I Contracted Myself

【572】Prison escapee dies

Kelt asked at this time: "Mr. Jailer, do you have a plan now?"

"Let's...see again!"

Wuming hesitated for a moment, then answered.

He gritted his teeth and continued to strengthen the Golden Crow Armor, then walked forward step by step. Celt smiled faintly, and then each dragon scale emitted a faint dark green light, and also followed Wuming's footsteps.

When they reached the end of the passage, a terrifying momentum suddenly rushed over.


Fine cracks suddenly appeared on the Golden Crow Armor on Wuming's body.

But these cracks were quickly repaired under the endless light element energy replenishment, and this cycle continued.

Celt, who came with him, was also hit. This kind of impact of facing the fight between two masters was not so easy to resist. He had to take a step back, and his huge tail hit the wall behind him, and then he stood firm.

They squinted their eyes and looked forward. The Iron Box and the Dark Door Dragon moved incredibly fast. In their eyes, it was like two balls of black matter colliding crazily. The aftermath alone emitted strong radiation and black lightning.

Wuming looked down at the ground. Only a little powder was left in the Eye of True Vision, and the broken sword next to it was even more shapeless.

He activated the camera eye in his mutant eyes and looked at the Iron Box and the Dark Door Dragon. Their movements had become frame-by-frame playback. The Iron Box was obviously at a disadvantage, and many damages appeared on the edge of the armor, while the Dark Door Dragon was unscathed.

"Can you tell? Is the Iron Box crazy?" He covered his mouth with his hand and asked loudly.

A black lightning escaped from the battle and hit the back of his hand covering his mouth. Suddenly, a feather of the Golden Crow God Armor exploded, but it quickly recovered with the supplement of light element energy.

Celt squinted his eyes and said, "It's impossible to judge."

At this time, the Iron Box and the Dark Door Dragon were fighting fiercely. Who could tell what state they were in? He judged that the Dark Door Dragon had gone crazy because its scales were abnormal.

But the iron box itself was seriously polluted by the evil god abyss, and it was polluted again in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. Except for the iron box itself, no one could know whether it was crazy or not.

"Then let's take a gamble. Get rid of the Dark Door Dragon first. If the iron box is completely crazy, then get rid of the iron box." Wuming said directly.

Just as Celtic was about to complain about Wuming's strength, he saw that Wuming's eyes exuded some indescribable aura.

Ancient Eye Cutting Freezing Light Technique!

In an instant, the Dark Door Dragon was split into two, and its body split in half.

A large amount of black blood spurted out from one side, and the iron box was the first to be hit, and was drenched in black blood.


Half of the Dark Door Dragon's body struggled frantically, and its flesh and blood squirmed like plasticine, as if it was going to give birth to the other half.

But at this time, Wuming used the Ancient Eye Cutting Freezing Light Technique on the Dark Door Dragon again, and the Dark Door Dragon, which had only half of its body left, was cut in half again.

Then Wuming took out a bunch of vitality bombs, and Titan hands appeared out of thin air, quickly throwing vitality bombs at Anmen Long.

If it was a pure strength contest, Wuming would undoubtedly not be Anmen Long's opponent.

But Wuming had a cheat.

He had the Ignoring Eyes that ignored attacks for defense, and the Ancient Eyes Cutting Eyes Freezing Light that ignored defense for attack. As long as someone held Anmen Long back, he still had a chance to kill him.

Of course, the premise was that Anmen Long was already crazy.

If Anmen Long was not crazy, it was estimated that before Wuming made a move, Anmen Long would have sensed the danger first, and would either give up attacking the iron box to kill him first, or dodge his lock with various abilities.

Under the coverage of a large number of vitality bombs, Anmen Long, who was still struggling, was gradually fixed into a plaster statue, half of his body was intact, and the other half was cut again, so now Anmen Long looked like a cut cake.

"You actually know the secret art of rules!" Celt said in a very complicated tone at this time.

He had seen the rules and secrets of Gaoshang Palace in his early years, and the unreasonable effect made him excited. Gaoshang Palace has always been open to those who want to learn the rules and secrets, but unfortunately he himself is useless and can't even learn the entry-level rules and secrets. Instead, he was mentally traumatized and had to recuperate for a long time.

After realizing that he had no talent, Celt gave up tactfully.

Wuming stared at the iron box that was still beating the dark door dragon, and said calmly: "It's just a fluke that I learned it, and now is not the time to talk about this. The iron box... I'm afraid it's crazy!"

"Then cut him." Celt suggested.

Wuming shook his head and said: "I'm not sure."

He dared to attack the dark door dragon because the dark door dragon was huge and the iron box was restraining it.

The size of the iron box is much smaller than that of the dark door dragon, and the fighting style of the iron box is very different from that of the dark door dragon. Even if it is crazy, the iron box will still dodge and avoid the various fatal attacks of the dark door dragon, while the dark door dragon does not dodge at all, and purely uses its powerful body to withstand the attacks of the iron box.

This means that once Wuming uses the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique on the iron box, it is very likely that the iron box will dodge it and then be counterattacked by the thunder of the iron box.

"The prison escaper will die!"

"The prison escaper will die! The prison escaper will die! The prison escaper will die! The prison escaper will die! The prison escaper will die!"

At this time, the iron box stopped attacking and slowly stood up. He raised his head and kept repeating the four words "The prison escaper will die", and gradually seemed to find himself again.

"He doesn't seem to be crazy anymore." Wuming said in surprise.

Celt's face changed slightly, and he said, "But I have a very bad premonition."

The next moment, Iron Box suddenly turned his head back, and a scarlet light emanated from his dark helmet. He growled "The prison escaper will die", and instantly appeared in front of Celt, punching Celt.

Celt immediately swung his tail, and the meteor hammer at the end of his tail collided with Iron Box's fist.


Wuming was blasted out by the aftermath on the spot, and rolled on the ground for dozens of meters before stopping.

And Celt hit the wall heavily, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the meteor hammer on his tail was already full of cracks.

"The prison escaper will die!"

Iron Box stared at Celt, said in a low voice, and then attacked again.

"Wait, I'm here to help..."

Seeing Iron Box's attack coming again, Celt immediately opened his mouth to explain, but before he finished speaking, Iron Box kicked him in the head.

He had no choice but to block on the right side with both hands, and his arms collided with the legs of the iron box, and his huge body flew sideways.

Wuming just got up from the ground and immediately pressed against the wall, and then watched Celt fly past him, and finally hit the wall at the other end heavily, and his hands were full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out.

"The jailbreaker will die!"

The iron box roared again, passed by Wuming at a very fast speed, and punched Celt's head.

This time, Celt finally reacted, rolled his body sideways to dodge, avoiding the fatal punch of the iron box, and the iron box punched the wall, and suddenly the surroundings shook violently, and a shock wave swept around.

Seeing this scene, Celt got up and ran without saying a word, and the iron box immediately followed.

"Mr. Tianxing, what do you think?"

Wuming pressed against the wall, and saw that Celt and the iron box had both run away, so he spoke.

Everything just happened too fast, from the iron box attacking Celt to the two sides chasing and fleeing, it only took a blink of an eye.

Tian Xing Ming Yue didn't expect the situation to develop like this.

He was silent for a moment and replied: "I don't know... or... let's go directly to the second floor?"

The secret door dragon that originally blocked the road has been solved. There are iron boxes patrolling this floor, so there shouldn't be any more trouble.

As for Celt...

They can only silently wish him good luck and don't be beaten to death by the iron box.

Wuming didn't trust Celt in the first place. Celt was chased by the iron box and was probably either beaten to death or went to the cell honestly. There shouldn't be a third ending.

"Then let's go to the second floor!" Wuming thought about it and agreed.

He walked forward quickly, and by the way, he repaired some minor cracks caused by the battle between the iron box and the secret door dragon. When he came to the secret door dragon's cell, there was indeed a huge crack in the cell.

After repairing the crack, he came to the portal leading to the second floor.

This door is somewhat similar to the Innocence Door. You need a jailer's bracelet to enter and exit. Wuming uses the jailer's bracelet to open the door and immediately enters the door...

PS: The reason why the iron box did not attack Wuming is because Wuming is wearing the jailer's bracelet.

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