I Contracted Myself

【568】Enthusiastic Prisoner

Cell 057, the prisoner is the evil eye.

This is a monster similar to an orangutan, but it has eyes all over its body. It can only be killed by killing all the eyes, and it can be resurrected again as long as someone looks at it.

Because it is very difficult to kill, it is imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Cell 058, the prisoner is a magic sword.

This magic sword will automatically find a suitable host and lead the host to corruption. At the same time, it can also absorb the blood of the enemy to strengthen the host and devour the soul to strengthen itself. It can be said that the more it kills, the stronger it is.

After changing hosts countless times, it has become so powerful that it is difficult to destroy. In the end, its last host was killed by the first warden, and it was also imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Cell 059, the prisoner is a tooth.

This tooth has no name, but it will randomly appear in the position of someone's wisdom tooth and trigger a "wisdom tooth crisis", which will spread rapidly with the host as the center.

When enough people grow wisdom teeth under the influence of this tooth, a toothache that is enough to annihilate the soul will break out.

This tooth caused countless mass extinctions in the heavens and the worlds. Finally, it was discovered by a passing practitioner. After countless magical methods failed to destroy the tooth, the tooth was transferred to the Eternal Silence Prison Tower for imprisonment and sealing.

Cell 060, the prisoner is a fish bone that was eaten.

It seems to think it is still alive. No one knows why it can move with only fish bones left. It has no undead energy and no negative ghost influence, but it is indeed alive.

Under the influence of some mysterious power, it can penetrate everything and attack prey at will.

In many worlds without extraordinary power, this fish relies on the sharp teeth on the bones to bite creatures to death, causing countless deaths.

It was also discovered by a practitioner who likes to run around. When it was bitten to only a head, the support of the Scholar Foundation came and used a prop to control it.

Because it is immune to all physical and energy attacks, and is not affected by mental and soul attacks, it has no choice but to be imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Wuming walked through one cell after another and saw all kinds of weird prisoners. Some of them were known by Tianxing Mingyue, and some were known by the Scholars Foundation. After their explanation, everyone was shocked by these weird prisoners.

If there was no Eternal Silence Prison Tower, wouldn't the world be full of weird things?

Fortunately, as long as the Eternal Silence Prison Tower is repaired, these ghost things will never appear in the world, and will not appear in everyone's home.

"Mr. Tianxing, don't you think it's a bit strange?" Wuming said at this time.

Tianxing Mingyue asked in confusion: "What's strange?"

"Many of the cells before were broken, but here there are few cells that are broken, and those prisoners are all imprisoned in the cells well." Wuming said directly.

Tian Xing Ming Yue also reacted, he said solemnly: "Who is imprisoned in the cell where we rested before?"

The cell where they rested was the cell after the Stone Buddha Demon, and since the Stone Buddha Demon's cell, only that one was broken, and the rest were all intact.

It is hard not to suspect that the contrast here was caused by the prisoner.

"I have to ask you, how do we know." Shui Er couldn't help but complain.

Tian Xing Ming Yue was also stunned, a little embarrassed and said: "Sorry, I didn't pay attention to who the prisoner in the cell next to the Stone Buddha Demon was. This is troublesome. I feel that the reason why this place is like this is definitely because of the prisoner."

"Just now the dead beggar said that it is not good to walk in front, maybe he knows something." Wuming pondered at this time.

Tian Xing Ming Yue quickly stopped him and said: "Sir, you must not communicate with the dead beggar, it's too dangerous."

"I know, forget it, let's keep going forward. If there is really any problem in front, we will eventually encounter it." Wuming nodded and continued to speak.

He continued to move forward. Although there was pollution around, the degree of pollution was not particularly serious. He could easily surround the pollution with a white gun.

In the next two days, Wuming walked and stopped along the way, and saw various prisoners imprisoned in the cells. These prisoners may not know the situation of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. They all stayed in the cells honestly and had different reactions when they saw Wuming.

Some prisoners were particularly dangerous, so Wuming had to leave quickly. Some prisoners were immersed in their own world and were very numb to the outside world. They didn't care about Wuming and his passing at all.

When they walked to cell 166, the prisoner in the cell said: "The maintenance personnel are finally here. Can you let that guy go back to his nest quickly and stop wandering around?"

The prisoner who spoke was a half-dragon man. His head was a dragon's head, his body was a human's body, but he had a pair of purple wings on his back, and a weapon similar to a meteor hammer at the end of his tail.

"He is the tyrant Celtic. He was imprisoned here because he started a war and killed many lives in the world. He is a very evil war criminal. However, after he was defeated, he surrendered a lot of resources for his tribe. In the end, his death sentence was reduced to life imprisonment, so he was imprisoned here." Tian Xing Ming Yue said.

Wuming took a look at Celtic's level. He didn't expect that this guy was as high as 266!

Confirmed, there is an existence that cannot be defeated.

He took a deep breath and asked, "Who is the guy you are talking about?"

"A knight, he said there was a problem here, so he volunteered to help patrol, and he would deal with anyone who escaped." Celt said impatiently.

Wuming looked at Tianxing Mingyue, who was reminded by Celt and said, "I remember that there is indeed a knight in black armor in the cell next to the Stone Buddha Demon, but no one knows his origins, and he has been staying in the cell honestly and never moved, so we jailers didn't pay much attention to him."

The main reason is that there are too many similar prisoners, such as the witch queen Margaret, who is also motionless because of autism.

The jailers adhere to the principle of less trouble, and basically do not disturb these prisoners. It is normal that they can't remember these prisoners after a long time.

Just like passing by a small road frequently, who will remember an inconspicuous flower on the roadside?

Shui'er looked at Tianxing Mingyue with a look that I already knew, and said, "So you don't know its origin?"

"Uh... Sorry, I'm a failed jailer." Tianxing Mingyue said embarrassedly.

Wuming looked at Shui'er helplessly, and did not comfort Tianxing Mingyue. Instead, he looked at the screen. Lines of barrages floated across the screen at this time, revealing the origin of the knight to Wuming.

PS: Happy birthday to New China, and happy holidays to everyone!

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