I Contracted Myself

【577】Take a break

In fact, Wuming didn't care where the guy with a split personality in front of him was in jail.

As long as the Eternal Silence Prison Tower can be repaired smoothly, everything is easy to say. The problem is that he cannot make the decision on this matter. He is not the warden and cannot make decisions for others.

As for lying and cheating, he didn't even bother to do that.

"Is there no backup?" Qingqiu Mingyue frowned, realizing that she shouldn't crush the oracle stone.

Wuming shook his head and said: "It's a pity...it really doesn't happen, so there are only two possibilities for the next step. One is that everyone has no choice but to let the Eternal Silence Prison Tower fend for itself. The result is probably the Eternal Silence Prison Tower." .Crash and everyone dies.

Another possibility is that they will send a stronger one, and you still have no room to negotiate terms. "

"How is that possible? Don't you have the best conditions?" After listening to Wuming's words, Qingqiu Mingyue suddenly said that one eye was still cold, but a pink love appeared in the other eye, and her tone was overlapping.

Maybe the new strong man is decisive in killing and doesn't care about the ordinary people in the wilderness, but Wuming does, and that's enough.

"Okay, I'm tired, you... can go." Qingqiu Mingyue lay on the bed, her eyes gradually turning pink.

Wuming stood up and asked, "What if I also side with him?"

"You can't." Daji smiled confidently.

Wuming turned and left. Daji sat up from the bed and looked at Wuming through the window. Suddenly a cold voice sounded from the bottom of her heart: "Do you really think he would care about the people in Dahuang?"

"He can!" Daji said with a smile.

Her other abilities are not strong, and her fighting power is far inferior to Qingqiu Mingyue, but her ability to see people surpasses 99% of intelligent beings.

In just half an hour of contact with Wuming, she concluded that Wuming would not ignore the creatures in the wilderness.

Taking the creatures of the wilderness as hostages, Wuming will inevitably submit.

Dark clouds obscure the moonlight.

Wuming frowned and walked out of the city. Shui'er sat on his shoulder and said angrily: "It's so irritating."

Then she looked at Wuming and said, "Wuming, you can't be used by her."

"Yeah, okay." Wuming nodded with a smile.

He recalled the formation he had just viewed in his mind. The formation was very complex and far exceeded all the formations he had seen before. And at the very center of the formation, there was a huge cyan nine-tailed fox covered in chains.

That was probably Daji's true body, and the Daji he saw now might be a clone.

However, this clone is a bit special, and its strength may exceed that of the main body.

Wuming can be sure that Daji must be practicing a very special inner-seeking method, which is why she has a split personality. The split personality was extremely powerful. If he didn't use the Eye of Ignorance and the Ancient Eye Cutting and Freezing Light Technique, he probably wouldn't be able to defeat Qingqiu Mingyue.

"Since Daji has a clone, are there other prisoners?" Wuming's thoughts gradually dispersed, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

Ten minutes later, he arrived outside the city.

Recalling the trajectory of the flying stone, he found the location where Tianxing Mingyue was buried. With a thought, the soil flew up and in the blink of an eye he dug out Tianxing Mingyue buried hundreds of meters underground.

"Wu Ming, that's great, I thought something happened to you." Tian Xing Mingyue said in surprise when she saw Wu Ming.

Wuming smiled slightly and said, "It was just a fluke. If the puppet behind him hadn't moved, I might have been in trouble."

He didn't know why the puppet behind him suddenly moved, but he had to admit that there was no danger with the puppet so far, but it helped a lot.

"What about the witch? Did you kill her?" Tianxing Mingyue then asked.

Wuming shook his head and said, "No, things are a bit complicated. Let's talk as we go."

He then walked back, recounting the confrontation between himself and Daji as he walked, and Shui'er also interrupted from time to time to express her own opinions.

After they finished speaking, Tianxing Mingyue said pessimistically: "It is impossible for a strong person to come to support. If there were...he should have come tens of thousands of years ago."

In the past, he had also placed his hope that someone would discover the situation of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower and then send experts to support it. But as time gradually passed, he gradually became desperate, and later he was completely waiting to die.

Although Wuming saved him, he knew very well that Wuming only came to the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence by mistake.

Serious rescue is impossible!

Wuming comforted: "Don't be so pessimistic. Maybe it wouldn't happen before, but it may not happen now. After all, everyone has seen the situation of the Everlasting Silence Prison Tower, and also understood the danger of the collapse of the Everlasting Silence Prison Tower. Maybe they It’s not certain that experts will be sent to support us.”

"That's right, don't be so pessimistic, Mr. Useless Jailer." Shui'er nodded repeatedly.

Tian Xing Mingyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm so useless, I'm really sorry."

Back in the city, Wuming took out a piece of gold. With a thought, the gold turned into the currency of Dahuang City.

He entered an inn and took a room to stay.

There are many villages outside Dahuang City. These villages are dotted around Dahuang City and grow various crops.

Therefore, villagers occasionally come into the city to sell grain and buy supplies. Therefore, there are inns in Dahuang City, but there are only four inns in the southeast, northwest, and they usually entertain regular customers.

Wuming was a new face, so if he hadn't spent a little more money, the shopkeeper might not be willing to receive him.

After entering the room, Wuming first took a comfortable hot bath, and then changed into a new set of clothes. He sat cross-legged on the bed, his mental power enveloped the entire city, quietly reading all the secrets of the city.

Not everyone can practice in Dahuang City.

The difficulty of practicing the inner seeking method is very high, and most people can't even get started, so there are actually many ordinary people.

It's just that the life span of practitioners is very long, while the life span of ordinary people is only a few decades. After tens of thousands of years of accumulation, the number of practitioners is more than that of ordinary people.

In fact, with Wuming's mental power, he can completely cover the entire Dahuang. The problem is that the formation that maintains Dahuang suppresses him. Many of his abilities cannot be used, and his mental power is also suppressed by most of the time. Now he can only barely cover Dahuang City, and it is difficult to extend it outward.

This formation that maintains Dahuang is very magical. It seems to have some blessing for specific inner seeking methods, but it is repellent to other methods.

Only those who practice specific inner seeking methods can be like fish in water in the formation, while practitioners like Wuming who practice other systems are like walking in a swamp with difficulty.

This is also the reason why he was slow to react when Qingqiu Mingyue controlled him with chains.

There are many places in Dahuang City that have arrays to block spiritual power from prying eyes. Even if Wuming's spiritual power covers the entire city, he cannot detect the situation in those areas.

After carefully observing the periphery of these areas with his spiritual power, he suspected that those areas might be hiding the clones of other prisoners. If there is a chance, he must explore these areas.

At present, he doesn't know what to do next. He can't really ignore these innocent lives and perish with Daji.

Before thinking of a proper solution, all he can do is to collect as much information as possible.

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