I Contracted Myself

【570】The aftermath of the fight

Normally, even if the enemy's body explodes under extremely fierce attack, the left foot will not appear on the right, the right hand will appear on the left, and then the limbs will be scattered in all directions.

Wuming simulated the scene of these corpses being attacked in his mind, and realized that unless the iron box instantly grew three heads and six arms, and after punching the enemy, it used other arms to frantically slap all kinds of broken meat back, otherwise it would be impossible to form such a scene.

"Wuming, we are almost at the cell of Anmenlong." Tianxing Mingyue suddenly reminded.

Wuming slowed down and frowned, "Could it be that the iron box was killed by Anmenlong?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Tianxing Mingyue said.

As the last prisoner on the first floor, Anmenlong's strength is extremely terrifying. If it is contaminated, Tianxing Mingyue dare not imagine how terrible it will be.

"Wait a minute!"

Wuming stopped suddenly, and Shui'er immediately "brake" in mid-air, and hurriedly grabbed Wuming's sleeve before stopping.

"Safety first, let's see if there is anything useful in the support materials." Wuming glanced at Shui'er apologetically and continued.

Gao Shanggong immediately sent a barrage of comments: "There is a pair of true vision eyes in the purple storage ring, which can be linked to your oracle stone. Just provide enough energy. It has functions such as invisibility and true vision. Although it will still be contaminated, it can at least last for more than an hour, which should be enough."

"Okay, let me see." Wuming nodded in response.

He took out the purple storage ring and quickly found two crystal-like eyes. Under the guidance of Gao Shanggong, he bound the two true vision eyes to the oracle stone, and then played the pictures seen by the true vision eyes in split-screen mode.

These pictures will be transmitted to the divine light screen synchronously, and everyone can see the true vision eyes and the situation on Wuming's side.

After understanding the operation method of the true vision eyes, Wuming immediately controlled the true vision eyes to move forward, and at the same time made both eyeballs enter the stealth state.

He controlled the two eyes of true vision to move forward, and when he passed a cell, the screen immediately focused on the prisoner.

It was a bald prisoner, he covered his ears with his hands, curled up in the corner of the cell, not only bleeding from all seven holes, but also his skin was full of cracks.

The prisoner's cell was not polluted. Wuming checked and asked: "Does anyone know the origin of this prisoner? Is he like this from the beginning, or... is there something wrong?"

Just like the King of Cracked People, the cracks on his body are natural.

Wuming is not sure whether the prisoner's current situation is normal or not.

A scholar from the Scholar Foundation posted a barrage: "He is Bald Qiang, a character in a funny world, who has the ability to kill any life form with one punch. One day he suddenly thought that the world might also be a life form, and finally punched the world to blow it up, and he himself went crazy."

"Then is his current state... normal?" Wuming asked.

The scholar from the Scholar Foundation replied: "Of course it's not normal. It should be affected by some kind of power. When you pass by later, stay away from him and don't let him touch you."

"Well, then keep looking forward."

Wuming nodded and controlled the Eye of True Vision to continue moving forward.

Suddenly, Wuming felt a strong force chasing him from behind. As soon as he turned around, Celt pressed his shoulders.

Celt said: "Don't be nervous, I... I'm here to help."

"Your best help is to stay in the cell!" Wuming frowned.

Shui'er hid behind Wuming in fear, looking at Celt with a worried look.

"Haha, this tower is now more dangerous than you know. This thing... have you seen it?" Celt smiled evilly and handed the note to Wuming.

Wuming took the note and squinted his eyes and said, "So that's how it is. This is indeed a big deal. No wonder the King of Splitting People suddenly backstabbed me!"

"Dear audience, there should be many people who know me, right? If I am willing to help this kid repair this tower, can I get a reduced sentence?" Celt ignored Wuming and looked at the screen of the Oracle Stone. The dragon face asked with a wicked smile.

Gao Shanggong sent a barrage: "Are you threatening us?"

"No, no, no, I really want to help, and this is known to the sun and the moon." Celt said with a smile.

Then he let go of the hand on Wuming's shoulder, touched his chin and said, "How about this, you can see my subsequent performance. If you think my efforts are worth a reduced sentence, then give me a chance, how about it?"

Gao Shanggong sent a barrage: "Then let's wait and see!"

The reason why the Scholars Foundation compromised is mainly because Celt is indeed powerful, but more importantly, Celt is not out of control.

Celt is a family man.

His people have always lived under the surveillance of the dragons. He can run away, but he can't.

In addition, Wuming really needs more help.

It's so difficult to walk on the first floor. I don't know what will happen if I continue to go up.

"Don't worry, I will behave well and strive for a reduction in sentence!" Celt got the answer and said with a smile.

Wuming said calmly: "Since we have agreed, I will also say something. Please don't act arbitrarily without my words, otherwise you go your way and I go mine!"

"No problem." Celt agreed.

Wuming said nothing more and concentrated on controlling the Eye of True Vision.

But suddenly the screen of the Eye of True Vision shook, and then a crack appeared in the screen.

"It should be shattered by some kind of force. There are probably two strong men fighting ahead, and the aftermath of the fight is spreading outward." Celt said lightly when he saw it.

Wuming really didn't see it. He frowned and said, "Iron box and secret door dragon?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Tianxing Mingyue said.

Shui'er worried, "What should we do? The Crazy Knight and the Secret Door Dragon are fighting. Wouldn't it be too dangerous for us to intervene?"

"My suggestion is to control the Eye of True Vision to move forward at full speed and record the video. After the Eye of True Vision is completely broken, we will analyze the captured images one by one." Celt is worthy of being an experienced strong man and immediately gave reliable advice.

Anyway, the Eye of True Vision is bound to be broken, so let it play a greater role before it breaks.

Wuming turned on the recording function, and then controlled the Eye of True Vision to move forward at the fastest speed. It only took ten seconds, and the picture suddenly went black, and the Eye of True Vision was completely scrapped.

He opened the recorded footage and began to analyze it frame by frame.

The footage captured by the True Eye was very clean at first, but gradually there was a lot of pollution around the passage. Further ahead, black lightning continued to spread around, and the picture was full of lightning.

Fortunately, these lightnings were all black and did not emit light, so some situations outside the lightning could be seen clearly.

A heavy sword fell in the corner of the passage, with cracks all over the sword body, and it can be seen from the continuous footage that it seemed to be vibrating violently.

The picture continued to move forward, and Wuming saw a burly knight.

The knight's armor was very special, thick, full of strange patterns, and there were raised holes on the shoulders, elbows, and heels. Several thick chains tied his back, so that his movements were all deformed.

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