I Contracted Myself

【573】Second floor

"Charge the dragon!"

"Tiger-strangling technique!"

"Hahaha, you've been fooled, Long Tengyun!"

In a fortress, several guards were playing games. They simulated various animals to compete with each other, and their use of energy was extremely exquisite.

It is said that an extremely evil monster is sealed under this fortress. Once the monster breaks the seal, it will cause a devastating blow to the world. Therefore, since hundreds of thousands of years ago, the guards have been stationed here generation after generation, silently guarding the seal.

"Dragon Elephant, remember not to embarrass our guards after you go out, and let those drunkards see that our guards are not eating for free." A bearded guard controlled the energy leopard to continuously attack a huge dragon elephant, and the dragon elephant controlled the nose to fight back.

The guard at the other end was very young. He said with a confident smile: "I know, the first place in the Great Saint Martial Arts must be mine."

"Hahaha, I like your confidence." The bearded man laughed immediately.

At this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded from below. The bearded man and the young man named Long Xiang were both stunned. The alarm that had not sounded for hundreds of thousands of years actually sounded!

"Not good, everyone be alert, the seal has changed!" The bearded man reacted, dispersed the energy, stood up and shouted.

Several guards got up from their chairs, took weapons, and put on armor.

Long Xiang stood up and said, "Captain, I'll go down and take a look."

"Don't be impulsive, Lao Chen, William, Xiao Ma, you come with me, Long Xiang, you wait here, don't mess around!" The bearded man said immediately.

Long Xiang refused and said, "I am still a member of the guard army, and I should fulfill my responsibilities as a guard. Please let me go with you!"

"You kid... okay, but don't be impulsive, you still have a bright future, don't waste it here." The bearded man said helplessly.

They guarded the genius that the guard army cultivated with great difficulty, and he would not let the genius die here even if he died.

After everyone was ready, the bearded man took the lead and headed for the underground of the fortress. Everyone followed him, and Long Xiang was protected in the middle. Everyone deliberately protected him.

When everyone went down to the underground floor, the seal was intact.

The bearded man breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, the seal was not broken."

"What is the use of this seal?" someone asked at this time. The bearded man replied, "Of course it is to resist those terrible monsters!"

"Oh, that's it."

Wuming nodded. It turned out to be used to resist monsters.

He entered the second floor and appeared at the bottom of the fortress, and there were seals all around. He found that many of his abilities could not be used.

Fortunately, his blind eyes and rule secrets can still be used.

In addition to the ancient cutting eye freezing light technique, he also knows the veil chaos trace technique. Through the veil chaos trace technique, he easily left the seal.

However... something is wrong with this second floor!


Something is wrong!

The bearded man also realized that something was wrong at this time.

He slowly moved his eyes away from the seal, and his heart began to beat violently. The person who just spoke to him was not his team member, and he had never heard that voice before!

In an instant, he turned around and jumped back, and at the same time pulled the knife out of the scabbard.

Only then did he realize that Long Xiang and others were all unconscious on the ground, and only he was still awake.

No wonder no one warned him, it turned out that he had been tricked.

The bearded man thought to himself, and at the same time said: "Who are you? What is your purpose in breaking into the Zhenshi Castle?"

"Mr. Tianxing, is there a Zhenshi Castle on the second floor?" Wuming asked curiously.

Tianxing Mingyue replied: "No, the structure of the second floor is actually not much different from the first floor. This is completely different from the second floor in my memory, and this person is definitely not a prisoner. I haven't seen him!"

"Of course I know he can't be a prisoner here, after all, his strength is so weak." Wuming glanced at the level above the bearded man's head and said lightly.

This bearded man is only level 50. Even if he can't use many abilities, he can still kill this bearded man with a breath.

The bearded man frowned and said, "What second floor, what prisoners? This is the Zhenshi Castle, you've come to the wrong place!"


Wuming looked at the bearded man suspiciously, and the bearded man looked at Wuming solemnly, both of them were full of questions.

At this time, the bearded man suddenly saw a hole in the ground not far behind Wuming, and his pupils shrank instantly, thinking to himself, "He is indeed a sealed monster, what second floor, what prisoners, it is indeed to confuse me!"

"Could it be that some prisoners simply spread their branches on the second floor? The way is a bit wild!" Wuming muttered softly at this time.

But even if there are prisoners giving birth to children on the second floor, and they have reproduced for who knows how many generations, what do they eat? Are there so many supplies?

At this time, more guards came over.

A middle-aged man wearing heavy armor and with strange tattoos on his face slowly walked down the stairs under the protection of the guards.

The bearded man immediately whispered when he saw the middle-aged man: "Captain, be careful, he is the underground evil demon."

"Something happened in the forbidden area a few days ago, and I guessed that this place might not be peaceful. Evil demon, are you going to surrender? Or are you going to die like that stupid cow?" The legion leader said indifferently.

Stupid cow?

Wuming raised his eyebrows slightly, and the first thing he thought of was the Barbarian King Emperor.

Since the Barbarian King Emperor's legs can grow out of his body, other parts can probably regenerate, so there is still a part of the Barbarian King Emperor that has fallen on the second floor?

Wuming thought for a moment, then took out the Oracle Stone.

He had put the Oracle Stone away because he was worried that the aftermath of the iron box and the secret door dragon would shatter it.

The situation on the second floor was beyond his expectation, so he needed to consult everyone's opinions.

The commander of the Guard Army narrowed his eyes. Because he did not feel any danger, he did not stop Wuming's actions.

"Hello everyone, I have now reached the second floor, but the changes on the second floor really caught me off guard. Let's take a look first!" Wuming said quickly after the live broadcast started.

After speaking, he turned the screen to the commander so that everyone could see the situation clearly.

While recording, he explained: "These people are not prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. I suspect they are children born to prisoners. The second floor may have been transformed by them into... a city or a residence suitable for ordinary people to live in."

Because he did not hide what he said, the guards frowned when they heard his words. The commander's face changed slightly. Just as he was about to order the arrest of Wuming, Wuming's next words made him pause.

"Whether their ancestors were guilty or not, I think the guilt should not be counted on these people, so I hope everyone can help me think of a way to deal with it properly." Wuming said seriously.

Scholars Foundation.

Gao Shanggong and other scholars were all stunned. This situation was indeed far different from what they expected.

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