I Contracted Myself

【567】Dead Beggar and Poor Lady

The Split Man King died.

He screamed for two days and two nights, and finally exhausted all the corpses in his body.

In the end, his body, the shattered demon corpse that could bathe in the sun without being destroyed, was exposed to the high temperature of the Titan's hand.

At that moment, the Split Man King regretted his choice to go against Wuming.

Freedom is precious, but life is more precious.

Only those who have died once can understand the preciousness of life. He really doesn't mind being imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. As long as he can live, he is willing to give everything. What does freedom mean?

Unfortunately, Wuming doesn't intend to give him a second chance.

The Split Man King ended his sinful second life in pain.

Some of the audience watching the live broadcast applauded, while the practitioners with dark sides in their hearts cursed silently, wishing that Wuming would die in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower as soon as possible.

"I didn't expect... The Split Man King would die in this way in the end." Tian Xing Mingyue couldn't help sighing as he watched the Titan's hand dissipate.

After he became a jailer, he often thought about whether these prisoners would die one day while patrolling.

Occasionally, he would doubt whether he could live to that time, after all, the warden and the jailer had been replaced one after another, while the prisoners imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower were still alive and well.

It can be said that these prisoners live longer than most practitioners.

Now that he saw the King of Split being punished by Wuming, he felt as if he had witnessed history. At least the prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower would die one day.

Wuming yawned, put away the game console, stood up and said, "Okay, after two full days of rest, we should start again."

The main reason is that the King of Split is not dead, so it is not easy for him to move forward.

Who knows what strange abilities the prisoners in front will have? It would be bad if the screams of the King of Split triggered the abilities of some prisoners.

Now that the King of Split is dead, it is time to continue repairing the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Wuming packed up his things, Shui'er sat on his shoulder, the puppet appeared silently behind him, and the Sky Demon Bug landed on the wooden hair.

He picked up the Life Stone that housed Tian Xing Ming Yue's soul, and held the white gun in his other hand.

A group of exquisite Titan hands that did not emit high temperature emerged from behind him. He took out the Life Bomb from the storage ring. These Titan hands held the Life Bomb and floated behind him like the Thousand-Handed Guanyin.

Everything is ready, let's go!

Wuming walked out of the cell and headed for the next cell.

Cell No. 055.

A beggar took a chopstick and gently tapped the broken bowl on the ground.

He suddenly looked up and saw Wuming slowly walking outside his cell, glancing at him lightly, and then continued to walk forward.

"Sir, it's not good to walk ahead." He immediately stood at the edge of the cell and shouted.

Tian Xing Ming Yue said, "Don't worry about him, let's keep going!"


Wuming nodded and continued to walk forward.

After walking a distance, Tian Xing Ming Yue said: "That's a dead beggar. Once you talk to him, you will be unlucky, and those who talk to him will be marked by him and will never be able to get rid of his begging."

"Is he also unkillable?" Wuming asked.

Tian Xing Ming Yue shook his head and said: "I'm not sure. The senior who took me on patrol told me that. I don't know why the dead beggar was imprisoned, and whether he has other abilities."

He began to regret why he was not more curious at the time.

If he had carefully checked the origin of the jailer, he wouldn't have been so difficult now. It feels that Wuming's road to progress is really a pit.

But then he remembered what the senior who took him on patrol told him: The most important thing for a jailer is not to be too curious. Too much curiosity can easily kill yourself.

At this time, a viewer named 'Dragon Bone Soup' posted a barrage: "It turns out that the dead beggar was imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Haha, I know the origin of this person."

Wuming glanced at the barrage and waited silently for the follow-up.

In the Shenzang space, a drunken middle-aged man typed a long paragraph of words. He pressed send, and then it showed insufficient balance.

He took a sip of wine and frowned, "Insufficient balance? Where's my money?"

Then he realized it belatedly and found that his resource coins were only in the double digits. He was shocked and immediately checked his consumption records. When he saw the sky-high resource coins consumed by sending barrages, he was petrified.

Just now, three warnings did pop up when he sent barrages, but he didn't read them carefully. He just felt that the other party was nagging. Now he finally understood why there was such a warning.

"My money!"

The middle-aged man knelt on the ground, holding his heart tightly, and tears flowed down his face.

On the other side, Wuming continued to move forward, feeling a little helpless.

This kind of person who stops talking halfway is really too annoying, but if he doesn't want to say it, then don't say it. Anyway, the dead beggar stays in the cell honestly, and he doesn't have to provoke the dead beggar.

His mission was to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. As for the prisoners in the cell, he would be more than happy if they could stay in the cell. He would only take action against those prisoners who were polluted and out of control, or those who wanted to attack him.

Cell 056.

A woman looked at herself and gently combed her hair with a red comb.

At this time, she looked up outside the cell. Wuming came from the other end of the passage, glanced at her gently, and then continued to walk forward.

"Sir." The woman stood up and walked to the edge of the cell, shouting in a weak voice.

Wuming walked away quickly, leaving the woman looking at Wuming's gradually disappearing back with resentment, and finally cried in a pitiful voice.

But Wuming ran faster.

When passing cell 056, Tianxing Mingyue had already reminded him in advance not to have any communication with the woman, and it was best not to even look at her.

Wuming glanced at the woman because he had to confirm that the prisoners in the cell were still there. As a result, he was very uneasy now, and felt like a heartless person.

"Her name is Qiongling Niang. We don't know much about her origins. We only know that men will be stimulated by her strong desire to protect and possess her. As a result, countless men will die to fight for her." Tianxing Mingyue saw Wuming walking away, and then spoke.

Wuming understood: "I can understand, fortunately this feeling is not very strong. If it is tens of thousands of times stronger, I am afraid I can't bear it."

"Can't you kill her?" Shui'er asked curiously.

Tian Xing Ming Yue replied: "Yes, the problem is that whoever kills her will be consumed by guilt, and then naturally learn the method of self-sacrifice, and will sacrifice his life to Qiong Ling Niang, and then Qiong Ling Niang will be resurrected again."

"What about women?" Wuming asked.

Qiong Ling Niang's ability is only useful to men, so if a woman comes to kill Qiong Ling Niang, will she feel guilty?

Tian Xing Ming Yue replied: "She will sacrifice herself as well."

In a certain world, a rooster watched the video excitedly, and it shouted in its heart that this was the avenue it wanted, Qiong Ling Niang, it was determined.

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