I Contracted Myself

【575】Qingqiu Bright Moon

Dahuang City, Huangsheng Academy.

Wuming appeared silently in the grove of trees in the academy, and then looked not far away.

This academy is very special, with only three dormitories and a teaching building, but the students do not have classes in the teaching building, but in the woods around the teaching building.

There are circular squares in the woods, and the students are in a circle. The teacher sits in the middle of the circle and teaches in an orderly manner.

Wuming sits behind a tree, leans against the tree and closes his eyes, and his attention shifts to one of the squares. Gradually, the teacher's voice enters his ears.

"The Huangsheng Asking for the Way is the foundation of all our practice. Dear students, now follow the teacher to close your eyes, keep your mind focused, practice deep knowledge, and abandon the five aggregates..." The teacher's voice is neither slow nor fast, like a gurgling stream, washing the hearts of every student and enlightening the wisdom of every student.

Wuming also slowly enters the state of keeping his mind focused with the sound, and experiences the practice method of the Huangsheng Asking for the Way.

Finally, the get out of class is over.

The teacher got up and left, and the students were still immersed in their practice, as if they were integrated into nature, quiet and silent.

"So it's the inner seeking method." Wuming opened his eyes and said softly.

Most people in the second layer practice the inner seeking method, which also explains the problem of resources very well.

The inner seeking method emphasizes digging out power from the heart and does not require any external supply. In the practice world, few people will practice the inner seeking method, because the inner seeking method has high requirements for the mind, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to get started.

But the second layer is short of resources, there is no spiritual energy or magic power, and even elemental energy is almost non-existent.

In this case, people can only practice the inner seeking method and dig out power from their own hearts.

"Master jailer, my Great Wasteland City is not bad, right?"

At this time, Wuming poked his head out from behind the big tree he was sitting cross-legged against, and said in a tone that was almost like a spoiled child.

Wuming instantly appeared three meters away, and he looked at the woman who came out from behind the tree.

Without waiting for him to speak, Tian Xing Ming Yue was shocked and said, "It's you, Daji!"

"Don't call me Daji, I don't want this unlucky name. Now I'm... Qingqiu Mingyue." The woman frowned and said slowly.

Tian Xing Ming Yue snorted coldly and said, "Daji, you escaped from prison privately, didn't you think about the consequences? And your Great Wasteland City? Everything here is your fault?"

"I'm just saving myself, Mr. Jailer... Your voice is so familiar, but this Mr. Jailer is a new face. Has the first floor been repaired?" The woman yawned and asked casually.

Tian Xing Ming Yue said coldly, "Don't worry about it. Wanjie will not let the Yongji Prison Tower have any accidents. Now you'd better turn yourself in honestly and explain everything clearly."

"It turned out to be you, I remember, Tian Xing Ming Yue, right, how did you turn into a stone?" The woman suddenly laughed at this time.

Tian Xing Ming Yue snorted coldly and threatened: "I advise you not to resist stubbornly, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

"I'm so scared!"

The woman patted her chest, and then suddenly appeared beside Wu Ming, with a hand on Wu Ming's shoulder.

She looked at the screen of the oracle stone and greeted with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am Qingqiu Ming Yue, please take care of me in the future, I love you."

"Miss, there is a divine light curtain behind the screen, your fox charm technique may not work." Wu Ming said with a smile at this time.

Tian Xing Ming Yue reminded: "Wuming, don't believe anything she said. She has deceived thousands of worlds, set off hundreds of cross-world wars, and indirectly killed trillions of lives. Her nickname back then was Devil. Socialite."

"Hey, what Devil. Socialite, this nickname is so ugly, and it's not my fault. Putting aside the facts, are they not at all wrong? It's not me who asked them to fight." Daji crossed her chest and said aggrievedly.

Wuming felt his fist harden.

"I'm not here to argue with you about right or wrong. You'd better quickly explain what happened in Dahuang City, otherwise you will be doomed to die." Tianxing Mingyue threatened again.

Before, when facing other prisoners, Tianxing Mingyue was silent, at most introducing the origins of those prisoners or reminding him to be careful.

Even when cooperating with Celtic, Tianxing Mingyue did not show much hostility.

But this time, Tianxing Mingyue was unexpectedly tough and spoke in an extremely tough manner.

Wuming glanced at Daji and instantly realized that this might be the most correct way to deal with Daji. Tianxing Mingyue was conveying a message to him.

Only by using power to suppress others.

Only by using the power behind to intimidate Daji can Daji be obediently submitted.

After Wuming understood the message that Tian Xing Ming Yue wanted to convey, he said, "Da Ji, do you know who are the viewers behind the live broadcast? The Real Gold League, the Goddess of Fortune, the Celestial Saint Sect, the Shushan Sword Sect, the Bull God Tribe, the Tianyun Dynasty, the Goddess Sect, the White Witch Academy, the Tianji Pavilion, the Yuelai Inn, the Dragon Clan Foundation, the Phoenix Blood League, the Great Saint Sect... The top leaders of each force are watching you. If I were you, I would cooperate well and try to make amends for my crime instead of flirting here and playing all kinds of useless tricks."

"Basically, all the forces in the heavens and the worlds are watching you. The Eternal Silence Prison Tower must be repaired. It will be repaired if you cooperate, and it will be repaired if you don't cooperate. Every decision you make will affect your future!" Tian Xingmingyue saw that Wuming finally understood his hint, and immediately cooperated and threatened.

Daji put away the smile on her face. Her eyes were originally filled with a faint pink love, and this pink love quickly faded.

In a blink of an eye, her whole temperament changed completely.

If she was like a coquettish foxy girl just now, then now she is like a cold and arrogant fairy.

The transition between these two temperaments is so natural that people can't tell which one is the real her.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Daji slowly walked from Wuming's right hand to his left hand, and her eyes fell on the Shengsheng Stone where Tian Xingmingyue was parasitic.

She said indifferently: "This is my home court. What I hate most is... idiots who dare to threaten me!!!"

Not good!

Obviously Tian Xingmingyue has done something wrong.

Wuming retreated instantly, but the next second he felt the whole world become extremely heavy. Just as the Sky Demon Bug was about to take off, it was pressed on his head. Dense chains appeared in the sky. These chains quickly contracted and finally fell on him, tightly tying him and the Sky Demon Bug.

At this moment, his body could not move, and even his thoughts were frozen.

"Daji, do you want to die?" Tian Xingmingyue said in shock and anger.

Obviously, the predecessors taught him this way in the past. To deal with the second-level Daji, you must be tough and speak with an upright momentum.

Facts have also proved that occasionally Daji makes trouble, as long as you intimidate and scold loudly, Daji will obediently surrender.

But now Daji's attitude is completely opposite. Not only did she not surrender, but she took action.

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