I Contracted Myself

【574】Great Wilderness

According to legend, the world was destroyed bit by bit under the ravages of countless terrifying monsters.

At this time, ten powerful Saint Ancestors stood up and sacrificed themselves to suppress the six worlds in all directions, and finally stabilized the Central Plains Continent.

Later, this continent was named Dahuangtian by the Holy Ancestor, and the human race has lived here since then.

There are four castles in Dahuangtian that suppress the four directions respectively. Zhenshi Castle is one of them. It suppresses the Northern Demon Cave. It is said that once the seal of the Demon Cave is broken, countless terrifying monsters will come out of the Demon Cave and completely destroy the world.

The guards have been guarding Zhenshi Castle for generations, using their lives to defend the peace of this world.

Legion Commander Qian Changkong also believed in the stories passed down orally from generation to generation in Dahuang City.

But a few days ago, in order to stop the monsters that appeared in the forbidden area, he wavered.

The monster was extremely powerful, and its vitality was incredibly tenacious. Even if their legion commanders joined forces, it would be difficult for them to cause absolutely fatal damage to the monster.

In the end, they had to use the forbidden seal to suppress the monster in the forbidden land forever.

But what the monster said became a thorn in Qian Changkong's heart.


Is it really a prison?

"Nameless, without investigation, you have no right to speak. I'm afraid we don't have any good suggestions to give you for the time being!"

The barrage passed by on the screen. Wuming glanced at Gao Shang Palace's barrage and suddenly understood.

For a while, Gao Shang Palace and the others were unable to make a decision. After all, no one knew what the specific situation of the second level was.

However, Gao Shanggong's words also pointed out the direction, which is to investigate the situation on the second level!

Wuming looked at Qian Changkong and said, "Hello, I am Wuming, the temporary jailer of the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence. He is the official jailer Tianxing Mingyue. Due to some problems, I can only show myself in this posture for the time being."

"Okay, don't rush to get close to him yet. Hu Laoer, send someone to watch him. Once he leaves here, shoot him without mercy." Qian Changkong said with a cold face.

After saying that, he turned and left.

Wuming looked at Qian Changkong helplessly, and then said to the audience in the video: "It seems that we can only stay here for the time being."

That’s weird!

Wuming waited for a while, and after Qian Changkong left, he completed the replacement instantly. It just so happened that he only used one puppet to seal the Void Sky Demon King before, and now these puppets can work.

He used the puppet to switch with his real body, instantly entered the inside of a piece of dust, and then drove the dust away to the outside world. The average strength of Hu Lao'er and other guardsmen was only level 50, so they couldn't see through his actions at all. They all stared at the puppet stupidly, completely unaware that his true form had left.

The dust shell moved very quickly from the underground to the ground, and he left Zhenshi Castle directly from the window.

"My God, the second level has really become a small world." Tian Xing Mingyue looked at the moon in the sky and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Wuming looked at the surrounding woods and exclaimed: "Life always finds its own way out. This is a miracle."

"What kind of miracle?" Shui'er came out of the debris, yawned, and asked in a daze.

Wuming pointed outside and said with a smile, "Look around."

"Wow, we are out? Wuming, could it be that I have been sleeping for a long time and you have even repaired the Eternal Silence Prison Tower?" Shui'er was shocked at first, and then asked with some suspicion.

Wuming smiled and said: "It would be great if it was really repaired, but it's a pity that this is the second floor."

"Second floor!!!"

Shui'er's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

Then she looked at Wuming suspiciously and asked, "Wuming, am I not dreaming?"

"It's really the second level, but the situation on the second level is much more complicated than expected." Wuming couldn't help but laugh or cry.

To be honest, he originally thought that there was no difference between the second floor and the first floor, except that the prisoners were more dangerous and the repairs were more difficult.

Who knew that the second floor had become a small world, and the prisoners had given birth to a lot of children, and they didn't know how many generations they had.

Wuming told Shui'er about the situation on the second floor. After hearing this, Shui'er said angrily: "Their parents are so irresponsible. It's so pitiful that they can only be trapped here for the rest of their lives."

"Actually, I think it's okay." Tian Xing Mingyue couldn't help but say.

Shui'er put her hands on her hips and said, "That's not good."

"Shui'er, do you know? We jailers are actually similar to them. We have to stay in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence every day to perform official duties. We can only go out to play for a few days throughout the year. If you are not lucky, look at me now..." Tianxing Mingyue said.

Wuming also remembered the past and said with a smile: "I used to be quite a homebody. In fact, if I can stay in a place I am familiar with, there is really nothing wrong with it."

At this time, Wuming controlled the dust shell to fly to high altitude, overlooking the ground from high altitude.

The woods on the ground are lush and green, and there are many animals walking through the woods. There are villages further away, and the roads in the villages wind all the way to the other end of the mountain.

The dust shell continued to rise, and a city under the mountain appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The city was not small in size. It was still brightly lit even at night, and several places were very lively.

"Let's go over and take a look!" Wuming said with a smile.

Those watching the live broadcast are also very curious about what is going on in this city built in the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence.

A few minutes later, the dust shell flew past the village, and some old people could be seen sitting in a small square practicing. Shui'er asked curiously: "Is there enough energy here for them to practice?"

"Maybe a cycle has formed." Wuming said lightly when he saw the grave in the distance.

Assuming that there are really strong people in the second layer who sacrifice themselves to maintain the stability of the second layer, if they leak a little power, it is actually enough for many ordinary people to practice.

There are some practitioners with a spirit of sacrifice in the heavens and the worlds.

When these practitioners realize that their end is coming, they will go to the world without demons to wait for death. When they die, the power of their bodies will radiate outward, and eventually turn the world without extraordinary power into an extraordinary world.

In the eyes of many practitioners, this is a great merit, and there are indeed people who rely on this method of self-sacrifice to live a second life, and even step into a realm that they could not enter before.

"To be honest, I still feel it is too dreamy. Most of the prisoners in the Yongji Prison Tower are extremely vicious. Will they really sacrifice themselves honestly? I always feel that there is something fishy." Tian Xing Mingyue doubted.

Wuming chuckled and said, "Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's see the situation first. Besides, the first floor is so polluted. Is this floor really not polluted at all? I think it's impossible."

If it weren't for those innocent people who made him afraid to act rashly, he actually had a very simple solution, which was to make a big fuss and seal everything with the essence of the Life-Sheng Stone.

No matter whether they were loyal or evil, they were all fixed with the essence of the Life-Sheng Stone.

His mission was to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower. As for the aftermath, that was something that the Scholar Foundation and the Warden needed to consider.

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