I Contracted Myself

【576】The truth of the Great Wilderness

Daji slowly walked up to Wuming, looked at the living stone parasitized by Tianxing Mingyue, and said coldly: "I told you, my name is Qingqiu... Mingyue!"

After saying that, she waved her hand, and the living stone parasitized by Tianxing Mingyue immediately flew out of the city, and finally hit the ground heavily. The surrounding soil flew quickly, and the living stone was buried underground in the blink of an eye.

"Everyone behind the camera, the pawn you sent failed. Remember to send someone who can talk next time." Qingqiu Mingyue looked at the screen of the oracle stone and said calmly.

Then she held the oracle stone with one hand and crushed it into pieces.

"Bad villain, you are not allowed to hurt Wuming!" Shui'er stood in front of Wuming and glared at Qingqiu Mingyue angrily.

Qingqiu Mingyue raised her hand and lightly swept towards Shui'er. If this blow really landed on Shui'er, Shui'er would definitely be scattered instantly.

But at this moment, the puppet that had been lying behind Wuming suddenly moved.

As soon as she moved, the chains that originally bound Wuming became loose, and Wuming's consciousness was revived. Qingqiu Mingyue glanced at Wuming, and immediately turned her hand to pinch and press against Wuming's chest.

But Wuming had already closed his eyes at this time, and the Eye of Ignorance was activated in an instant. All the chains passed through his body, as if he was being eaten. A large part of the chains was missing and became fragmented.

Qingqiu Mingyue stopped decisively the moment Wuming closed his eyes, and then touched the ground with his toes, and his body floated back. The demon insect above Wuming's head suddenly revived, and its tail kept thrusting out, but all attacks failed.

"Wu Ming, are you okay?" Shui'er asked in surprise.

Wuming shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just accidentally hit her."

The chain just now has no lethality and is completely integrated with the second layer. It is like the wind and the moonlight emitted by the bright moon hanging in the sky.

It was precisely because it was so natural and so fast that Wuming failed to guard against the chain's sneak attack.

"Are you sure you want to be my enemy?" Qingqiu Mingyue asked faintly when she saw that she couldn't defeat Wuming.

A gust of wind blows, bringing with it the laughter of children, the shouts of vendors, the voices of mothers coaxing their children, and the voices of men courting...

This is the real threat.

Once a war breaks out, the people living in Dahuang City are likely to be affected.

Wuming frowned and said: "So, these ordinary people have been your hostages from the beginning."

"Don't say it so harshly, I love them very much. If you didn't show up, they would have lived a good life!" Daji suddenly changed her temperament and said with a smile.

Wuming looked at Daji with his eyes, which became very sharp, as if a knife was about to shoot out from his pupils.

"If I die, the entire wilderness will collapse, the power of the forbidden land will leak out, and many people will die." Daji said quietly.

Then she came to Wuming's side, hugged Wuming's right hand with both hands, raised her head with a proud smile on her pretty face, and asked: "Can we talk calmly now?"

The attack from the Demonic Insect just now made her smell the breath of death. If Wuming kept his eyes closed tightly, her attack would not be able to hurt Wuming at all, and she would definitely lose in the end.

Because of this, she gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

Wuming closed his eyes and said after a moment of silence: "Then let's talk!"

"This is not the place to talk. Come with me." Daji took Wuming's hand and said with a smile.

If you don't know the details, the two of them look like a couple now, and Daji holding Wuming's hand looks more like coquettishness.

Fortunately, there was no pollution in Dahuang City. Even if Wuming closed his eyes, he could use his spiritual power to replace his eyes. He closed his eyes and let Daji pull him away. After leaving the campus, they walked through the residential houses and came to a small house on the edge of the city.

"Aren't you the city lord?" Wuming asked.

Daji asked curiously: "Why do you think so? This is a human city, and nature should be controlled by humans themselves. I just want to live happily in the city."

"I don't know who said just now, 'Lord Jailor, isn't my Great Desert City pretty good?', hum!" Shui'er crossed her arms and imitated Daji's tone.

Daji ignored Shui'er's words, opened the door of the hut, and said with a smile: "Sir, come in!"

The furnishings in this cabin are very simple and can be described as clear at a glance.

Wuming found it hard to believe that Daji lived in such a simple wooden house, because it was completely inconsistent with Daji's character. She should have lived in a splendid palace and lived a luxurious life.

At this time, Daji entered the room, her temperament changed again, giving people the air of an ascetic monk.

She sat on the bed, waited for Wuming to come in, and said, "Please sit down."

"There are no chairs, how can we sit?" Shui'er looked around the hut and complained.

Wuming took out a comfortable chair from the storage ring and sat down. He looked at Daji without making a sound. Shui'er immediately sat on Wuming's shoulders, folding his arms and also remained silent.

"Do you feel it?" Qingqiu Mingyue said.

Wuming nodded and said, "It's indeed very powerful. If you hadn't brought me here, I wouldn't have been able to see through the mystery of the wilderness."

"What secret?" Shui'er asked in surprise.

She felt nothing.

Wuming closed his eyes, and in the next moment his mental power spread, and at the same time he also gave out a little water.

The mental power touches the floor downwards, and then it is moved quickly by another force like riding a high-speed train.

It felt like the entire city's veins were clearly displayed in front of them. The demons and monsters under the earth, as well as various strange life forms, were all balanced against each other under the effect of the formation.

Their power flowed along the formation, forming a protective shield around them that was enough to block pollution, and at the same time, it infinitely widened the continent.

"It turns out that there are only dozens of cells here!" Shui'er said in shock.

The small dozens of cells were actually widened into a continent, with tens of millions of lives living there.

These dozens of cells are the land on which these lives depend for survival. Outside the cells is the so-called life restricted area. Once you go out, you will be in danger of being polluted.

The huge bull head of the Barbarian King was nailed to death by a "human head nail" at the junction of the forbidden area and the continent. Many guards were guarding the entrance to the forbidden area with weapons in hand.

The original "forbidden area" should be the weak point of the formation. Because of the attack of the Barbarian King, a large gap has now appeared. Several formation masters are trying to repair it.

"I can help you repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, but I have a request. The Great Wilderness must be preserved, and I will stay in the Great Wilderness honestly!" Qingqiu Mingyue put forward the conditions at this time.

Shui'er complained: "Living here is not like being in prison at all, you are just dreaming."

"I am afraid I can't make the decision on this, but the one who can make the decision... you see... the oracle stone used for communication was crushed by you. They may be making the worst plan now. If they send a stronger person than me, you may have no room for negotiation." Wuming shrugged, showing helplessness.

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