedly good, it's simply too good.

"It turns out that the Golden Sun can be so strong." A scholar couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, I thought that after Wuming learned the Golden Sun, he would be about 10% or 2% stronger than now, but Wuming's strength increased directly, and he used the Golden Sun as a flat attack.

"Has Wuming never learned magic before?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Gao Shanggong shook his head and said, "I don't know, I just met him, and he seems to be mainly taking the superpower route."

"It's really perverted." A female scholar couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, a scholar wearing glasses said, "There is good news. The Goddess of Fortune, the Heavenly Saint Sect, and the White Witch Academy have all expressed their willingness to exchange limited resources with us for the skill stone of the Golden Sun."

"Hahaha, it seems that they are tempted. However, if the Golden Sun can be used to the extent of Wuming, I would also be tempted. Unfortunately... I am afraid that this is limited to Wuming." An old man laughed.

To condense a golden sun and reach the power of Wuming now, it must consume a huge amount of light element energy. A normal practitioner who has reached level 200 would probably be exhausted after releasing hundreds of golden suns. It is impossible for him to release them continuously like Wuming, and even thousands of them.

In fact, the King of Splitting People is not that easy to kill.

His body hardness is very high, only slightly worse than the defense of the Fat King.

The strong man who decided to imprison him at the beginning thought that he could not kill him in a short time, and even if he killed him, it would waste a lot of energy and time, so he gave up the idea of ​​eradicating all evil.

Finally, the audience reacted and posted on Wuming's forum.

"The consumption of a light bullet of this power must be huge. Won't Lord Wuming be tired?"

"How strong is Lord Wuming? Such a strong energy is simply bottomless!"

"What magic did Lord Wuming use? I must learn this trick in the future!"

"Our Five Fireballs Sect officially announced the name change. From now on, we will take Lord Wuming as our faith and change our name to Golden Sun Sect."

Amid the discussion among the audience, Wuming suddenly stopped what he was doing.

The King of Split abandoned the part of his body that was blown up. Seeing that the Golden Sun did not bombard him again, he trembled in his heart and thought: "Is the energy finally insufficient? Then it's my turn to take action!"

"I forgot, I have to try the other two skills!" Wuming said to himself at this time.

As he spoke, starting from his toes, golden particles quickly condensed, and in an instant he had a set of golden armor on his body.

This armor is composed of countless golden feathers, which looks very gorgeous and majestic.

As soon as the Splitting King got up from the ground, he saw a large number of feathers flying out from Wuming's back in the next second. These golden feathers shot towards him at a very fast speed.

"Damn it, come again!"

The Splitting King hurriedly continued to retreat, while his hands and feet split into corpses to meet those feathers.


Boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The corpse collided with the feathers, and suddenly a fire flashed, and the corpse was instantly reduced to ashes in the fire.

"The power is only slightly worse than the light ball in front!"

King Splitter's heart suddenly sank, and Wuming was wearing armor made of golden feathers, so his defense was probably not too bad. Even if he wanted to sneak attack Wuming, it wouldn't be that easy.

"The power seems to be pretty good!" Wuming commented at this time.

Countless viewers couldn't help but complain after watching this, "Is this power enough?"

Some powerful people who are more curious can't help but send a barrage and ask: "Wu Ming, can you tell me, what is your move called?"

The main reason is that the Golden Crow Divine Armor is Luo Zhen's unique skill. He has practiced until Dachengdu without ever fighting an enemy. As a result, not many people know about the Golden Crow Divine Armor.

Later, he packaged the Golden Crow Divine Armor into a skill and sold it. He stopped practicing the Golden Crow Divine Armor and instead practiced other techniques.

Strictly speaking, the Golden Crow Divine Armor is really Wuming's exclusive move now, and no one else can do it.

"This is the Golden Crow Divine Armor of Senior Luo Zhen." Wuming glanced at the barrage, thought for a while and replied.

In the Scholars Foundation, many people looked at the bronze-colored man. Gao Shanggong smiled and said: "Congratulations, Lao Luo, now he has become famous all over the world."

Luo Zhen said nonchalantly: "You talkative brat."

"Hahahaha, Lao Luo, this is what's wrong with you, you're being arrogant again." Gao Shanggong couldn't help laughing.

The others couldn't help but laugh quietly, leaving Luo Zhen's face gradually turning from red to black, and the Scholars Foundation was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

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