I Contracted Myself

【569】Crazy Knight Iron Box

Even though the audience did not see the patrolling knight, it is not difficult to guess the identity of the knight.

After all, there are not many strong men in the world who can suppress the tyrant Celt, and among these strong men, the identity of the knight is even rarer.

After a little inventory, the range of those knights who are most likely to be imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower has been narrowed down again.

In the end, everyone locked the identity of the knight as the Mad Knight Iron Box.

Mad Knight is a nickname, and Iron Box is a name.

He is a mysterious knight from the abyss of the evil god. His true identity is a mystery. After coming out of the abyss of the evil god, he acts both good and evil, sometimes crazy and sometimes rational. No one can guess what he will do in the next second.

It is worth mentioning that Iron Box is very strong. He voluntarily entered the Eternal Silence Prison Tower because when he was crazy, he slaughtered all the creatures in thousands of worlds in one breath. When he regained his sanity, he realized that his hands were already stained with blood, and finally he surrendered.

"What if he suddenly goes crazy during the patrol?" Shui'er asked worriedly after learning the information about Iron Box.

Tyrant Celt sneered: "Do you think he is not crazy? He passed by me several times. The chaotic, crazy, and evil aura on his body is something that even I don't want to be stained with."

"Is he polluted!" Shui'er exclaimed immediately.

Wuming comforted: "Don't rush to draw conclusions. The iron box is a strong man who came out of the evil god abyss. I am afraid that it has already been eroded by the power of the evil god abyss. The pollution of the eternal silence space may not be higher than the erosion of the evil god abyss. The iron box may not be in trouble."

The evil god abyss is not a fake evil god pretended by practitioners such as the sacrificial god and the sweet potato god, but a real evil god. Everything inside the abyss is incomprehensible to common sense. The more rational you are, the easier it is to get lost in the depths of the abyss and eventually be swallowed by the abyss.

The fact that the iron box can come out of the evil god abyss is enough to prove its strength. The pollution of the eternal silence space may not have a worse effect on it.

"Okay, let's move on." Wuming thought for a while and said.

Tyrant Celt watched Wuming and the others leave, and slowly walked to the light curtain of the cell. This thin layer of golden light curtain had a spell that slowly moved, sealing most of his abilities and also preventing him from practicing the inner seeking method.

"It seems that there is a big problem here. Should I do something?" Celt said to himself.

Suddenly, a woman tied up with five hands appeared out of thin air, and then fell heavily in front of the cell.

She was covered with scars, and her mouth was stuffed with a bead. After landing, she opened her eyes painfully, and her pupils contracted when she saw Celt, and she made a terrified "woohoo" sound.

Celt looked down at the woman, who kept twisting her body like a caterpillar, but every twist of her scarred body made her extremely painful. Gradually, she burst into tears and lay on the ground exhausted and motionless.

At this time, Celt raised his hand and gently knocked on the light curtain in front of him. Several runes had defects under the knocking, either missing a glance or a vertical, and the light curtain immediately became weak.

He stretched out his hand and pulled the woman into the cell. The woman's eyes suddenly widened, and her body began to tremble because of fear.

"Don't move, otherwise I can't guarantee that you can survive." Celt said lightly.

The woman immediately did not dare to make any move, and could only watch Celt groping on her body. After a while, a note was taken out from her chest.

The content of this note was similar to the note received by the King of Split People, but the content about the formation was missing more.

"Haha, interesting, reverse transmission?" Celt laughed after reading the note.

He tapped the ground lightly, and instantly deduced and perfected the knowledge in the note.

Suddenly, he stood up and walked to the light curtain, gradually changing the runes in front of the light curtain through sound waves, and finally a formation gradually took shape in the light curtain.

"It is indeed feasible." Celt looked at the formation and said lightly.

The biggest difference between him and the King of Splitting People is that he has a complete set of inheritance, and through fighting all over the world, he has collected a lot of secrets that are not passed on, and has accumulated his own knowledge to an extremely profound level.

A tyrant does not mean being unlearned.

On the other hand, the King of Splitting People, part of his knowledge of formations comes from Zuo Xunqiu, and part of it is given by the Void Sky Demon King. His knowledge system is flawed.

Even if the formation information he obtained is more comprehensive than Celt, he cannot directly deduce a formation that is similar to the reverse teleportation formation like Celt.

"Do you need a kind soul?" Celt looked at the formation and said to himself.

As he spoke, his huge tail swept lightly, and the woman was immediately hit by the meteor hammer-like structure at the end of his tail. After a muffled sound, the woman was reduced to ashes, leaving no residue.


Celt slowly walked out of the cell, but he did not intend to cause trouble for Wuming.

He is not a stupid King of Splitting People, but an emperor whose schemes, methods, knowledge, and power are all ranked among the best in the world. How could he be used by a mere rat who hides his head and shows his tail?

Moreover, even if he kills Wuming and successfully escapes from prison with Wuming's soul, what will happen?

He is not an ordinary person. He will probably be wanted by countless organizations in the world as soon as he escapes from prison. They may even threaten him with his clansmen to surrender himself, otherwise the catastrophe of extermination is imminent.

Now the most correct thing for him to do should be to help Wuming. It would be best if he could play a key role in this operation and get a chance to reduce his sentence.

Of course, another advantage of doing this is that he can follow Wuming legitimately.

If things go wrong, he can still have a way out. After all, Wuming is right beside him, and he can advance or retreat at his own will.

On the other side, Wuming didn't know that Celtic was chasing him. He and Shui'er walked faster and faster, and finally rushed forward at high speed.

In the cells they passed, some prisoners stayed in the cells honestly, while some cells were broken and the prisoners were nowhere to be found.

While moving at full speed, Wuming also found some prisoners' bodies, which were broken into pieces by some huge force and scattered in various corners.

After these broken bodies were contaminated, some strange things grew out, which looked like plants and some limbs or organs.

For example, an arm grew out of a mass of black meat, and the arm was full of ears. These ears looked like fungus from a distance, but like leaves when seen closely.

There were also a large number of intestines entwined together, which looked like ferns.

There are also "vines" with a string of eyeballs hanging on them, and mammalian organs hanging on a bone...

Some limbs and organs are densely packed together, giving people goose bumps when they see them.

Wuming suspected that these prisoners were killed by the iron box, but he could not imagine what method the iron box used to kill these prisoners, so that the bodies of these prisoners could be scattered so far and so disorderly.

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